Do You Have An Unrelated Identical Twin
この魅力的なドキュメンタリーでは、世界のさまざまな地域から集まった 7 組の血縁関係のない「一卵性双生児」が、どのドッペルゲンガーのカップルが最も多くの共通点を持っているかを競うコンテストが行われます。 審査員となる英国の科学者チームは、ペアの各人がもう一方とどのくらいの身体的および遺伝的特徴の共通点を持っているかを調べようとしている。 一致する要素が最も多い人が勝ちます。
自分にそっくりな人がいるかどうか疑問に思ったことはありますか? 統計的には、世界中ですべての顔に対して 7 つのドッペルゲンガーの一致があると推定されています。
(English) In a fascinating documentary, seven pairs of unrelated "identical" twins from different parts of the world compete against each other in a contest to see which couple of doppelgängers has the most in common. A team of British scientists, who will act as judges, is looking to find out how many physical and genetic traits each person in the pair has in common with the other. Those with the most matching factors win.Have you ever wondered if someone out there looks exactly like you? Well, statistically, it is estimated that there are seven doppelganger matches worldwide for every face.
Do You Have An Unrelated Identical Twin? | Full Documentary | Finding The Most Identical Strangers
UK /ˈdɒp.əlˌɡæŋ.ər/ US /ˈdɑː.pəlˌɡæŋ.ɚ/
a spirit that looks exactly like a living person, or someone who looks exactly like someone else but who is not related to that person
What are other ways of saying 'doppelganger'?
In addition to "doppelganger" in German-speaking countries, it also appears in myths, legends and superstitions as "double-double" in Anglo-American countries, "renunciation" or "renunciation disease" in China, "alter ego", "shadow priest", "shadow disease" or "shadow annoyance" in Japan, etc., and has appeared since ancient times in myths, legends and superstitions, and is believed to be a spirit that has separated from the body and become tangible or a double body. The appearance of a double body was considered an omen of the person's death.
In a world where doppelgangers find each other through websites and social media, a team of British scientists is conducting a unique scientific experiment to determine how physically alike these strangers are.
Seven pairs of counterparts have agreed to undergo tests to assess their similarities.
The investigation includes analyzing two-dimensional and three-dimensional facial features, gathering subjective ratings from the public and conducting DNA tests.
Neil and John, a pair of doppelgangers initially met in their hometown, are among the participants.
Their physical similarities are evident to others; they share everyday life experiences and values.
Darren and David, who connected online and have similar facial features and lifestyles, are also part of the experiment.
The participants are excited and anxious to meet their counterparts in person, and the results of the tests will determine which pair is the most identical.
The rise of replicas in the age of social media has searched for one's identical stranger, a growing phenomenon, leading to unique scientific studies and personal connections.
In a series of tests to determine the most identical doppelgangers, pairs of strangers undergo analysis and comparisons.
Rob and Kobe, stand-up comics who resemble each other, exude confidence in their similarity.
Fiorella and Ambrosia, who met through a website, are excited about their facial resemblance.
Neil and John initially met in their hometown and shared everyday life experiences and values.
The tests include analyzing two-dimensional and three-dimensional facial features, subjective ratings, and DNA tests. While some pairs, like Rob and Kobe, score well on their trials, others, like Fiorella and Ambrosia, are disappointed by their results.
However, similarities in specific features, such as the nose, consistently receive high scores.
The experiment seeks to understand why these identical strangers are perceived to look so alike, delving into the science behind doppelgangers and their visual resemblance.
After days of testing and analysis, it's time to reveal the most identical twin stranger pairs.
The pair that scored the highest in the 2D computer image test are John and Neil.
The results show that they resemble strikingly and are almost like twins.
However, the competition is still open, as other pairs have also performed well in different aspects of the tests. The doppelganger pairs reflect on their experiences and the unique connections they've formed during this experiment.
They have become friends and have supported each other in various ways.
The final rankings will be determined by combining the scores from all the tests, including the perception test by the public and the DNA analysis.
The experiment has explored physical similarities and how people perceive and judge similarities.
The pairs highly anticipate the announcement of the most identical strangers, as they have all made a lasting impression throughout the experiment.
After considering the results of the crowd test, it was revealed that the most identical twin stranger pair is John and Neal.
The public ranked them first in the perception test, making them the winners from the prevalent opinion perspective.
While some may value scientific analysis more, John and Neal believe that people's opinions matter the most.
The concept of counterparts has become more prevalent with the internet, and this experiment highlights the growing phenomenon.
The winning pair acknowledges that their newfound recognition as the most identical strangers will follow them in the future.
Do You Have An Unrelated Identical Twin? | Full Documentary | Finding The Most Identical Strangers