The Collapse of the Pearl Harbor "Sneak Attack" Theory - The Final and Complete Report That Roosevelt Knew
白松 繁氏よるこの11部構成の報告書は、日本の真珠湾攻撃がルーズベルト大統領を驚かせたという広く受け入れられている理論に異議を唱えています。 米国政府が主張する「欺瞞」を82年間にわたって主流が信じてきたにもかかわらず、ルーズベルトの事前知識を証明する直接的な証拠はありません。 しかし、解読されたさまざまな通信は、米国が日本の意図を洞察していたことを示唆しています。 報告書はまた、攻撃の政治的・戦略的背景にも焦点を当てており、米国の行動が日本を戦争に追い込んだ可能性があることを示唆しています。 このシリーズは、真珠湾攻撃をめぐる出来事を厳密に評価することを目的としています。(English) This 11-part report by Shigeru Shiramatsu challenges the widely accepted theory that Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor surprised President Roosevelt. Despite 82 years of mainstream belief in the "deception" claimed by the U.S. government, there's no direct evidence proving Roosevelt's prior knowledge. However, various decrypted communications suggest the U.S. had insights into Japan's intentions. The report also highlights the political and strategic context of the attack, suggesting that U.S. actions may have cornered Japan into war. The series aims to evaluate the events surrounding the Pearl Harbor attack rigorously.
Part 1: The Collapse of the Pearl Harbor "Sneak Attack" Theory - The Final and Complete Report That Roosevelt Knew
Raise your voice to restore Japan's reputation. This is an 11-part report by Mr Shigeru Shiramatsu, who earnestly hopes that the preemptive attack on Pearl Harbor, which Nobusuke Kishi called "the folly of the century", will be rigorously evaluated.
On December 8 1941 (7:55 a.m. on December 7, Hawaii time), the first wave of 183 Japanese naval aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 4 leading battleships of the Pacific Fleet were sunk, four were severely damaged, and many other ships were damaged.
President Roosevelt (hereafter referred to as President Roo) delivered a speech to the House of Representatives and Senate the day after the attack, stating, "We were suddenly attacked without a declaration of war during peace negotiations with Japan'' and insisting that Japan's attack was a "scam''. The "Declaration of War on Japan'' was passed with the support of all but one, Mrs Janet Rankin.
Since then, for an extended period of 82 years to the present day, the "deception" claimed by the U.S. government has become mainstream, with President Roo predicting that the U.S. could detect Japan's attack in advance by obtaining information such as deciphering Japan's diplomatic code.
The fruitless "Pearl Harbor controversy" continues with the "no deception" theory by many historians, military personnel, politicians, and media who advocate this theory. The main reason for this is that all the claims of the premonition theory are "indirect evidence", and no "direct evidence (conclusive evidence)" that President Loo knew in advance has been discovered.
On December 8, 2021, during the B.S. Fuji particular programme commemorating the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, when a debate was held by professors leading the modern history of Japan, one professor said, "Roosevelt knew, etc. Conspiracy theories have no academic value whatsoever".
Regarding Pearl Harbor, in the last decade, new evidence-based books/papers (including books that have been reviewed) have been introduced, showing President Loo's foreknowledge of a Japanese attack.
This is because they have ignored the research that has been done and have not taken a single step out of the cowardly "deception" that the U.S. government insisted on 82 years ago.
Although there is no statement by President Loo himself that he "predicted the attack on Pearl Harbor" (of course, there is no such thing), there is much evidence to support his perception, such as the following.
1) before Pearl Harbor, the movement of all Japanese Navy ships was tracked by deciphering call signs, ship route reports, communication zone change notices, etc., in addition to partially deciphering Japanese Navy communications.
2) The U.S. Navy's claim that the giant aircraft carrier and 33 state-of-the-art ships left just before the attack and that all boats returned unharmed after the attack was not "just a coincidence".
3) 100% decryption of Japanese diplomatic codes and decryption of Japanese spy Takeo Yoshikawa's detailed Pearl Harbor warship information telegrams gave advanced insight into Japan's intention to attack and the date of the attack.
4) Commander Yamamoto sent Several orders and words of encouragement to the Japanese task force before the attack were intercepted and decoded.
5) Before the attack, the "Hitocup Telegram" sent to the task forces assembled in Hitcup Bay and the "Communication Zone Change Notification" sent from Japanese submarines heading for Hitcup Bay were intercepted and deciphered.
