Donut-Shaped Rock Spotted on Mars


パレイドリアの群衆は、これで野外活動をすること間違いなしです! 火星でまたしても奇妙な形の岩が発見されました。 もう一度言いますが、石はドーナツ型です。この特定の岩は、火星の北半球にあるジェゼロ・クレーターの探査を続けているNASAの探査機パーサヴィアランスによって発見されました。

※パレイドリアとは心理現象です。 視覚や聴覚の刺激を受けて、そこには存在しないにもかかわらず、見慣れたパターンが心の中に思い浮かぶことを指します。 パレイドリアン現象、パレイドリアン効果とも呼ばれます。

(English) The pareidolia crowd is sure to have a field day with this! Once again, an oddly-shaped rock has been spotted on Mars. Once again, the stone is doughnut-shaped. This particular rock was spotted by NASA's Perseverance rover, which continues to explore the Jezero Crater in Mars' northern hemisphere.

* Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon. It refers to receiving a visual or auditory stimulus and conceiving a familiar pattern in the mind even though it does not exist there. It is also known as the Pareidolian phenomenon or the Pareidolian effect.

Donut-Shaped Rock Spotted on Mars

//Summary - Level-C2//

NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered a second donut-shaped rock on Mars, likely formed through erosion from wind and dust storms. The rover, operating since February 2021, is exploring the Jezero Crater, a former lakebed. The collected samples could provide insights into Mars's geological evolution and potential past life. Mars's thin atmosphere and lack of precipitation have preserved meteor fragments and craters, aiding these discoveries.

For the second time, an oddly-shaped rock has been found on Mars, and, like last time, it is in the shape of a donut. The rock was discovered by NASA's Perseverance rover, which is exploring Mars' northern hemisphere.

The image of the rock was taken by the Remote Microscopic Imager about a hundred meters from the rover on June 22nd, 2023, which was the 832nd Martian day of the mission.

Oddly-shaped rocks are not unusual on Mars as they are the result of extended periods of erosion. On Mars, most of the weathering comes from wind and dust storms, whereas on Earth it comes mainly from water.

The planet experiences localized storms throughout the Martian year, which is almost double the length of an Earth year. Every few years, Mars experiences a global dust storm that encompasses the whole planet.

The previous donut-shaped rock was seen in 2014, by the Opportunity rover, and scientists believe that it is likely both rocks eroded in a similar way.

Lots of meteor fragments have been discovered by all of the Mars rovers, thanks to Mars' thin atmosphere and the lack of precipitation that has kept the craters well-preserved.

The Perseverance rover has been working on Mars since February 18th, 2021. During this time, it has been exploring the Jezero Crater, the site of a former lakebed. Samples collected by the rover suggest that water once flowed into the crater.

Analysis of these samples will shed more light on the geological evolution of Mars, and it may also support the theory that life once existed there.

//New words//

Extended: long or longer than usual

They're going on an extended vacation to Australia.

Encompass: to surround or cover something completely

The fog soon encompassed the whole valley.

Erode: to rub or be rubbed away gradually

Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.

Sample: a small amount of something that shows you what the rest is or should be like

Please bring some samples of your work to the interview.


1. Where does most of the weathering come from on Mars?


Most of the weathering on Mars comes from wind and dust storms.


(3rd Paragraph) On Mars, most of the weathering comes from wind and dust storms, whereas on Earth it comes mainly from water.


Why have lots of meteor fragments been discovered by all of the Mars rovers?


It's because Mars has a thin atmosphere and the lack of precipitation has kept the craters well-preserved.


(6th Paragraph) Lots of meteor fragments have been discovered by all of the Mars rovers, thanks to Mars' thin atmosphere and the lack of precipitation that has kept the craters well-preserved.


What has the Perseverance rover been doing?


The Perseverance rover has been working on Mars, exploring the Jezero Crater, the site of a former lakebed.


(7th Paragraph) The Perseverance rover has been working on Mars since February 18th, 2021. During this time, it has been exploring the Jezero Crater, the site of a former lakebed.



If given the chance, would you like to try colonising Mars? Why or why not?

-> No, I don't think so.

Because Mars is very far from Earth and unsafe.

It looks pretty reckless to go to Mars when we can't protect the Earth's environment.

However, if going to Mars becomes a matter of course, I feel I'll have to experience it once.

And you may be able to realise the goodness of the Earth again.


Would you rather live somewhere hot and dry or cool and wet? Please support your answer.

-> If I had to choose one or the other, I would probably choose an excellent, damp location.

Because Japan is a humid country.

I am not very familiar with countries that are hot and dry.

If it's cool, you might be able to tolerate a little humidity.

In any case, it is better to be cool and dry.


Do you think there was life on Mars at some point? Please share your thoughts.

-> Yes, I think so.

Because Mars had water, just like Earth.

Therefore, it is very likely that there was life.

If there is water, air and greenery, it is not surprising that life forms like humans exist.

It makes us realise that the Earth is a rare and precious existence.


Should NASA scientists send rovers out to every planet in our solar system? Please explain.

-> If possible, I think we should explore all planets.

Because our curiosity cannot be stopped.

However, first of all, searching for narrow targets such as Mars and Jupiter is necessary.

Time and money are limited.

There are also various problems on the Earth.

We must both explore space and keep our planet safe.


Would you instead study geology or astronomy at university? Please discuss.

-> If it's one or the other, I'd like to study astronomy.

It's a beautiful existence in the universe or stars, etc.

There are many interesting and unknown things about its origin and history, not just its colour and shape.

It would be wonderful if we could solve even one of the mysteries of the universe.


Would you like to live next to the water? Please explain.

-> We live near a river.

