GINZA de petit Noh "Raiden(thunder and lightning)" Soichiro Hayashi
能楽 (能楽) は、専用の会場、アカデミー、政府の支援を受けて、今日でも活発に上演されています。それ自体は確かに最古の演劇形式ではありませんが、世代から世代へと受け継がれてきたパフォーマンス技術、衣装、音楽、さらには古風な日本語の使用により、能は初期の形式に近いままであり続けることができました。
一方、ギリシャやローマの劇場などの古い西洋の形式は、現代の作品や現代の言語に合わせて時間の経過とともに変化し、適応してきました。そのため、能楽が最も初期の伝統を忠実に守っていることが、現存または現存する最古の主要な演劇芸術と呼ばれてきた理由です。14 世紀から行われてきた能楽は、非常に最小限で規律ある実践であり、今日、完全に理解している人はほとんどいません。
仮面または「能面」の使用で知られる能楽は、超自然的な要素と仏教の哲学が関係しています。能面と呼ばれる独特の仮面が特徴で、霊的、神的、悪魔的な性格を表しています。これは、より人気のある歌舞伎劇場との大きな違いの 1 つでもあります。能は年月を経て、他の形式の演劇と比較して、より構造化され、単調で超自然的なものになりました。
(English) Nohgaku (Noh theatre) is still actively performed today, with dedicated venues, academies, and government support. While indeed not the oldest form of theatre per se, the performance techniques, costumes, and music passed down from generation to generation, and the use of archaic Japanese have enabled Noh to remain close to its earliest forms.
On the other hand, older Western forms, such as Greek and Roman theatre, have changed and adapted over time to suit modern productions and modern languages. This is why Noh theatre has remained faithful to its earliest traditions and has been called the oldest primary theatrical art form in existence or existence. Noh theatre, which has been practiced since the 14th century, is a very minimal and disciplined practice that few people today fully understand.
Known for its use of masks or 'Noh masks,' Noh theatre involves supernatural elements and Buddhist philosophy. It is characterized by unique covers, known as Noh masks, representing spiritual, divine, and demonic personalities. This is one of the main differences between Noh and the more popular Kabuki theatre. Over the years, Noh has become more structured, monotonous, and supernatural compared to other forms of theatre.
In 2001, Noh theatre was selected by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, and a few master performers were recognized as 'intangible cultural assets' of Japan.
GINZA de petit Noh - Raiden - Soichiro Hayashi
Raiden(thunder and lightning) - Sugawara Michizane is reborn as the god of learning.
After the death of Sugawara no Michizane in Dazaifu, a series of mysterious events took place in Heian-Kyo.
Hosyo-Bo, the head of Enryaku-ji Temple on Mount Hiei, has prayed to the heavens and today is finally the day of full prayer.
At dawn, when the moonlight shone white, the spirit of Sugawara no Michizane knocked at the door of his house.
Hosyo-Bo had been Michizane's teacher, teaching him Buddhism in the past.
He rejoices at Michizane's visit and spends a peaceful time together.
However, Michizane announces that he will become a thunderbolt and go to the Inner Palace to take revenge.
The master-disciple relationship then instantly breaks up.
Michizane immediately becomes a demon, crushes a pomegranate offered to the main image and throws it at the door.
The pomegranate immediately burst into flames.
Hosyo-Bo calmly made a sign and extinguished the fire.
Michizane's figure disappeared with the smoke.
Hosyo-Bo was commissioned by the Imperial Court to finally confront Michizane at the Inner Palace(Purple Hall).
In the end, the emperor presents the title 'Tenmadaijizaitenjin' to Michizane's spirit.
The spirit of Michizane rejoices at this and says: "So much for the bitterness of life and the joy of death."
He then rose into the void on a black cloud.
After the unfortunate death of Sugawara no Michizane, a series of disasters occurred, and people feared that he possessed them, so he was enshrined in Tenmangu Shrine today to appease them. As he had been fond of learning since his childhood, he was consecrated at Tenmangu Shrine and became established as a god of wisdom.
Sugawara Michizane: How he transformed himself from a 'grudge spirit' to a 'god of examinations.'
The awesomeness of the dead drove the Fujiwara clan to the brink of terror.
GINZA de petit Noh "Raiden" Soichiro Hayashi
Noh, 'Raiden' piece description.
The second half of Noh 'Raiden.'
Noh, 'Raiden,' first half.
Digest of the Kyogen-style opera The Marriage of Figaro.
First performed in 2002, this experimental stage production celebrates 20 years.
A miraculous collaboration of Eastern and Western cultures!
The opera has been performed in the style of Mozart's operas and has been a delightful stage show.
The Marriage of Figaro" is the first time in Japan that Noh, Kyogen, and Bunraku have been performed on the same stage.
The performers were packed onto the stage and performed on a large scale. The performers were very active on the stage!
The performance was performed by the Krang Art Ensemble, invited from Switzerland. The ensemble adds to the show with their European-flavoured performance on stage together with the performers.
Please enjoy and laugh as much as you can. 2023/3/12 is coming soon!