Drive My Car - No.3
さぁ、いよいよラストシーンです。テーマは「喪失と再生」私たちは大震災やコロナを経験しました。何かを失い、戻っては来ないけれど組み立て直そうとする「意志」の普遍性を、この映画でも強く表現されています。「別の自分を演じた後に、元の自分に戻ると、前とは違う場所に戻っている」あなたの世界は違うように見えますか? Now, it's time for the last scene. The theme is "loss and rebirth." We experienced a great earthquake and COVID-19. The universality of the "will" to lose something and reassemble it, even though it will not come back, is strongly expressed in this film. "When you go back to your original self after playing another self as an actor, you're back in a different place than you were before." Does your world look different?
Drive My Car - No.3
A Tale of Three
The car ride continued.
Misaki, who initially did not open her mouth, gradually began to tell Kafuku about her life to date.
Misaki was raised by her mother alone in a small village in Hokkaido called "Kamijunitaki Village."
Her mother, who worked as a prostitute, made Misaki, still in junior high school, drive the car to work.
When Misaki's mother discovered she was not driving well, she beat her.
Because of this, Misaki learned to drive carefully.
One day, however, her mother died in an accident when heavy rains caused a landslide that buried their house in the ground.
Misaki was left alone and had no plan, but she left home in her car, which was safe, and just drove west.
She happened to be in Hiroshima, where her car broke down, and she went on to start a new life.
Takatsuki, who plays Vanya, also begins to approach Kafuku.
Kafuku reveals the couple's secret to the man who may have secretly been sleeping with his wife.
His wife, Oto, has another man.
Kafuku thinks that his daily life with Oto is very fulfilling.
The wife, however, naturally loved her husband but betrayed him.
The couple was connected more deeply than anyone else.
However, there was a black vortex in Oto that her husband could not see into.
Once gained fame for his role as Vanya but interrupted his career as an actor.
It was because he could no longer bear to "give himself away," as Chekhov's plays demanded.
Kafuku tells Takatsuki this.
After hearing this confession, Takatsuki begins to tell a story she heard from Oto.
It was a continuation of the story that Oto had told her during sex with Kafuku.
However, it was more gruesome and mysterious than Kafuku had known.
Despite the terrible things that have happened, even though they are my sins, the world seems calm and unchanged.
But this world has changed into something disastrous.
Takatsuki told Kafuku such a story she had heard from Oto in the car driven by Misaki.
To Hokkaido
The theater festival had finished its preparation period.
Finally, the final rehearsals at the theater began.
However, an incident occurred, and Takatsuki left the stage just before the performance.
The secretariat gave Kafuku a choice: either to cancel the whole thing, or Kafuku would take over Takatsuki's role as Vanya and continue the performance.
There were only two days left.
Kafuku received a big shock.
Misaki suggested that they run somewhere calm and thoughtful.
Kafuku tells her that he wants to watch her where she grew up.
Misaki then drove on without a break.
The red "SAAB 900 Turbo" car is forward to Hokkaido with two passengers.
In the car, Kafuku and Misaki finally reveal the big secret they have never told each other.
They arrive at the site of Misaki's birthplace, where she used to live.
The two stand in the quiet snowfield.
Kafuku confronts that his wife has hurt him significantly, the fact that he has been turning a blind eye.
For the first time, he is confronted with the true meaning of his feelings for his wife.
"I should have been right to be hurt. But instead, I let the truth pass me by. I kept pretending not to see it. So I lost Oto. Forever. I want it to come back to life. I want to talk to Oto again."
What is essential for this work is the theme of "true."
The most fantastic thing about this movie is that Takatsuki tells Kafuku in the car:
"But no matter how much we are supposed to understand or love each other, it is impossible to look into another person's heart precisely like that. It will only make you feel sad. However, if it is your own heart, you should be able to look into it as much as you try, as long as you make an effort. So, in the end, we must come to terms with our minds in a good and honest way. If we want to understand others, we must look straight at ourselves. That's what I think."
Ref 2)
Vanya complains to his niece Sonya about his painful heartache.
Sonya then speaks softly to Vanya.
"It can't be helped. We have to live.
Let's live through the long, long days and nights.
And when the time comes, let's die peacefully.
And in the great beyond, we'll say to Him that we suffered, that we cried
that life was hard.
Then God will have mercy on us, and we will be able to live a bright and beautiful life.
Then we can breathe a sigh of relief.
I believe it. Uncle, you are crying.
But we are almost there. Then, finally, we can take a breath..."
Drive My Car
Drive My Car: It'll Be Okay
"Drive My Car" Spoiler Synopsis Impressions and thoughts on the ending. The meaning of "story" by director Ryusuke Hamaguchi, who ends up in the last Korea