Elon Musk - How To Learn Anything
最近Twitterを買収したイーロンマスク。物議を醸しだす彼の言動は収まりそうにない。私たちは彼の夢を一緒に追いかけることになるのか。それとも... 彼の教育に対する考え方を聞いてみよう。Elon Musk recently acquired Twitter. His controversial words and actions don't seem to be stopping. Are we going to chase his dreams with him? Or... Let's listen to his thoughts on education.
Elon Musk - How To Learn Anything
Our brain has evolved to discard the information.
That it thinks has no relevance.
If you think, what is education?
You're downloading data and algorithms into your brain.
And it's terrible in conventional education
because it shouldn't be like this huge chore.
So I think colleges are basically for fun
and to prove you can do your chores,
"But they're not for learning."
Are you self-taught?
Yeah, well,
Self-taught, yes, meaning...
I don't have an aerospace degree.
So how did you go about acquiring the knowledge?
Well...I read a lot of books, talked to a lot of people,
and have a great team.
It's important to teach...teach problem-solving
or guide to the problem, not to the tools.
So this would be like, let's say,
you are trying to teach people about
How do engines work?
You could start by...
The more traditional approach would be to say,
Well, we're going to teach you all about screwdrivers and wranches.
And you're going to have a course on screwdrivers,
a course on wranches and all these things.
This is a challenging way to do it.
A much better way would be like, here's the engine.
Now let's take it apart.
How we're going to take it apart?
You need a screwdriver.
That's what the screwdriver is for.
You need a wrench.
That's what the wrench I for.
And then a very important thing happens,
which is that the relevance of the tools becomes apparent.
You don't need College to learn stuff.OK?
Everything is available basically for free.
You can learn anything you want for free.
It is not a question of learning.
There is a value that colleges have,
which is like seeing whether somebody...
Can somebody work hard at something,
including a bunch of sort of annoying homework assignments
and still do their homework assignments?
And king of a soldier through and get it done?
That's the principal value of college.
And then also,
You probably want to hang around with
bunch of people your age for a while
instead of going right into the workforce
So I think colleges are basically for fun
and to prove you can do your chores
but they're not for learning
Generally, you want education to be like,
as close to a video game as possible.
Like a good video game.
You do not need to tell your kid to play video games.
They will play video games on autopilot all day.
So if you can make it interactive and engaging,
Then you can make education far more compelling.
And far easier to do.
So you want to disconnect
the whole grade level thing from the subjects
Allow people to progress at the fastest
the pace they can or interested in each issue.
It seems like a self-evident thing.
I mean, I think most teaching today is a lot like Vaudeville
And as a result, it is not that compelling.
It's like somebody is standing up there and lecturing to you
and they've done the same lecture several years in a row.
They're not necessarily all that engaged or in doing it.
If you think, what is education?
You're downloading data and algorithms into your brain
And it's amazingly bad in conventional education
because it shouldn't be like this considerable chore
The more you can gamify the process of learning, the better.
For my kids, I do not have to encourage them to play video games.
I pry them from their hands like crack.
"Drop that crack needle."
I think a lot of things people learn is probably
there's no point in learning them
Because they never use them in the future.
Well, you have to say, like...
People, I think, don't stand back and say,
Well, why are we teaching people these things?
And we should tell them probably why we're teaching these things
because a lot of kids just in school kind of puzzled
as to why they are there?
And I think if you can explain the why of things,
then that makes a massive difference to people's motivation,
then they understand their purpose.
So I think that's pretty important
and just make it entertaining.
But I think just in general,
like conventional education should be massively overhauled
I'm sure you very much agree with that.
Well, people do not think critically enough.
I mean, critical thinking is a skill in short supply
where people take too many things as...
They assume too many things to be true
without sufficient basis for that belief.
So it's essential that people closely analyze
what is supposed to be accurate and try to build up.
Try to say let's explore things with first principles,
Not by analogy or not by convention.
If you assume, things are true by convention,
which is actually what most people do,
then it's challenging to gain insight
into how things can be bettered?
So..You know, in any argument..or any train of thinking...
you want to make sure that the underlying premises
are valid and applicable and then in reaching a conclusion
that the conclusion running is
necessarily driven by the underlying premises
and the interconnection between those premises
That may seem like a really simple thing to say,
but most people don't do that.
So it's the foundation of rational thought.
I think there are some excellent schools out there,
but I think some of the mistakes, at least in my opinion,
that I see being made in education is..
The teachers do not explain
why kids are being taught a subject
You're just sort of getting dumped into the math.
And like, why are you learning math?
What is the point of this?
It seems like some people like, maybe it's I don't know why
I'm being asked to do these strange problems,
but the why of things is extremely important
Because our brain has evolved to discard information
that it thinks, has no relevance.
So then if, on the hand, you're being asked to memorize
or learn, say formulas
but you do not know why this is the case?
Then you have this cognitive dissonance of
"It seems irrelevant. But I'm being told to remember it."
So...Or I'll be punished.
So I better rememberit.
But,, So the why of things is very important.
And then...being able to..
picking kind of a problem and then
using various educational tools to solve that problem,
using math or physics or economics solve that problem
is far more engaging than teaching the tools.
University education is often unnecessary.
That's not to say it's unnecessary for all people.
But I think you probably learn about as much
or the vast majority of what you will understand there
in the first two years.
And most of it is from your classmates.
Now, for a lot of companies,
they do want to see the completion of the degree
because they're looking for someone
who's going to persevere and see it through to the end.
And that's actually what's important to them.
So it depends on what somebody's goal is.
If the goal is to start a company,
I would say no point in finishing College.
So I think that's how it should be.
And it should be that you've got these
where people move in lockstep.
And so everyone goes through like normally,
You will go through English, Maths, Science, and so forth..
Like 5th grade to 6th grade
to 7th grades, like an assembly line.
But people are not objects on an assembly line.
That's a ridiculous notion.
Elon Musk - How To Learn Anything