Exchange of engagement gifts - "Yui-Nou"
「結納」とは、結婚の約束を正式にかわす際に、新郎家から新婦家に贈り物を贈る習慣のこで、結婚を通して家族と家族が結びつくことを祝宴で祝います。結納の起源は4世紀にまでさかのぼり、仁徳天皇の皇太子が黒媛(くろひめ)を妃に迎える際に、贈り物を贈ったことが始まりとされ、「納采の儀」(のうさいのぎ)という皇室の儀式として現在でも生き続けています。今日は日本の"結納"について学んでいきましょう。 (English) "Yui-Nou" is a Japanese custom where the groom's family gives gifts to the bride's family to confirm their engagement officially. Then, the union of the two families through marriage is celebrated with a ceremonial feast. The origin of "Yui-Nou" goes back to the 4th century when the Crown Prince of Emperor Nintoku sent gifts to Kuro-Hime(Princess) when he received her as his Princess. And this official ceremony still lives on as "Nosai-no-gi" (the tradition of exchanging betrothal gifts) in the Imperial family. Today we will learn about the Japanese "Yui -Nou."
Betrothal - Exchange of engagement gifts - "Yui-Nou."
Yui-Nou is a traditional Japanese engagement ceremony to make an engagement official.
It is often held on a lucky day 3 to 7 months before the wedding.
Engagement money and gifts between the bride and groom's families are exchanged.
The money is called "Yui-Nou -kin (engagement money)," and the gifts are called "Yui-Nou-hin (engagement gifts)."
The money is usually between 500,000yen and to 1,000,000yen (5,000US$~10,000US$) and is given from the groom's family to the bride's family.
The money is given to the bride for the bridal array.
Originally wedding dresses such as kimonos and kimono belts (obi in Japanese) were given instead of money.
Officially, a go-between called "Nakou-Do" visits both families' houses to give or exchange money and gifts.
Nowadays, it is simplified and often omitted the go-between. Instead, the groom and his family visit the woman's house to give or exchange money and gifts. Sometimes the ceremony is even held at a hotel, restaurant, or Ryotei (a Japanese-style restaurant).
The style differs in regions. However, there are mainly following three styles, "Kanto style," "Kansai style," and "Kyushu style."
With the "Kanto style," both man and woman's families prepare the engagement gifts and exchange them. For the engagement money, there is a custom called "Hangaeshi (half return)" the woman's family returns some skills at half the value of the given money.
With the "Kansai style," the only man gives an engagement gift to a woman. Then, later, the woman's family brings about 10% of the monetary donations given in return.
The "Kyushu style" is similar to the "Kansai style," but there are customs that a man's family brings tea, 1.8 liters of sake, and one sea bream before the engagement ceremony.
However, only about 20% of the people nowadays hold Yui-Nou, the engagement ceremony.
Instead, many people (80% of the people) choose the style to get both families together and introduce the family members to each other over a meal.
Betrothal - Exchange of engagement gifts
Japanese culture in 5 phrases in English|Yuino