A Brain Implant That Turns Your Thoughts Into Text
あなたがもし何かアクシデントがあって、言葉が話せなくなったとしたら?これは誰でも同じ経験をする可能性があります。私たちはどんな状態であっても、誰でも自分の気持ちを相手に伝えたいに違いありません。脳梗塞や認知症やうつ病といった病気でこの手術をしなかったとしても、私たちが感じたことをすぐに相手に伝えられるとしたら?私たちはお互いを尊重し敬い愛し合うことが必要です。 What if you had an accident and could no longer speak? This could be the same experience for anyone. No matter what condition we are in, we all must want to communicate our feelings to others. Even if we did not have this surgery due to illnesses like stroke, dementia or depression, what if we could immediately tell the other person how we feel? We need to respect and honor and love one another.
A Brain Implant That Turns Your Thoughts Into Text | Tom Oxley | TED
What if you could control digital devices using just the power of thought?
The incredible promise behind the Stentrode is an implantable brain-computer interface that collects and wirelessly transmits information directly from the brain without opening surgery.
Neurotech entrepreneur Tom Oxley describes the intricacies of this breakthrough technology, which is currently enrolling participants in human trials, and how it could help restore dignity to those with disabilities -- and transform the future of communication.
A few months ago, I surrendered the password to my Twitter account to let a person with paralysis tweet out their thoughts.
But I mean that literally.
Philip O'Keefe can't use his fingers to type like you or me, but thanks to a tiny brain implant, he could send the following tweets.
"Hello, world! Short tweet. Monumental progress."
"No need for keystrokes or voices. I created this tweet just by thinking about it."
"I hope that I pave the way for people to be able to tweet through thoughts. Phil."
Now you might be thinking there are some people out there who should not be allowed to tweet directly from their brains.
I agree.
But for people with paralysis and disability, this technology can be life-changing.
I'm very excited to introduce you to Philip and Rodney.
They both have a neurodegenerative disease called ALS, which means they can't move their hands or speak clearly, but they can now text thanks to a brain-computer interface or BCI.
There were Philip's brain signals up on the screen.
They're connected to their computers via Bluetooth.
The device is fully internalized and invisible to the outside world,
and they learn to control the keyboard with clicks directly coming from their brain.
Now BCIs conjure up science fiction images like "The Matrix" with a cable jacked up into your brain through a hole in your skull.
But I'm here to show you that the future can be much more elegant.
So we got this group chat going, which I thought was a great idea until they started roasting me about the TED Talk, which they found hilarious.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys, bloody Australians.
Now you can see it's still relatively slow for them to type this way,
but this is like dial-up speeds at the beginning of the Internet.
It is a new Moore's Law.
We're just getting started.
That's Philip.
For decades, this has been the dream of patients and caregivers, doctors and scientists, and for a good reason.
You may know someone who's lost the ability to use their hands, maybe from a stroke, spinal cord injury, or multiple sclerosis or paralysis.
It comes in all shapes and sizes, from minor inconvenience to life-threatening.
During my neurology residency, I cared for a man in his 40s.
He had a stroke and developed lock-in syndrome.
He meant he couldn't move his body, except his eyes or right.
His brain still worked like yours.
He could see, hear, think, and feel just like usual, but he couldn't move or speak ever again.
And in what were horrific circumstances, we supported his wish to be taken off life support.
And so I've been wondering ever since was there not anything else that could have been done?
Connection is a fundamental human need.
So many of our patients have lost the ability to speak, let alone type, for years, and they so desperately want to reconnect with their family, with their loved ones.
Do you know what the main request we get is?
Text messaging.
And then email.
Control over their smartphone.
And shock horror, social media.
We've been speaking so much lately about the flaws of these technologies, but for people with paralysis, this is a return to life.
BCIs make all of this possible.
Some of the problems have been that BCIs typically require invasive surgery.
It is the Utah Array.
It is designed similarly to all other BCIs currently under development, which requires drilling needles directly into the brain.
It has been the basis of critical fundamental research over the last 20 years and the early proof that this technology can perform.
But for patients, it means open-brain surgery, which involves cutting through the skull with a saw.
And there are only about 150 functional neurosurgeons in the US that can perform this procedure.
Apart from the fact that recovery is tricky, the brain doesn't like having needles.
It develops this foreign-body tissue rejection immune reaction over time.
So I've been wondering, is there any other way into the brain?
And there is a secret back door.
The blood vessels are the natural highways to the brain.
There are hollow tubes that connect every corner of the brain.
The most prominent vein is next to the top's motor cortex.
