Dwarf shoemaker


W.B.イェイツは多くのケルト妖精の話を編纂しました。レプラホーン (Lepracaun) の名は Leith-bhrogan、すなわち片足靴屋を意味します。垣根に座って靴を修繕する姿が見られる悪霊の子供で、堕落した妖精と伝えられます。靴職人とされ、グリム童話の『小人の靴屋』に登場する妖精とはこのレプラコーンのことだ言われています。地中の宝物のことを知っており、うまく捕まえることができると黄金のありかを教えてくれます。しかし、大抵の場合、黄金を手に入れることはできないません。今日は「小人の靴屋」の第一話を楽しんでいきましょう。(English) W.B. Yeats compiled many Celtic fairy stories. The name Lepracaun (Leprahorn) meant Leith-bhrogan, i.e. one-legged shoemaker. He was a child of an evil spirit who was seen sitting on a hedge mending shoes and was reportedly a fallen fairy. He is said to be a shoemaker, and the leprechaun is the fairy in the Grimm's fairy tale, The Dwarf Shoemaker. He knows about underground treasures and will tell you where the gold is if you manage to catch him. However, most of the time, they do not get the gold. Today we will enjoy the first episode of The Dwarf Shoemaker.

[Dwarf shoemaker] Synopsis.

Short Synopsis


The shoes of a skilled shoemaker's grandfather were always popular.

But one day, suddenly, they could not sell these shoes.


One day, the older man went to bed with a piece of leather on the floor, and before he knew it, the shoe had been made.

This strange event lasted a while, and the grandfather became rich because he sold many of the shoes.


One night, Grandpa and Grandma found the dwarf making the shoes.

They gave the dwarf a thank-you gift, and the dwarf lived happily ever after, even though he no longer visited them.

[Dwarf shoemaker]Synopsis.


Once upon a time, there was a shoemaker in a town.

The older man, a shoemaker, was very good at making shoes.

Many customers came to the shop.


One day, however, the grandfather's shoes stopped selling.

The grandfather and the grandmother were in trouble.


"Grandfather, your shoes aren't selling these days."

"Maybe my shoes are so strong that I don't need to buy new ones."


The days of poor shoe sales continued.

Their lives became poorer and poorer.

There was only enough leather left to make one pair of shoes.


When the grandfather went to the tanner, he was told he could not sell leather to a shoemaker with poor sales.

That night, the grandfather cuts the last of the leather into the shape of a shoe and goes to bed.

"I will make the best shoes tomorrow."


But when morning came, the shoe was already made!


"Oh, what a surprise. They're even more excellent than your grandfather's shoes."

"Yes, they are. Yes, they are beautiful shoes."


The grandfather immediately put the beautiful shoes on display in his shop.

Soon they sold for double the usual price.

With the money, he was able to buy new leather.


Two pairs of leather were cut into the shape of shoes and put aside, and another two pairs of nice shoes were made.

The shoes sold quickly again.


The next day, four pairs of shoes were made, and the next day, eight pairs, and so on.

All the shoes were trendy, and the customers never stopped coming.

Before they knew it, the grandfather and grandmother had become wealthy.


As time went by, Christmas was approaching.

The grandfather said to the grandmother.

"Grandma. I always thought the shoes were a gift from God. But I think it's time to find out what happened."

"Yes, I think so."


They both put down the shoe leather that night and stayed awake, keeping an eye on it.


The window opened, and in came the dwarf.


The dwarf, smaller than Grandpa's hand, runs up to the shoe leather.

"Knock-knock! Knock-knock!"

The dwarf sewed and hammered the shoe leather, and he had made a fine pair of shoes in no time.


The grandfather and grandmother were astonished to see this.

They decided to thank the dwarf for making such beautiful shoes.


"What would you like me to give you as a present?"

"These days, it is getting colder, so wouldn't it be nice to give him some clothes?"


The next evening, they put on a small pair of shoes and a small piece of clothing instead of leather.

And guess what!

The dwarf was so happy that he put on his shoes and clothes and flew into the sky.


After that, the dwarf never appeared again.

But the grandfather and grandmother lived happily ever after.

The end.


Summary of The Dwarf Shoemaker.

There is an important reason why the grandfather and grandmother lived happily ever after.

It is probably because they never forgot to be thankful for their good fortune by chance.


The dwarf might have been sulky or angry if they had not given thanks.

Then something terrible might have happened.


We all have times when things go wrong, like when Grandpa's shoes suddenly stop selling.

But then someone helps us out.

We should not take it for granted but be grateful for it.

[The Dwarf Shoemaker] Synopsis. 


The fairy tale The Dwarf Shoemaker is terrifying! Including parts 2 and 3 of the story! 


Leprechaun - Wikipedia


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