Goethe's Faust
ゲーテのファウスト2部のラストシーン。海の脅威もない安全な土地。ファウストは「日々に自由と生活とを闘い取らねばならぬ者こそ、自由と生活を享くるに値する」という叡智の最高の結論を得ます。その拓かれた土地で勤勉な民が住む。自由な土地の上に自由な民と共に生きる。その光景を夢半ばに思いつつ、満足を感じ、悪魔メフィストーフェレスとの約束のもと、死に至ります。ファウストはたゆまぬ努力と熱意が見いだされ、彼の魂は悪魔メフィストーフェレスの手を逃れ、天高く上り、グレートヒェンと結ばれることとなります。こうして物語は幕を閉じるのです。(English) The final scene of Goethe's Faust, part 2. A safe land without the threat of the sea. Faust arrives at the supreme conclusion of wisdom: 'Those who have to fight every day for freedom and life deserve to enjoy freedom and life'. Industrious people will live on the free land, and we shall live with free people. Then, happy and half dreaming of the scene, he dies with a promise to the demon Mephistopheles. Faust's tireless efforts and zeal are discovered, and his soul escapes the clutches of the Devil Mephistopheles and rises high into the heavens to be united with Gretchen.
Synopsis of Goethe's Faust
Part 1
Goethe's Faust is filled with a sense of loss and despair that even with all the knowledge in the world, in the end, nothing can be done.
Meanwhile, the Devil Mephistopheles appears and promises to give Faust his soul if he can satisfy him. (This was something Mephistopheles had decided in advance in an exchange with the Lord (God)).
Faust goes along with the story and uses his magic to experience many things, including rejuvenation.
One day, Faust falls in love at first sight with a woman called Gretchen, and the Devil's power, Mephistopheles, unites the two.
But Gretchen had a mother who nursed him, and they did not have enough time to see each other.
So they give Gretchen's mother a sleeping pill and decide to meet her while she sleeps.
However, she took the wrong dose of sleeping pills, and her mother died. Gretchen also conceives Faust's child and kills it out of poverty. (This was called infanticide, widespread in Germany at the time. It was a serious crime, of course).
Gretchen is imprisoned, but Faust breaks out with the help of the Devil, Mephistopheles.
However, Gretchen is no longer sane and refuses Faust's offer to escape. Here, with the arrival of the guards and without a formal farewell, Faust and the Devil Mephistopheles leave the prison.
The first part ends here.
As a love tragedy, it is said to reflect Goethe's state of mind at the time.
Synopsis of Faust Part 2
In the second part, the stage changes completely and becomes the royal palace.
Faust and the demon Mephistopheles serve the emperor and bring great wealth to the country.
In search of an incomparable beauty, Faust also travels to the borders of the infinite creators, where the pre-birth lives, and meets Helen (the beauty of Greek mythology).
But Faust himself falls in love with her and loses consciousness.
The only way to cure this is to go to the world of Greek mythology. Therefore, he pursued Helen in mythology (the world of mythology is not explicitly stated in work, it is only said that he went to Greece).
Later, Faust meets Helen again and has a boy (the original book and Faust are the same except that Helen has a child). The boy dies, and the dream world disappears.
At the end of the story, the stage shifts to the real world of Germany, where the emperor above wins a coup and receives land in the sea as a reward.
Faust tries to reclaim this land, build dikes and confront the incredible power of the "sea".
Things go smoothly, but he accidentally kills an old couple living in a house that has not been evicted from the nearby land and a traveller who happens to be there. (Faust orders the eviction, and the demon Mephistopheles carries out the murder. However, the accidental aspect is vital).
"Sorrow" (a character with honest dialogue. Appears as a grey woman), who has come out of the house, blinds Faust.
While the demon Mephistopheles are digging the older adults' graves, counting the days until he can finally take his soul to hell, Faust misunderstands it as the sound of farmers working hard on the land and tells the Devil Mephistopheles about it.
Faust also mentions creating a swamp drain, making the landfill safe, and inviting people to live in it as a paradise.
A safe land without the threat of the sea. Faust arrives at the supreme wisdom of wisdom: "Those who have to fight every day for freedom and life deserve to enjoy freedom and life".
In the open country, they were inhabited by industrious people. Live with free people in a free land. Dreaming of this scene, he feels satisfied and dies under the promise of the Devil, Mephistopheles.
Faust's perseverance and zeal are found, and his soul escapes the demon Mephistopheles, ascends to heaven and is reunited with Gretchen.
This ends the story.
FAUST Gounod - Opera
A story set in 16th-century Germany
The old scholar Faust laments that his studies have been in vain and is about to drink poison. The Devil, Mephistopheles, appears and asks whether he wants money or honour. Mephistopheles tells Faust, who longs for the pleasures of his lost youth that he will give him his soul after death. Faust hesitates but is fascinated by a vision of his beautiful daughter Marguerite and agrees to make a deal with the Devil. Faust takes the drug and immediately becomes a young man.
A square is full of festivities. Valentin leaves for the battle tomorrow but worries about her sister Marguerite, who will be left alone. Mephistopheles arrives and approaches the people but is discovered to be a demon and flees. Meanwhile, Faust declares his love for Marguerite. But she politely refuses.
Faust and Mephistopheles leave a box of jewels outside Marguerite's house. Marguerite is surprised to see a beautiful gem. Faust and Mephistopheles return while talking to her neighbour Marthe. Faust courts Marguerite, Mephistopheles courts Marthe. The stubborn Marguerite finally accepts Faust's love for her.
Marguerite, pregnant with Faust's child, prays in church. A chorus of devils surrounds Marguerite, who cannot forget the dead Faust.
Soldiers gather in the square. Valentin returns but is furious to learn that her sister has become an unwed mother. After regretting what he has done to Marguerite, Faust fights a duel with Valentin, who is angry at him for playing with her sister. Valentin loses to Faust, who borrows the Devil's power and loses his life.
Faust is caught up in the excitement of Walpurgis Night. Faust sees a vision of Marguerite among the dancing beauties.
Faust goes to see Marguerite. She is in prison for murdering her unborn child. The two are happy to see each other again, but Marguerite has already lost her mind. Faust and Mephistopheles try to get Marguerite out of prison, but she refuses. Eventually, Marguerite's soul ascends, and Mephistopheles is overthrown by the archangel Michael.
Goethe's Faust.
Faust | Book overview in English
FAUST Gounod | Alagna-Mula-Gay--Altinoglu | Bastille 2011
FAUST Gounod
Kaufmann & Poplavskaya - Faust - Duet: Il se fait tard - multi-subtitles - Act III
Kaufmann & Poplavskaya & Pape - Faust - Final Trio - Prison Scene - multi-subtitles