The banks of the river are lined with cherry blossom trees, and it's nice to take a walk.

In summer, Tokyo hosts a big and famous fireworks festival.

Also, in the area where I used to live, there were many swans on the lake in winter, and there were many sightseeing boats and fishing boats in summer.

However, I hear that there are many typhoons and storms these days, so there are many floods. It is necessary to live with caution enough to take risks.

Donut-Shaped Rock Spotted on Mars

The doughnut-shaped rock on Mars has space fans convinced there's life on Red Planet

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A Strange, Donut-Shaped Rock Has Been Identified on Mars

//Summary - Level-C2//

NASA's Perseverance rover discovered an oddly-shaped, doughnut-like rock on Mars, reminiscent of a similar find by the Opportunity rover in 2014. The stone, possibly a large meteorite, was spotted in the Jezero Crater, a former lakebed. Mars's thin atmosphere and lack of precipitation allow meteorite impacts to leave well-preserved fragments and craters. The rover continues to collect samples for the Mars Sample Return mission, aiming to illuminate Mars's geological history and potential for past life.


The pareidolia crowd is sure to have a field day with this! Once again, an oddly-shaped rock has been spotted on Mars. Once again, the stone is doughnut-shaped.

This particular rock was spotted by NASA's Perseverance rover, which continues to explore the Jezero Crater in Mars' northern hemisphere.

* Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon. It refers to receiving a visual or auditory stimulus and conceiving a familiar pattern in the mind even though it does not exist there. It is also known as the Pareidolian phenomenon or the Pareidolian effect.


The image was taken by the Remote Microscopic Imager (RMI), part of the SuperCam instrument, at a distance of about 100 meters (328 feet) from the rover, on June 22nd, 2023 – the 832nd Martian day (or sol) of the mission.

Oddly-shaped rocks are a standard feature on Mars and result from extended periods of erosion, much like on Earth. However, conditions on Mars prevent water-borne erosion, which means that most weathering is caused by wind and dust storms.


Mars experiences localized storms during a Martian year, which last almost twice as long as a year on Earth (687 Earth days). But every few years (coinciding with Summer in the southern hemisphere), Mars experiences a global dust storm that will encompass the entire planet and can last for months.


Like the "jelly doughnut" rock observed by the Opportunity rover in January 2014, this particular rock may have formed after a smaller stone (or several) eroded near its centre. Several smaller rocks can be seen strewn around it that are similar in colour, suggesting a common origin.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory shared the image on its Photojournal page and quickly began making the rounds on social media. The SETI Institute tweeted on Twitter that the doughnut rock "could be a large meteorite alongside smaller pieces".


The same rock was previously imaged by the Mastcam-Z instrument on April 15th, 2023, on sol 765, when the rover was at a distance of about 400 meters (1,312 feet).

Along with its predecessors, Curiosity, Spirit, and Opportunity, the remains of several meteorite impacts have been found on the Martian surface over the years. Thanks to Mars' thin atmosphere, meteorites are more likely to leave fragments on the surface, and impact craters are better preserved due to the lack of precipitation.


The Perseverance rover has been operating on Mars since February 18th, 2021, and continues to explore the Jezero Crater – the site of a former lakebed. The rover is busy collecting samples from the preserved delta fan, which indicates that flowing water and sediment once flowed into the crater.

These samples will be retrieved by the Mars Sample Return mission, a joint effort between NASA and the ESA consisting of an orbiter, lander, ascent vehicle, and two helicopters.

The analysis of these samples will help shed light on Mars's geological and environmental evolution and the possibility that life once existed there.

//New words//

1. Pareidolia: A psychological phenomenon where one sees patterns, such as faces, in unrelated and random things.

Example: "Looking at the clouds, she experienced pareidolia when she saw what looked like a dragon."

2. Oddly-shaped: This term describes something that has an unusual or irregular shape.

Example: "The oddly-shaped rock caught my attention during our hike."

3. The hemisphere: a Half of a spherical or roughly spherical body or object, especially the Earth.

Example: "Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere."

4. Water-borne erosion: how water flow removes soil, rock, or other material.

Example: "The Grand Canyon was formed over millions of years due to water-borne erosion."

5. Meteorite: A piece of rock or metal from space that has landed on Earth.

Example: "The scientist was excited to study the meteorite that had recently fallen to Earth."

6. Alongside: This preposition means next to or together with.

Example: "She worked alongside her colleagues to complete the project."

7. Predecessors: People who held a job or office before the current holder.

Example: "The new president promised to continue the good work of his predecessors."

8. Fragments: Small pieces broken off or separated from something.

Example: "After the vase fell, fragments were scattered all over the floor."

9. Perseverance: This is the quality of trying to achieve a particular goal despite difficulties.

Example: "Despite her challenges, her perseverance led her to success."

Note: "Perseverance" is also the name of a Mars rover operated by NASA, which landed on Mars in February 2021. If you were referring to this rover, an example sentence could be: "NASA's Perseverance rover has been sending back valuable data from Mars."

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Ocean water is being sucked into the earth at a rate that will likely run out in 600 million years.,%E3%81%A6%E3%81%97%E3%81%BE%E3%81%86%E3%83%9A%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%81%AA%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A0%E3%80%82

There are oceans on Earth. After the Earth was born 4.6 billion years ago, the sea formed 1 billion years later, and the organisms born there eventually came to live on land. The sea has always been with the Earth. However, the "common sense" idea that there is an ocean on Earth may be just an assumption. According to a recent paper by Kohei Hatakeyama, a graduate student at Hiroshima University, and Professor Ikuo Katayama, seawater is absorbed into the Earth's interior faster than expected. A simple calculation shows that it will disappear in 600 million years.

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