An Affair To Remember - 1957
再会の約束は、半年後のエンパイア・ステート・ビル。ケイリー・グラント&デボラ・カー、世紀のカップルを配して贈る不朽の傑作ラブ・ロマンス!ニューヨークへ向かう豪華客船のデッキで出会った画家のニッキーと歌手のテリー。二人は次第に惹かれ合うが、お互いに婚約者がいる身の彼らはそれぞれの恋を清算して、半年後、エンパイアステートビルの屋上で再会することを約束するが、どうなるでしょうか?本当に美しいバックグランドミュージックと共に物語を堪能してみて下さい。(English) The promise of a reunion is made six months later at the Empire State Building. Cary Grant & Deborah Kerr a couple of the century in this timeless masterpiece of love romance! Nicky, a painter, and Terry, a singer, meet on the deck of a luxury liner bound for New York. They are gradually attracted to each other, but with both of them engaged to fiancées, they promise to settle their respective love affairs and meet again on the roof of the Empire State Building six months later, but what will happen? Please enjoy the story along with the lovely background music.
An Affair To Remember
Nikki is a famous playboy and second-rate painter.
While on board an ocean liner, he meets a woman named Terry.
Nicky asks her out, but Terry passes him.
However, during the boat trip, they often ran into each other.
They gradually get to know each other and stop by Nicky's grandmother's house on the land they disembarked from the ship on the way.
Nicky gave her grandmother a white shawl as a gift.
Terry had a heart-to-heart with Nicky's grandmother.
The grandmother also intuitively knew that Terry was the right person to be her grandson's companion.
Terry, a former singer, sang along with her grandmother's simple piano accompaniment to the song "Love in Memory."
Then, the two realize their true feelings for each other, even though they both already have fiancées and patrons.
They leave their grandmother and return to the ship.
They promised to meet again on the top floor of the Empire State Building six months later and vowed to spend their lives together.
When the last day of their cruise arrives, they leave with their respective fiancées, who come to meet them at the harbor.
While apart, they broke off their respective engagements and waited for the day to reunite, ready for a new life with their loved ones.
On the appointed day, Nikki waited for Terry on the observation deck of the Empire State Building until it closed.
But she finally did not show up.
Terry was in a car accident on his way to the Empire State Building in a hurry and ended up in a wheelchair.
However, she did not let Nicky know about it because she thought it would burden Nicky too much.
Nikki had no idea where Terry was.
He felt betrayed by his loved one and became desperate.
However, he healed his emotional wounds with the support of those around him as he painted.
Terry wanted to meet Nikki when her leg was better and if she could walk.
She then used her experience as a singer to get a job conducting a children's choir.
When Nicky had almost forgotten about Terry, they ran into each other again in the audience at a ballet performance.
Next to each other were their respective former fiancées.
Finally, Nikki located Terry.
He went to see her on Christmas Day.
He gave Terry, still sitting on the couch, a shawl that his late grandmother had willed him to give her.
He then told her that his painting (which he had painted while remembering Terry at his grandmother's house) had been given to a poor woman who used a wheelchair when he came to the gallery.
He then realizes that the woman might be Terry.
Nikki opened the door to the back room and saw his painting hanging there.
He finally realizes why she could not come on the appointed day.
They smile and embrace, knowing their unchanging love for each other.
An Affair To Remember
An Affair To Remember - Sound Track
Vic Damone - An Affair To Remember with Lyrics