ENDEAVOUR (2012) | PILOT episode - Case 1 Synopsis of "One Sunny Day."


モース警部はイギリスの推理小説家コリン・デクスターが生み出したキャラクターです。なんとイギリスではシャーロック・ホームズをおさえ、好きな探偵1位に選ばれたこともある"モース警部"。このエンデバーは、そのモース警部の新人刑事時代の物語です。1960年代のイギリス・オックスフォードが舞台。刑事巡査のモースが難事件を解決しながら、成長していく姿を描いたミステリードラマです。彼は孤独の中にいました。 彼が人生で初めて美しく感じたのは、彼女のプッチーニアリア「ある晴れた日」の歌声でした。 彼の鋭い直感と繊細な心は、犯罪者たちの動機を明らかにしていく力があります。2022年、最新シリーズ9も楽しみですね。全編にわたる美しいクラシック音楽と殺人とその動機の解明をお楽しみください。 (English) Inspector Morse is a character created by British detective novelist Colin Dexter. In the UK, "Inspector Morse" has been selected as one of his favorite detectives by holding down Sherlock Holmes. "Endeavor" is the story of the new detective era of Inspector Morse. Set in Oxford, England, in the 1960s. It is a mystery drama that depicts Morse, a detective police officer, growing up while solving complex cases. He was lonely. What he felt beautiful for the first time in his life was the singing voice of her Puccini aria "One Sunny Day." Endeavor is the first name of Inspector Morse. His keen intuition and delicate heart have the power to reveal the motives of criminals.   I'm looking forward to the latest series 9 in 2022. Let's enjoy beautiful classical music, murder, and its motives throughout.

ENDEAVOUR (2012) | PILOT episode - Case 1 Synopsis of "One Sunny Day."


Detective Morse had come to Cowley from the Marshall Newtown Police Department.

It is to assist in the disappearance of 15-year-old Mary Tremlett.


After that, one body was found.

It was like the body of a male student, Miles Percival, who committed suicide with a pistol.


In Mary's room, Morse found a book of poetry that was disproportionately expensive for Mary.


He found a poetry book and a crossword puzzle together.

The puzzle was solved only in the first horizontal and the last vertical.

Morse finds a way to tell the secret meeting place.


Dr. Stromming was the creator of the crossword puzzle "Oz."

He had an affair with Mary.


Mary's ex-boyfriend Miles Percival noticed it.

He had reported to his wife, Rosalind.

Rosalind planned to kill Mary.


First, the crossword puzzle one week ahead was posted.

She ordered Mary to come to her Bagley Wood on Saturday night and killed her.


Then, on Sunday morning, Rosalind made a witness with a white and green dress and a red-haired wig.

It was to make Mary look like she was alive.


And she killed Miles by pretending to be suicide.

It was to make Mary's ex-boyfriend Miles Percival the culprit.

She put Miles' watch at the scene of Mary's murder.



Relationships were complicated.

It was a complex case and involved a girl's prostitution mediation and murder.

The end was a sad ending.


In the girl's prostitution mediation case, a prominent politician was also a customer.

The Assistant Commissioner was also threatened with a photo of his daughter.


In addition, Inspector Mr. Thursday's subordinate Lot broke the business card of Samuels, the leader of the prostitution mediation, and destroyed the evidence.

Corruption seems to be quite deep-rooted.


The girl Mary who was killed was the daughter of Samuels.

Sharon, who was considered Mary's sister, was Mary's mother.

I don't know what it means to have her daughter prostitute.


Samuels was struck by Assistant Inspector Mr. Thursday.

Furious, Sharon hit him with a tire wrench.

Samuels is bedridden, but he is suffering the consequences of his actions.


The disappearance of Mary became a murder case when her body was found.


Morse, not yet accustomed to the corpse, fainted during her dissection.

The police doctor even told him he was necrophobia.

Morse, a graduate of Oxford University, seemed to have majored in classics.


He was able to identify the secret meeting place between Mary and Dr. Stromming in a crossword puzzle.

The writer Colin Dexter, who created the character Morse, was also a master of making crossword puzzles.


In addition, Colin Dexter made a cameo appearance in about 36 minutes of this episode as a person sitting and reading a newspaper.

ENDEAVOUR (2012) | PILOT episode | ENDING | HD with subtitles 


"Detective Morse-Oxford Case Files" Case 1 Synopsis of "One Sunny Day"


Detective Morse-Oxford Case Files-"Wikipedia"


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