6) Intercepted and deciphered several "Weather Forecast Telegrams" sent from Japan to the Mobile Task Force in Hawaii and Midway and presented much conclusive evidence that the Mobile Task Force was heading in that direction. He revealed the fact that he had anticipated an attack on Hawaii.
In addition to the above, 100% decryption of the diplomatic cables exchanged between Ambassador Nomura in Washington and Foreign Minister Togo in Tokyo made it possible to perceive the tense situation as "that time'' approached every moment.
At noon on December 7, the day of the attack, the Marshall Army Chief of Staff sent the so-called "1:00 p.m. hand-delivery of the final part of Japan's peace talks to Secretary Hull at 1:00 p.m. "
Washington time (7:30 a.m. Hawaii time). He sent a warning telegram to General Short in Hawaii: "Although the significance of this intercept is unknown, be alert."
More tellingly, on December 4, three days before the attack, the Chicago Tribune published the military's top-secret document, "Victory Plan: Plan to Mobilise 10 Million People".
Because of the circumstances in which President Loo said, "I will never send your sons to the battlefield," at every opportunity, citizens who read the revealing article asked, "Is President Loo's pledge a lie?"
There was an uproar. But three days later, on the afternoon of December 7, an extraordinary news broadcast repeatedly said, "The Japanese navy is attacking Pearl Harbor. This is not a drill". He was interested in "Pearl Harbor".
On December 8, the United States declared war on Japan; three days later, on December 11, Hitler declared war on the United States. Naturally, the United States also declared war on Germany, and public opinion, which had previously been 80% against entering the war, was immediately reversed.
Since President Loo decided to go to war against Japan on July 26 1939, with the "Proclamation on the Abrogation of the Japan-U.S. Trade and Shipping Treaty" (a precursor of which was the "Isolation Speech" delivered in Chicago on October 15 1937), the war strategy had been in place.
This was a conspiracy led by the British and American intelligence agencies just before Pearl Harbor to ensure further "Hitler's willingness to enter the war against the United States" that would result from "Pearl Harbor", and it was the most significant result.
After the above trade treaty's abrogation, exporting all raw materials and machine tools to Japan was restricted or prohibited. In Japan, the "Provisional Plan" was hastily withdrawn, and only 24 hours after the Japanese task force's deployment, the "Hull Note" was issued, which finally cornered Japan and led to the outbreak of war.
President Loo's strong appeal to Congress was that "Japan suddenly attacked during peace negotiations". If that's true, isn't the surprising decision during the peace negotiations to "completely ban oil exports" a "shameful act of barbarism" that is sure to end Japan's life and start a war?
What exactly was the 10-month-long "Japan-US peace talks" that began with the unusual private-sector initiative led by the United States? Verification is needed.
And the cowardly "deceptive attack" that justified the dropping of the atomic bomb, which is a grave violation of international law, was nowhere to be found at the Tokyo Tribunal, where the excuse. It happened because there was not enough time to notify the United States was superficially treated as a clerical error.
It is assumed that the task force will attack the U.S. Pacific Fleet base on a long voyage of 6,000 km, a 16-game battle that will determine the survival of a nation unprecedented in history, and that everyone will be discovered and failed during the voyage.
It is also necessary to clarify why the prosecution overlooked the background investigation that led to a miraculously successful sneak attack (a big failure for the United States?) that went undetected until the first bomb was dropped by a Japanese plane.
After the war, Kimmel and General Short's family started a movement to restore honour, and the Senate passed legislation in May 1999 and the House of Representatives in October 2000.
It proved that the Pearl Harbor disaster was not the sole responsibility of Kimmel and Short. President Clinton refused to sign the bill, but its passage after months of debate is significant. Fifty-five years after the war, Congress recognised Washington's responsibility.
Focusing on the above, we will cover and report on key points in 11 issues once a month. I sincerely hope that a rigorous assessment of the previous war will be made, especially the pre-emptive attack on Pearl Harbor, which Nobusuke Kishi called "the folly of the century" a week after the attack.
Part 1: The Collapse of the Pearl Harbor "Sneak Attack'' Theory - The Final and Complete Report That Roosevelt Knew
"This is the biggest blemish in American history!" The truth about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, announced by an American think tank, shocked the world…!
A Korean who saw the truth of the atomic bomb for the first time in Nagasaki. Shocked by the fact that it can't be taught in Korea...