Differences between English and Japanese


今日は英語と日本語の違いについて考えてみましょう。(English) Today we will consider the differences between English and Japanese.

Differences between English and Japanese 



You may think it is obvious, but English and Japanese are different.

Even if they understand this, many people try to speak English with Japanese ideas.

If they can communicate this way, there is no problem, but they are rarely able to communicate accurately.

Unfortunately, English speakers who are not native English speakers will not understand you if you speak English with Japanese ideas.


Your brain is used to the rules of the Japanese language.

When you listen to and speak a foreign language with different rules, you will inevitably try to talk the foreign language with Japanese rules at first.

It is normal to speak English with Japanese ideas.

However, this will not help you to learn to listen to English forever. It also slows down your progress in speaking.

Here is a brief explanation of the differences between Japanese and English.

This is a summary of what we talked about in class.


Differences between English and Japanese

What is usually wrong with this Japanese?

A. "Good morning."

B. "Hey, how are you doing?"


"Even in Germany, which is hosting a record 800,000 refugees, the dramatic increase in neo-Nazi attacks on migrants has caused unrest in the country.

Footage of people walking from Hungary's train stations into Austria reveals a reluctance to offer refuge to those who have managed to set foot in a safe country.

But we must not forget that one of the most dramatic influences on human civilization in the last decade was the son of a Syrian immigrant to the USA in 1954.

Everyone should know who he is. Steve Jobs, that's who."

"It was the son of a Syrian immigrant who brought the iPhone to the world" by Huffington Post (Japanese translation).


These articles are translations of articles written in English.

It must have been difficult for those who translated them.

I understand what you are saying, but something is strange about the Japanese text.

What is strange, and how can we change the unknown parts to make the Japanese sentence that the English sentence is based on regular?

In class, the students were asked to think about what was strange and how they could correct it using the following sentence.


"From September 28, I started studying English by taking Advanced Business English in the 3rd (4th) period, which students in the Department of Economics in the Faculty of Business and Economics are supposed to take."

1. English classes for students in the business department have started.

2. English class has started.

These were the two sentences after the correction.

Quite a few sentences were cut.


Japanese language rules

By working on correcting Japanese, which is like a strange translation, you probably realize that there are rules of the Japanese language that you don't usually think about.


Through this work, we can say that the rules of the Japanese language are as follows.

A) You don't have to say the subject. It is also possible to cut words that are not necessary.

B) Modifying nouns with long sentences sounds strange.

Example: (Advanced Business English for the 3rd period, which students of the Faculty of Business and Economics are supposed to take)

C) Conversation becomes complicated when one sentence is too long, and it is unclear where the sentence breaks off.

D) Also, if a sentence is too long, it becomes difficult to read.

E) There are phrases unique to Japanese, including Keigo.

*Keigo = Honorifics, or Terms of respect.


Why do these rules exist?

In class, there were comments that behind this is a Japanese culture that places importance on TPO.

The reason for these rules, including TPO, is more straightforward: facilitating efficient and smooth communication.

As for honorifics(Terms of respect), they are not only used to honor older people.

It is usually used to facilitate communication.


In Japanese conversation, where the subject is known, or the emphasis is on implicit communication, the issue is not assumed as in English.

Nor are we expected to say long sentences in everyday conversation.

In addition, Japanese conversation often focuses on scene and flow.

The emphasis is not always on 'who' as in English.

So there are sentences with no subject and no verb.

Sentences such as 'Oh, pretty' or 'English? Troublesome," and so on.



Sentences that sound funny to native English speakers

What's wrong with this conversation?

A. "Good morning, Mr. B."

B. "Good morning, Ms. A."

A. "How are you today?"

B. "I am fine. And you?"

A. "I am fine. Thank you. what did you do during summertime?"


The above sentences are examples that are often found in Japanese English textbooks.

However, this sounds strange to native English speakers.

What is strange about it? You don't understand it at all because you grew up in Japanese.

It is certainly not a wrong sentence because it appears in Japanese English textbooks.


However, it is rare to have or hear this kind of conversation when you go to an English-speaking country.

To native English speakers, this conversation sounds like a conversation between robots.

Also, if you parrot your greeting, especially for those who grew up in the United States, it seems that it gives the impression that "the person who parrots does not want to talk to you."

In actual conversation, if you say "Good morning," they will respond with something like "How's your day?"

"How is it going?" will be answered with "Good," not "I am fine."


In English, as in Japanese, some sentences sound normal, and there are rules.

The reason for the rules is, of course, to make communication efficient and smooth.

However, in English, unlike in Japanese, you need to say the subject, and you cannot simply omit words unless you follow the rules.


In English, sound, speed, and rhythm are the key to efficient and smooth communication.

In other words, speech sounds are essential in English.

The body movements that accompany speech are also important when communicating.

Differences between English and Japanese 


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