Anna Karenina


『アンナ・カレーニナ』は、ロシア帝国の作家レフ・トルストイの長編小説で、1877年に初めて単行本として出版されました。『アンナ・カレーニナ』は、『戦争と平和』と並んでトルストイの代表作の一つであり、高い評価を得ています。(English) "Anna Karenina" is a full-length novel by the Imperial Russian writer Lev Tolstoy, first published in book form in 1877. Along with "War and Peace," "Anna Karenina" is one of Tolstoy's best-known works and is highly acclaimed.

Анна Каренина

Konstantin Levin

The lovely Kitty Shcherbatskaya

Anna Karenina

brilliant officer - Alexei Vronsky

Anna's husband - Minister Alexei Karenin



The primary setting is Russia in the 1870s.

The beautiful Anna Karenina is the wife of a high-ranking government official, Karenin.

She comes to Moscow to settle a dispute between her brother and his wife.

There she meets a young aristocratic officer, Alexei Vronsky, and they are attracted to each other.


Konstantin Levin, a simple provincial landowner, proposes marriage to Kitty, the sister of Anna's brother and sister-in-law.

However, he is turned down by Kitty, who expects him to marry Vronsky.


Disappointed, Levin returned to his estate.

He worked diligently to improve the management of his farmland.

Kitty, however, was ignored by Vronsky.

She becomes ill as a result.


Anna returned to Petersburg, where her husband and young son were waiting for her.

However, Vronsky followed her to Petersburg.

Their relationship rapidly deepens.

However, Karenin refuses to divorce her out of concern for public opinion.


Anna gives birth to Vronsky's child and becomes critically ill.

Karenin rushes to the scene and forgives Anna with a generous attitude.

Vronsky sees this and despairs losing Anna.

He attempts to shoot himself with a pistol, but his attempt fails.

Vronsky then retires from the army and leaves for a foreign country with Anna, who has recovered.


Levin marries Kitty, who has recovered from her illness.

They begin their honeymoon in a farming village in the territory.

Then, Levin and Kitty took care of his brother because of his severe illness.

He passes away, and Levin begins to struggle with the meaning of his life.


Anna and Vronsky become known for their misbehavior and are ostracized from social circles.

They had no choice but to take up residence on Vronsky's estate.

The divorce was not going well due to the advice of Karenin's friend and Anna's fear that her only son would be taken away from her.


Anna was unhappy with her situation.

Vronsky became more and more absorbed in the management of the estate.

Their feelings gradually began to diverge.


Anna began to suspect Vronsky's affections had been transferred to another woman.

Finally, in despair, Anna throws herself onto a train.

Vronsky has lost his purpose in life.

He organizes a volunteer army at his own expense and goes to war with the Turks.


Karenin raises Annie, the daughter of Anna and Vronsky.

Karenin and Anna are not divorced.

So, legally, Annie is Karenin's daughter.

Note that both Karenin and Vronsky's names are Alexei.


Meanwhile, Levin had a child with Kitty.

They had a happy family in the territory.

Finally, he concluded that people should live for others and God.

Анна Каренина

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