Drive My Car - No.1
"Drive My Car"は、濱口竜介監督による2021年公開の日本映画です。第94回アカデミー賞最優秀国際長編映画賞を受賞。原作本は村上春樹。 妻を若くして亡くした舞台演出家が主人公です。彼が演出する多言語演劇の様子。そこに出演する俳優たち。彼の車を運転するドライバーの女。喪失感、罪悪感を抱え、それでも私たちは生きていく。「本当に他人を見たいと望むのなら、自分自身を深くまっすぐ見つめるしかない」あなたはこの映画を観た後、世界はどのように変化しているように見えましたか? "Drive My Car" is a Japanese movie released in 2021 directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi. Received the 94th Academy Award for Best International Feature Film. The original book is Haruki Murakami. The main character is a stage director who lost his wife at a young age. A state of a multilingual play directed by him. The actors who appear there. The driver woman who drives his car. We have a feeling of loss and guilt, but we still live. "If you want to know others, you must look deep and straight at yourself." What did the world look like after you watched this movie?
Drive My Car - No.1
Author: Haruki Murakami
Publication date: 2013
Genre: Short story
Themes: Loneliness, The dead person's feeling of antagonism
Related: Film adaptation in 2021
The main character, Kafuku, is a stage actor and director. He lives a contented life with his beloved wife, Oto. However, Oto suddenly disappears from the world, leaving behind a secret. Two years later, Kafuku drives his car to a theater festival in Hiroshima. He meets Misaki, a quiet professional driver with a specific past. He has been struggling with grief and "unspoken secrets." As he spends time with Misaki, he realizes something.
"Kafuku" and "Oto"
Kafuku is a successful actor and stage director.
His wife, Oto, is also a screenwriter who has written many TV dramas.
They had a daughter, but she died of an illness when she was very young.
Since then, they have lived alone together.
The couple had two customs that were unique to them.
One is the way Kafuku memorizes stage lines.
Oto only recorded the parts of the dialogue of Kafuku's partner on cassette tape.
Kafuku memorized the script while answering the audio with her lines.
He listened to this tape as he drove his favorite "SAAB 900 Turbo ."
He soaked up the script as he repeated his lines.
Another custom was that after the couple had sex, Oto would tell the story that came into her head, and Kafuku would write it down and use it in the production of Oto's script.
Using this method, she made a successful debut as a screenwriter.
These two habits continued long after the loss of their child.
The couple thus overcame their emotional trauma and built a peaceful and intimate life together.
One day, Kafuku was invited to the airport as a judge for an international theater festival in Vladivostok.
However, when he arrived at the airport, he was informed the flight had to be postponed by one day due to a flight cancellation.
Kafuku thought it unnecessary to stay at a hotel, so he went home.
He saw his wife, Oto, hugging someone and having an affair.
Kafuku saw this and quietly left the house without making a sound.
Kafuku took a room in a hotel and contacted Oto, pretending to have arrived in Vladivostok.
They exchanged words as usual.
Kafuku prioritized preserving the couple's life together.
Oto did not know that Kafuku had seen the affair, and Kafuku did not reveal what he knew.
The practice of memorizing scripts in the car also continued unchanged.
Kafuku's current project was Chekhov's play "Uncle Vanya."
In the car he was driving, Kafuku heard Oto read the lines in a voice that lacked intonation.
It was, "We have no choice. We have to live. We shall live through the long, long days and the long night."
Then one day, Oto dies suddenly.
It was the night of the day Oto had told him, "When you come home, I have something to say to you."
When Kafuku returned home, Oto was lying on the floor.
She had died without regaining consciousness.
Kafuku could not even say a final goodbye to his wife.