Goethe Egmont Synopsis


エグモント伯(Lamoral d'Egmont、1522 - 1568)は、神聖ローマ帝国のカール5世、その後を継いだフェリペ2世に仕えた貴族です。スペインの圧政に対抗し毅然とした態度を示し、死をも恐れなかった郷土の殉死者としてベルギーでは尊敬される人物です。ブリュッセルのサブロン広場(プチサブロン)には、エグモント伯とオルヌ伯の銅像が立てられています。今日はゲーテの書いた戯曲「エグモント」を楽しみましょう。(English) Count Lamoral d'Egmont (1522 - 1568) was a nobleman who served the Holy Roman Empire under Carl V and his successor Felipe II. He is respected in Belgium as a martyr to his homeland who stood firm against the oppressive rule of Spain and was not afraid to die. The bronze statues of Counts Egmont and Orne stand in the Place du Sablon (Petit Sablon) in Brussels. Today we will enjoy "Egmont," a play written by Goethe.

Goethe/Egmont Synopsis.

I read Goethe's "Egmont."

It is hard to read.

It is because some long lines and sentences need to understand in history.

The following is a summary of this.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe


A Tragedy in Five Acts

Main characters

Princess Margarita of Parma

(Governor of the Netherlands, daughter of King Karl V, half-sister of Felipe II)

Count Heinrich Egmont

(A nobleman of the Netherland)

Count Willem Oranje

(German-born nobleman from the Netherlands)

Duke Ferdinand Alvarez

(Spanish nobleman)


(his bastard son)


(Citizen's daughter, Egmont's lover)


(son of a citizen)

Time and place

Brussels was the capital of the Netherland under Spanish rule in 1567.

Act 1.

Scene 1.

The citizens were playing a game of bow and arrow.

They praised the previous king of Spain, Carl V, who was well-liked, and the Count of Egmont, a Netherland nobleman who was a joyful and free spirit.

They drank and talked politics.

Scene 2.

Governor Margarita's palace.

Since her arrival, Governor Margarita had governed the Netherland with moderation and tolerance.

However, she was having difficulty dealing with the intensifying Calvinism.

Her half-brother, King Felipe II of Spain, who appointed her governor, was a man who did not tolerate different ideas.

Scene 3.

In the residence of Clerchen, a citizen of Brussels, and her mother.

She respects and loves Egmont, who sometimes visits her in secret.

Meanwhile, Brackenburg, an honest young man, loves Klerchen.

Clerchen treats him kindly from time to time but does not accept his feelings.

Brackenbury suffered.

Act 2.

Scene 1.

A square in Brussels.

Citizens were talking about rumors of a riot taking place in the city.

There is a slight quarrel and then a skirmish.

Then Egmont appears with his entourage.

He quelled the commotion.

He promised assistance to the citizens.

He told them not to be upset by the violent campaign.

Scene 2.

Egmont's house.

Willem of Oranje, attending a meeting with Governor Margarita, visited Egmont's house.

Duke Oranier foresaw further oppression of the Netherland by Felipe II.

He suggested that they accumulate military strength and prepare for war against Spain.

On the other hand, Egmont said that rebellion against the king would be the pretext for suppressing the Netherland.

In other words, he insisted that they should be cautious.

Duke Oranier gave up trying to persuade him and left Egmont's house.

Act 3.

Scene 1.

Governor Margarita's palace.

The Governor of Margarita informs his secretary, Macabelli, of the contents of the letter from Felipe II.

Felipe II thought that Margarita's moderate attitude had failed.

He sent the Duke of Alvarez and a Spanish army to the Netherlands.

Margarita decides to resign as governor.

Scene 2.

The residence of Clerchen.

She and her mother are talking about Brackenbury.

The mother wants her daughter to marry the young man.

However, Clerchen replies that she can only love Egmont.

Then Egmont appears.

A short time later, the mother exits.

And their love conversation continues.

"The general the public knows is the staid, cold-hearted Egmont. But this man here is a peaceful, open, happy Egmont. It is your Egmont."

"I am pleased."

Act IV.

Scene 1.

In the street

Citizens are talking secretly.

Governor Margarita has left the Netherland.

In his place, the Duke of Alvarez arrived.

He immediately forbade any assembly or criticism of the government.

He also put the police on the streets.

Scene 2.

The Duke of Alvarez's residence.

The Duke of Alvarez ordered his men to arrest Egmont's secretaries and others and blockade the town.

He told his son Ferdinand of his plan to capture Egmont.

Then Egmont arrives.

He tried to convince the Duke of Alvarez that any policy subjecting the Netherlands to unconditional obedience and depriving them of their ancient rights would not be respectful to the King of Spain.

But the Duke of Alvarez did not understand at all.

Egmont stated that the king was trying to go down the wrong path.

Egmont was then arrested.

Act 5.

Scene 1.

The streets in the evening.

Clerchen wanted to save her beloved Egmont.

She tells the citizens to gather together, weapons in hand.

But the citizens were afraid of the police and hid.

Clerchen is persuaded by Brackenburg, who was with her and had no choice but to return home.

Scene 2.


Egmont's monologue.

My old friend!

Ever faithful sleep!

Could you save me?

Oh, anxiety!

Anxious to let time go by, anxious to let men die!

Please leave me alone!

When did Egmont become so alone?

When did I become so alone in this vast world?

Yes, they will gather by the thousands.

And they will surely come to me and lend me their strength.

Surely their wishes will soon reach the heavens and work wonders.

Scene 3.

Clerchen 's house.

Clerchen is waiting for Brackenburg to arrive.

When he returned, Krählchen learned preparations were being made for Egmont's execution in the central square.

She despaired.

She takes out a vial of poison.

Brackenbury told her to dissuade her.

If not, he said, let me die with you.

But she no longer heard Brackenburg's thoughts anymore.

She drank half the poison alone.

She told Brackenburg to leave the house.

Then she leaves for the small room.

Brackenbury was eventually left behind.

"I shouldn't be here on earth anymore," he said.

" Hell and heaven will cause me the same amount of pain."

Scene 4.

In the prison

Alvarez's vassals told Egmont the result of his sentence.

"Your crime is high treason. Therefore, you shall be beheaded in front of the people."

Egmont was lost in thought for a while.

Then he saw the duke's bastard son, Ferdinand.

Ferdinand grieved, saying that he had looked up to Egmont since childhood.

Egmont spoke with him.

Egmont asked him to take care of his men and his beloved Kraerchen.

Egmont, freed from his anguish, went to sleep.

Then a goddess resembling the face of Clerchen appeared to him.

She told him that Egmont's death would give freedom to the Netherland.

She gave him a crown of laurel.

Egmont wakes up.

The sound of drums approaches.

"I die for freedom.

I sacrifice myself in the Passion."

Egmont walks to the door.


Goethe/Egmont Synopsis. 


Comte d'Egmont 


Lamoral d'Egmont(1522~1568) 




Egmont - Wikipedia


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