Drive My Car - No.2
その2年後。 物語はついにここから動き始めます。チェーホフのセリフは、走っている車の中で妻のオトの声で響き渡り続けています。「真実は、それが何であれ、それほど怖くないということです。最も怖いのは、あなたがそれを知らないということです...」 「エレーナ:ですからあなたも、不平ばかり仰しゃらずに、みんなを仲直りさせる役にお回りになるといいわ。ワーニャ:じゃ、まず第一に、この僕を僕自身と仲直りさせてください。引用元:アントン・チェーホフ」Two years after that. The story finally begins to move from here. Chekhov's line continues to echo with the voice of his wife Oto in the running car. "The truth is that whatever it is, it's not that scary. The scariest thing is that you don't know it ..." "Elena: So, you should take the role of reconciling people instead of complaining all the time. Vanya: Well, first of all, let me make peace with myself. Quoted by Anton Chekhov"
Hiroshima International Theater Festival
Two years after his wife's death, Kafuku, who gained fame by playing Vanya in "Uncle Vanya," became a stage director.
He is invited to an international theater festival in Hiroshima.
At this theater festival, Kafuku was to stay in Hiroshima for an extended time to direct the play.
It was to be performed by actors selected by audition from different countries, who would play their roles in their languages.
The performance was to be "Uncle Vanya."
Kafuku is asked to use a professional driver to transport him between the hotel and work to avoid accident problems.
Kafuku refused, saying it was a manual car that was difficult to use.
In the end, however, Kafuku agreed because the driver, Misaki, was competent, handled the car well, was quiet, and did not ask anything unnecessary.
Kafuku went to the theater in the car driven by Misaki.
A cassette tape of "Uncle Vanya" was played in the car.
Actors from Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, and other countries gathered for the audition.
All of them spoke their lines in their languages.
On stage, actors speak several languages.
They needed to see and react only to the emotions and actions of the other actors, not to the dialogue.
"Sonya" played an essential role in "Uncle Vanya."
She was Yuna Lee from Korea.
She was an actor who could hear but used sign language for her lines.
For the role of Vanya, Kafuku selected Takatsuki.
Takatsuki was a young actor who had also appeared in a film written by Oto.
Kafuku suspected that Takatsuki was having an affair with his wife at the time.
Takatsuki had a promising future but lost his job in Tokyo because of his impulsive and uncontrollable personality.
Takatsuki had previously been taken by Oto to see Kafuku's stage and was deeply impressed.
When he saw the audition notice, he immediately applied.
Kafuku suppressed his feeling toward Takatsuki.
He began rehearsals in multiple languages.
The actors were perplexed by the unusual direction and the fact that they were forced to read the script without intonation.
However, they gradually feel each other's senses becoming more acute.
Something begins to happen among the actors.
Misaki drove Kafuku's "SAAB 900 Turbo" back and forth between the hotel and the theater.
In the car, Chekhov's words continue to echo Oto's voice.
"The truth is not so terrible, no matter what it is. The most horrible thing is not knowing it..."