Dolce and Gabbana Alta Moda Fashion Show 2022


これは今日公開されたDolce and Gabbana ファッションショーです。これはまるで懐かしいオペラのワンシーンのようです。私が小さいころ見ていたファッションショーは、もっと狭くて人が多い部屋の中で多くのモデルが少し歩くだけでした。私達をまるで違う素晴らしい夢の世界に連れて行ってくれます。私たちはようやく完全な美の世界を手にすることができたようです。さぁ美しいアートの世界を一緒に楽しみましょう。(English) Here is a video site of one fashion show that was released today. It is like a scene from a nostalgic opera. The fashion shows I watched as a little girl were much smaller, with many models walking around a bit in a crowded room. It takes us to a different and wonderful dream world. It seems we finally have an entire world of beauty. Let's enjoy the beautiful world of art together.

Siracusa 2022: Dolce&Gabbana Alta Moda Fashion Show in Piazza del Duomo

The #DGAltaModa event is history and tale.

Profound representations of Sicily and its people, the unique pieces of the Collection touch the mythical ground of the oldest heart of the city, evoking exquisite beauty, traditions, and timeless Italian craftsmanship.

Watch the whole show at


A fabulous fashion show in one of the most beautiful places in the world, so well put together and colored by the sweet sounds of opera.

The dresses and the jewelry were unique, reaffirming the not-so-half-baked mystique of this island, my island.

The fabrics, embroidery, embellishments, and settings only show once again how much craftsmanship exists and from what history and background.

Precious, extremely sophisticated, understated luxury.

You can never buy a dress like this, but you can marvel at its beauty.

I especially loved the lace dresses with great skirts and A-line dresses. And the rose evening gown on black.

The video operators, makeup artists, and hairdressers are always brilliant.

And those who worked in the hot Syracuse sun got a great tan.

A plea to Dolce and Gabbana: come. Come without your yachts, even our distinguished guests, and help keep our coastline unpolluted.

And let the summer workers wear white coats.

Siracusa 2022: Dolce&Gabbana Alta Moda Fashion Show in Piazza del Duomo

Dolce Gabbana Syracuse Alta Moda 2022 - "The Myth of Siracusa" - Stars Drew Barrymore, Mariah Carey, Sharon Stone, Helen Mirren. Story by RUNWAY MAGAZINE.

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