"FLOWER FAIRIES" by Cicely Mary Barker
20世紀初頭に活躍したイギリスのイラストレーター・児童文学作家シシリー・メアリー・バーカーが描く『FLOWER FAIRIES』の繊細かつ生命力あふれる魅力をお届けします。(English) We will deliver the delicate and vital charm of "FLOWER FAIRIES" drawn by British illustrator and children's literature writer Cicely Mary Barker who was active in the early 20th century.
"FLOWER FAIRIES" by Cicely Mary Barker
Encountering the world of Cicely Mary Barker
Cicely Mary Barker, author of the "FLOWER FAIRIES" series, was born in 1895 in Croydon, south of London, England. Since she was born frail, she did not attend school and was educated at home. Influenced by her father, a wood carving artist, she learned art basics through distance learning and developed her talent.
Botanically accurate flower paintings with expressive fairies
One of Sicilian art's strengths and characteristics lies in the drawn fairies' rich expressiveness. The poses and facial expressions of the fairies are based on actual sketches, and while they are fairies, they are very human. It is said that the models were the children of a kindergarten run by a sister in Sicily. She snuggles up to the stalk of a flower, takes care of a fairy smaller than herself, and all of them are very adorable gestures and expressions that convey a cute and gentle atmosphere.
Another feature is that it is a "botanically accurate picture of flowers". To faithfully reproduce the beauty of nature, it is said that he carefully studied and sketched plants, such as observing and drawing flowers at Kew Gardens, the Royal Botanic Garden in London. As if to symbolize that even a single flower petal has an expression, the costumes worn by the fairies are also carefully expressed with vivid flower petals, and you can feel the vitality of nature.
The Daffodil Fairy
I'm everyone's darling: the blackbird and starling
Are shouting about me from blossoming boughs;
For I, the Lent Lily, the Daffy-down-dilly,
I have heard through the country the call to arouse.
The orchards are ringing with voices a-singing
The praise of my dress, praise of my gown;
The children are playing, and hark! they are saying
That Daffy-down-dilly is come up to town!
The Bluebell Fairy
My hundred thousand bells of blue,
The splendour of the Spring,
The carpet of all the woods anew
With royalty of sapphire hue;
The Primrose is the Queen, 'tis true.
But indeed, I am King!
Ah yes,
The peerless Woodland King!
Loud, loud the thrushes sing their song;
The bluebell woods are vast;
My stems are tall and straight and strong;
From ugly streets, the children throng,
They gather armfuls, great and long,
Then home they troop in pride—
Ah yes,
With laughter and with pride!
The Lavender Fairy
"Lavender's blue, diddle diddle"
So goes the song;
All around her bush, diddle diddle,
Butterflies throng;
(They love her well, diddle diddle,
So do the bees;)
While she diddles,
Sways in the breeze!
"Lavender's blue, diddle diddle,
Lavender's green";
She'll scent the clothes, diddle diddle,
Put away clean -
Clean from the wash, diddle diddle,
Hanky and sheet;
Lavender's spikes, diddle diddle,
Make them all sweet!
The Rose Fairy
The best and dearest flower that grows,
Perfect both to see and smell;
Words can never, never tell
Half the Beauty of a Rose—
Buds that are open to disclose
Fold on the fold of purest white,
Lovely pink or red that glows
Deep, sweet-scented. What delight
To be Fairy of the Rose!
Let's meet the fairies
Flower Fairy Books by Cicely Mary Barker ~ Junk Journal Books
Cicely Mary Barker - Wikipedia