The same part of the brain that we want to connect to restore control to the outside world.
How the call is that?
Now we already know how to travel through the blood vessels.
We've been doing it for 40 years, mostly going to the heart.
If anyone here today has had a heart attack, there's a pretty good chance you've had a stent.
A stent is a metal scaffold delivered through a catheter, which opens up like a flower into the blood vessel.
Millions of stents are delivered each year, not in the OR but the cath lab or catheter laboratory,
It's now common in the cath lab to navigate up into the brain through the blood vessels.
And 2,500 physicians can now navigate their way up into the brain.
But what's fantastic about this is that for BCIs, we already know that devices can be left inside a blood vessel, cells grow over it,
incorporate it into the wall like a tattoo under the skin,
and we're protected from that immune reaction.
It is part of why our team became the first to receive a green light from the FDA to conduct clinical trials of a permanently implanted BCI.
So what we had to do was figure out a way to put a sensor connected to these crosslinks of the stent that could record that brain activity.
To do that, we had to do a complete overhaul of stent manufacturing.
It is the result.
I think it's beautiful.
Then connect it to a cable which brings the information out of the brain
and do it all to be delivered in the cath lab.
This way, we can make BCI accessible not to the thousands of people,
but to the millions of people who need this technology.
So it wasn't easy, it took us ten years, but I'm very excited to show you guys,
We called this "the Stentrobe."
Incredible human suffering from ALS, Graham Felstead became the first person to receive and use one of these brain-computer interfaces.
And he has very generously offered you, the world, a chance to see what it looks like inside this brain.
Would you like to see it? - Yes!
Seeing this video for the first time was one of the most incredible moments.
I was standing in the cath lab, Dr. Peter Mitchell had just completed the surgery, and you could see the device, the outline of the device, sitting inside the blood vessel there.
So this popped up on the screen, and it felt like we were witnessing something new in the world.
I had tingles down my spine. I've got them now thinking about it again.
I turned to my colleague Pete, and I said something poetic and profound like,
"Pete, holy shit!"
And then, hours later, something even more amazing happened.
Graham woke up, and he asked, "Am I alive?"
And our nurse Kristine broke out in tears of relief.
It was a phenomenal moment.
Once it's in place, it's connected to this tiny antenna that sits under the skin of the chest.
It collects the raw brain data and sends it out of the body wirelessly to connect with external devices.
It's always on and ready to go.
Kind of like how your brain is meant to work.
So here's how it works.
Our engineers work with our patients to decode specific movements.
So we tell the patient, "Press down your foot."
So they'll repeatedly press down their foot.
You won't see the foot moving because they're paralyzed, but we've determined which brain signals are generally linked to "Press down your foot."
The black dotted line is the moment of pressing down the foot, and you can see the brain signal is different before to after, which means we can turn that into a switch.
Now we repeat this for several different types of movements,
say, open/close your hand or pincer-grip your finger.
That may not seem like much, but these become the building blocks for every interaction on a digital device needed for control.
Converted to click, up, down, left, right, menu, back, etc.
But what's fantastic is that this process, our brain signals, is universal to some degree.
So the brain signal for "Press down your foot." for me is the same as it is for you.
It means that we're creating a dictionary of the brain across all humans.
It is going to make BCI genuinely scalable.
As Philip once said to me,
"It's kind of like learning how to ride a bike.
It takes a bit of practice, but once you're rolling, it becomes natural.
Now I look on the screen where I want to click, and I'm texting, messaging the world via Twitter."
But Graham said that as his ALS was progressing, it gave him immense comfort to know that even if his body were failing, he would always be able to tell his wife that he loved her.
In the future, I'm excited about the breakthroughs BCI could deliver to other conditions like epilepsy, depression, and dementia.
But beyond that, what is this going to mean for humanity?
What's got me thinking is the future of communication.
Take emotion.
Have you ever considered how hard it is to express how you feel?
First, you have to self-reflect, package the emotion into words, and then use your mouth muscles to speak those words.
But you want someone to know how you feel.
For some people with certain conditions, that's impossible.
So what if, rather than using your words, you could throw your emotion just for a few seconds?
And have them feel how you feel.
At that moment, we would have realized that the necessary use of words to express our current state of being would fall short.
The full potential of the brain would then be unlocked.
But for right now,
BCI is about restoring the lives of millions of people with paralysis.
After years of feeling trapped, this technology promises the return of autonomy and independence.
But what I mean is dignity.
Thank you.
A Brain Implant That Turns Your Thoughts Into Text | Tom Oxley | TED