ChatGPT will undoubtedly raise the college education level - that is why" America's best professor" says so.
ChatGPTは大学教育のレベルを間違いなく高める――「米国最高の教授」がそう言い切るこれだけの理由があります。→AI会話ツール「ChatGPT」は、怠惰や学歴詐称を助長する恐れがあるとして、教育関係者の間で議論を巻き起こしています。しかし、「アメリカのトップ教授」の一人であるサム・ポトリッキオは、これをAIの倫理的利用、自立学習、批判的思考力を促進する機会と捉えています。大学は、AI主導の世界に備えるためのコースを設計し、優れた「質問者」の育成に力を入れ、不公平な成績評価方法に取り組むことで、これを受け入れるべきです。ChatGPTは、教育者が賢く使えば、最終的に高等教育の質を向上させることができます。(English) ChatGPT will undoubtedly raise the college education level - that is why" America's best professor" says so. (Synopsis) ChatGPT, an AI conversation tool, has sparked debate among educators who fear it could encourage laziness and academic fraud. But Sam Potricchio, one of "America's top professors", sees it as an opportunity to promote the ethical use of AI, independent learning and critical thinking skills. Universities should embrace this by designing courses to prepare students for an AI-driven world, focusing on training excellent 'questioners' and tackling unfair grading practices. ChatGPT can ultimately improve the quality of higher education if used wisely by educators.
ChatGPT will undoubtedly raise the college education level - that is why" America's best professor" says so.
Far from being a threat to education, ChatGPT is an asset to universities. Sam Potricchio, one of 'America's best professors', explains why it's an eye-opener.
When ChatGPT, a conversational artificial intelligence (AI), first appeared, there was panic among university professors, but I was thrilled instead.
Many in the industry were worried that AI could lead to massive fraud. But I thought it could lead to a fairer assessment of students' grades. In educating students for an uncertain future, I thought it could be an opportunity to rethink how they should be educated.
My colleague overreacted to the threat of Chat GPT for the following reasons:
For example, he was concerned that if AI 'left' the writing of reports and essays to students in university classes, they would become lazy and unskilled.
However, sensible educators and universities should use this to decide on sound policies, such as clarifying when AI is permitted and when not and guiding how to cite accurately. It will also emphasize ethics and independent learning from content creation and warn against misinformation.
In other words, educators' fears that AI will make it harder to detect student misbehaviour create a sense of crisis in universities and force them to address the essential issues of the 21st century seriously.
As technology evolves, so does the need for leaders with human ethics. We must develop essential human skills in a labour market where machines and humans compete. And now that disinformation is rampant, acquiring the intelligence to distinguish between fake and real is also necessary.
Universities will encourage faculty to design courses that equip students with the skills they need to compete in a volatile, complex and ambiguous world. It's becoming increasingly clear that you'll get a wrong answer if you ask the wrong question.
I repeatedly emphasize to my students that they need a PhD in 'Questionology' to excel in the future. Students must be willing to ask quality questions about AI and learn more than they currently know.
The more advanced the questions you ask, the greater the rewards you'll receive. If Chat GPT becomes an indispensable tool for intellectual work, educators must focus on training excellent "questioners". That's the skill the world of the future will need.
<The "privilege" of the rich student will disappear>
And university faculties will struggle with the open secret of "incompetence". Wealthy and well-connected students have a considerable advantage in grading. For example, most university courses are graded on a five-page report per session. This allows affluent students to 'outsource' their essay writing to someone else.
A former colleague and some professors took turns writing essays for their children. The student was mediocre in objective assessment in class. But since most of her review was based on "homework", she got her best grades thanks to her parents. If the spread of chat GPT allows all students to use the same trick, teachers must rethink how they give rates.
One of my classes has only had entirely hand-written exams or oral exams for the last ten years. Therefore, there are zero cases of suspected cheating. After attending the course, students commented that my teaching (oral question and answer sessions, voluntary simulations and specific problems) was the closest to what they experienced in the workplace after employment.
The English word "compete" comes from the Latin "to raise". Since its launch, Chat GPT has made it clear that competition between AI and humans is inevitable. But at the same time, it will undoubtedly raise the level of university education. So, teachers, don't panic, be smart.
ChatGPT will undoubtedly raise the college education level - that is why" America's best professor" says so.
The open AI that gave birth to ChatGPT is approaching its reality (March 26, 2023)
America's Silicon Valley is now buzzing with the emergence of ChatGPT. Since the API was released, hackathons and exchange meetings have been held daily, and information about ChatGPT and generation AI is actively exchanged. Businesses are also active. The English conversation app "Speak" incorporates ChatGPT and Whisper into the app. OpenAI, led by Sam Altman, is attracting the most attention in Silicon Valley. Even Google seems to feel threatened. We will approach the actual situation of OpenAI, which has not revealed much information.
ChatGPT's Chrome extension "YoutubeDigest" is amazing! Streamline your video browsing with four types of summaries
In this video, I will introduce the Chrome extension "ChatGPT Optimize" to make ChatGPT easier to use.
Usage 1: 4 Summary Patterns
Usage 2: GPT settings (ChatGPT paid version users)
Usage 3: Data output
Possibility of utilization and consideration
Click here to install YoutubeDigest
Twenty valuable examples of how to use chatGPT! Surprisingly unknown uses
0:00 How to use chatGPT
0:22 chatGPT example of use 1 Create a GIF
1:00 chatGPT example of use 2 Become a fortune teller
1:51 chatGPT example of use 3 Become an English conversation teacher
2:37 chatGPT example of use 4 Create a vocabulary book from English conversations
3:07 chatGPT example of use 5 Creating test questions from English conversations
3:38 chatGPT example of use 6 Think about menu recipes
4:25 chatGPT example of use 7 Thinking of a name for an Italian restaurant
5:23 chatGPT example of use 8 Becoming an interviewer
6:27 chatGPT example of use 9 Writing a CV and pointing out areas for improvement
7:54 chatGPT example of use 10 Think about marketing strategies
9:00 chatGPT example of use 11 Writing an email to your boss and clients about taking a break
9:40 chatGPT example of using 12 Create Excel functions and macros
10:29 chatGPT example of use 13 Talking to Harry Potter
11:16 chatGPT example of use 14 Writing prompts for image generation AI
12:03 chatGPT example of use 15 Creating animation with JavaScript
12:31 chatGPT example of use 16 Writing SQL to sort by the total amount
12:53 chatGPT example of use 17 Analysing Elon Musk's tweets
13:48 chatGPT example of use 18 Writing a wedding speech script
14:44 chatGPT example of use 19 Writing a story for a role-playing game
15:52 chatGPT example of use 20 Summarise a book (not recommended)
Example 20)
You are a librarian, and you know all the books. I will ask you some questions, and you will be asked to give your book recommendations and answer the questions in a spreadsheet using only a tiny part of the questions.
Example table: Recommended book titles, essences and quotations
Question: I have trouble falling asleep; how can I sleep better?
Ex 3) You should be an English teacher. Let's have a conversation in English.
If I make a mistake in English during the conversation, please point it out and suggest a better way of saying it.
Please continue the conversation until I say it's over.
From now on, please don't use Japanese and speak only in English. Please indicate a topic.
Ex 3-2) In the English conversation so far, the points I am not good at, the words and phrases I use incorrectly, the terms that are important to me or the words I should know, etc., are summarised in the form of a word book in the form of a table. Please give me.
Column: word, example sentence, meaning
Ex 3-3) Using this vocabulary book, fill in the blanks with English words and phrases you should memorise and ask about five questions on the test.