AIDA Verdi – Teatro dell'Opera di Roma
エジプトとエチオピアの戦争で、王女アイーダが誘拐された。野心的な兵士ラダメスは、彼女への想いを募らせる。二人の距離が縮まるにつれ、それぞれが故郷への忠誠と互いへの愛の間で辛い選択を迫られる。数百人のキャスト、スリリングなスコア、古代エジプトでの愛と英雄の壮大な物語を持つヴェルディの『アイーダ』は、世界中の主要なオペラハウスの舞台で長く定着している。この『ローマ』の新演出は、巨大さと親密さを兼ね備えています。ローマ歌劇場指揮者兼音楽監督のミケーレ・マリオッティにとって、ヴェルディの天才は、壮大で凱旋的な要素と、公共空間から遠く離れた場所で繊細なピアニッシミとソットボイスの歌声で展開する愛の物語を融合させています。(English) Princess Aida has been kidnapped: a valuable prize in a war between Egypt and Ethiopia. The ambitious soldier Radames wrestles with his feelings for her. As they draw closer, each must make a painful choice between their loyalty to home and their love for each other.
With its cast of hundreds, thrilling score, and sweeping tale of love and heroics in ancient Egypt, Verdi's Aida has long been a fixture on the stages of every major opera house in the world. This new production of Rome combines the colossal and the intimate. For Michele Mariotti, conductor and music director of Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, Verdi's genius combines spectacular, triumphal elements with a love story that unfolds far from public space in delicate pianissimi and sotto voce singing.
"Aida" Synopsis and commentary (Verdi)
Premiered 24 December 1871, Cairo Theatre
Original: Auguste Mariette (libretto by Camille du Locle)
Libretto: Antonio Ghislanzoni
Running time 2 hours 40 minutes
Aida is an opera by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901).
The "Triumphal March" chorus in the piece is also used in football matches, making it a very normal part of music, even for non-music fans.
Verdi is one of the most essential and famous composers in the history of opera, leaving behind many masterpieces such as 'Nabucco', 'Rigoletto' and 'La Traviata'. Verdi was also the same age as Wagner, and the two are often compared.
Here is the synopsis of Verdi's opera "Aida".
Main characters
Aida (soprano) is an Ethiopian princess and enslaved person.
Radames (tenor) Commander of the Egyptian army.
King of Egypt (Pharaoh) (bass)
Amneris (mezzo-soprano) Egyptian princess.
Ramfis (bass) High Priest
Amonazro (baritone), King of Ethiopia, Aida's father.
A brief synopsis of Aida
A simple "30-second synopsis" for those who don't have the time
The commander of the Egyptian army, Radames, is in love with his slave, Aida.
Radames, who loves Aida, is used by his enemies.
Falling for the enemy's tricks, Radames betrays his country.
Radames is captured for treason and buried alive in his tomb.
Aida decides to die with him and breaks into his tomb.
The two swear eternal love in heaven and travel to heaven.
Act I: Synopsis of "Aida
Radames is in love with the enslaved person Aida (an enemy princess).
Royal Palace of Memphis
Ramfis, the high priest, tells Radames that he will be the commander-in-chief of the Egyptian army.
Radames says, "If that warrior is me!" he sings of his feelings for her, "I want to give Aida her homeland back". (Celeste Aida)
"Celeste Aida"
Amneris, an Egyptian princess, is in love with Radames.
As Amneris explores his thoughts, Aida (the Ethiopian princess and enslaved person) appears.
Aida hides her status as a princess and is held captive by her enemy nation.
Radames and Aida fear that their secret love will be discovered.
Radames is appointed army commander to attack Ethiopia (Aida's homeland).
Then the Egyptian king arrives with his men.
The messenger reports that Amonasro (King of Ethiopia, Aida's father) is invading Egypt.
The king appoints Radames to command the Egyptian army.
Radames fights: "War, death to the invaders!"
He wishes for victory, and everyone leaves except Aida.
Aida sings of the torment of her loved ones attacking her homeland. (Ritorna Vincitor)
"Go home victorious (Ritorna Vincitor)."
Radames and his priestesses pray for victory
Temple of the God of Fire in Memphis
Radames appear while the priestesses are praying.
The High Priest Ramfis gives Radames the sacred sword.
Radames prays, "Protect the sacred land of Egypt", and the priestesses follow.
Act II: Synopsis of "Aida
Amneris learns that "Aida loves Radames" and burns with hatred and revenge.
Amneris' room
Surrounded by enslaved women, Amneris prepares for the victory feast.
Aida enters with a sad face.
"Amneris is an Egyptian princess in love with Radames."
Amneris tells Aida that the army of your country has killed Radames.
When Aida hears this, she sees her crying and discovers she loves Radames.
Angry at being a slave and a rival, Amneris burns with hatred and revenge.
The music of Egyptian victory
Entrance to the city of Thebes
People appear, praising their country and God, and fanfare of triumph and victory sounds. (Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside)
"Triumphal march (Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside)
The king crowns Radames in victory and demands a reward.
Radames brings the prisoners to the king.
Aida finds her father, Amonasro, among the prisoners, and they embrace him.
Amonasro hides the identity of the Ethiopian king and lies that the Ethiopian king is dead.
Radames asks the king to release the prisoners as a reward.
The prisoners are released, but Aida's father, Amonasro, is taken hostage as a token of peace and security.
As a reward for his victory, Radames is ordered to marry Amneris.
The king tells Radames that he must marry Amneris and become heir to the throne of Egypt.
Amneris rejoices, and Aida laments her hopeless love.
Radames sings, "Not even the throne of Egypt is worth as much as the heart of Aida".
Act III: Summary of "Aida
Aida arrives for the "secret meeting with Radames".
The river side of the Nile
The voices of the priests can be heard praying in the temple.
Amneris enters the temple with her high priest to pray for her love for Radames.
Aida arrives surreptitiously for a secret meeting with Radames.
Aida laments, "If this is her final farewell to Radames, I will throw herself into the Nile".
And sings of her love for her homeland. (O patria mia)
"O my native land (O patria mia)."
Amonasro takes advantage of his daughter Aida
Suddenly her father, Amonasro, appears.
Amonasro tells Aida: "Ask Radames which way the Egyptian army will attack for the victory of the fatherland".
Aida is shocked, but she accepts for the sake of her country.
Radames falls for the enemy king's trick and betrays his country.
Then Radames arrives.
Aida asks Radames: "If you love me, let's escape together".
And just as she asks for a way out, Amonasro appears.
Amonasro reveals himself to be the king of Ethiopia, and Radames realises and regrets having betrayed his country.
Amneris and the high priests arrive with guards.
Radames allows Aida and Amonasro to escape.
Act IV: Summary of "Aida
Radames is arrested and condemned to death.
Hall of the Royal Palace
Radames is in prison.
Amneris tells Radames: "If you give up on Aida, I will save your life." Radames refuses.
Radames is condemned to death.
Radames and Aida pledge eternal love in heaven
Inside the temple of the God of Fire, Radamès is in a tomb to be buried alive.
Aida, who should have escaped, appears beneath Radames.
Aida confesses that she expected Radames to be buried alive and has already entered the tomb.
And "I want to die in your arms", she says.
Radames tries to move the stone door so Aida can escape, but the door does not.
They swear eternal love in heaven. (O terra, addio)
"O terra, addio."
As Amneris prays for Radames, she says, "Peace, I implore of you!" Heaven opens to them.
A new Aida on stage at the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome, from Tuesday 31 January to Sunday 12 February, conducted by Michele Mariotti.
"A different language is used in this music – explains Mariotti – because there is a political will. Aida is Verdi's accusation of the man incapable of embracing diversity, becoming a hymn to diversity and diversity".
"Giuseppe Verdi with Aida manages to tell the folds of human fragility extraordinarily, so intimate and public", Livermore declared in an interview with the Rome Opera.
The story takes place in Ancient Egypt, where the Ethiopians, led by King Amonasro, organise a raid to free Aida, the king's daughter after the Egyptians capture her. The story's protagonists are Aida and Radames, captain of the pharaoh's guards. Two lovers who are part of two opposing war fronts, of two ethnic groups who are at war with each other.
"We need to become someone else also to teach people and ourselves how fundamental it is to understand the reasons of the other – continues the director – Identifying ourselves with something else also means improving ourselves as human beings because understanding the reasons of the other we understand the heart, mind and soul".
AIDA Verdi – Teatro dell'Opera di Roma