Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther"
この映画では、1774年に発表されて以降、いまなお読み継がれている恋愛小説の名作「若きウェルテルの悩み」の誕生に秘められた、ドイツの文豪ゲーテの恋の物語を描く。自由奔放な若者ゲーテはある日、美しい少女シャルロッテと出会い恋に落ちる。しかし、シャルロッテは父親の命令でゲーテの上司ケストナーと結婚することになり、失望したゲーテは自分の気持ちを伝えるため、ある物語をつづりはじめる。今日は原作「若きウェルテルの悩み」あらすじを見ていきましょう。2010年製作/105分/G/ドイツ、原題:Goethe! (English) The film depicts the love story of Goethe, a great German writer, behind the birth of "The Sorrows of Young Werther," a masterpiece of romantic fiction that is still read today since its publication in 1774. One day, Goethe, a free-spirited young man, meets a beautiful girl named Charlotte and falls in love with her. However, Charlotte's father orders her to marry Goethe's boss, Kästner. Disappointed, Goethe begins to compose a story to express his feelings. 2010 production / 105 min / G / Germany, Original title: Goethe! Today we will look at the original "The Sorrows of Young Werther" synopsis.
Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther" Synopsis: A masterpiece about the tragedy of a young man haunted by death.
Have you ever heard of the "Werther Effect," in which a chain reaction of suicides increases when a famous or popular person commits suicide?
This effect is named after the publication of Goethe's famous book "The Sorrows of Young Werther," in which Werther commits suicide after suffering from a hopeless love affair and the phenomenon of suicides among young people in Europe.
"The Sorrows of Young Werther" is an autobiographical novel based on Goethe's love affair with Charlotte.
Goethe was reportedly so unstable that when he returned to his hometown, he attempted suicide with a dagger.
The novel is not merely a tragedy of a boy with a broken heart.
Albert, the fiancée of Charlotte, the woman he fell in love with, was an energetic young man who was the complete opposite of himself.
Goethe describes the tragedy of his disappointment in himself, his infatuation with her, and his longing for death combined.
The story also unfolds as Werther reveals his feelings for Lotte through letters to his pen-friend Wilhelm.
Therefore, the considerable amount of reflective psychological portrayal of Werther is one of the charms of this work.
Werther was a young man of the upper class in a new land after wandering in the countryside, a young man of good looks and sound studies but not very emotionally stable.
Werther lived a leisurely life writing literature and painting.
Eventually, he made acquaintances in the city and attended a ball.
Since it's you, you'll understand when I say this:
"I'll be there.
In short, when the carriage stopped in front of the hall and I got out, I felt like a sleepwalker.
The lights were already on in the hall, and music was pouring out.
But I was dreamily melting into the dusky scenery."
Werther attends a ball at the home of an old courtier with whom he has become acquainted.
There he falls in love at first sight with his daughter, Lotte.
He was impressed by Lotte's love of novels and literary education.
They danced the waltz together, and Werther was in happiness.
However, Lotte confides in him about her fiancé, Albert, who is on a trip.
When the day was over, Lotte and Werther were still good friends, and Werther missed and cared for Lotte's younger siblings.
Werther is so infatuated with Lotte that he tries to keep his distance from her.
However, he is tempted to visit Lotte.
Finally, these days do not last long, and Alberto returns.
"I'm going to leave."
Seeing that Lotte belongs to Alberto, Werther leaves the city without telling Lotte.
Then, with Wilhelm's introduction, he takes a position as a provincial officer.
He thought his busy schedule would allow him to forget about Lotte, but such days did not last long as he could not come to terms with his boss.
In such a difficult time, Werther remembers Lotte, who filled him with happiness.
Finally, Werther decides to resign from the court and return to Lotte.
But when he returns, Lotte has already married Albert and become his wife.
One day, Werther meets a crazy man while taking a walk.
The man said he was looking for flowers for his girlfriend and wandering around helplessly.
When Werther asks about it, he tells him that the man was also in love with Lotte and went insane because he didn't get her.
Another man was jealous and killed his mistress's married partner.
I felt sorry for and wanted to help him, but he was no longer a murderer and could not be saved.
Werther sees his fate in these men who cannot be saved.
After Lotte and Alberto were married, they both welcomed Werther warmly.
Werther recognized and respected Alberto as a fine man, unlike himself.
However, eventually, such a heart rapidly disintegrated.
-But is it okay for me to say this? There is nothing wrong with it, Wilhelm.
I think Lotte would have been happier with me.
Albert is not a person who can fulfil all the wishes of Lotte's heart.
He has a specific defect in his sensitivity.
- I am the only one who loves Lotte so earnestly and sincerely, and I don't know, understand, or own anything other than Lotte.
Yet, I sometimes find it challenging to understand how anyone other than me could love Lotte or have the right to love her.
One day, while Albert was away, Lotte and Werther met.
Lotte asks Werther to recite a poem.
The poem was about the tragedy of a hero.
When the two realize this is exactly like their circumstances, they cry.
Werther then kisses Lotte.
"We will never see you again, Werther. I will never see you again.
With these words," Lotte leaves the room.
One day, Werther has his servant deliver a letter to Albert's house.
The letter's contents are: "I am going on a trip. Could I borrow your pistol?"
Soon Werther receives the pistol from the boy, finds out that it was given to him by Lotte, and pulls the trigger with pleasure.
I was first surprised that in 1774, in the middle of the Edo period in Japan (the same year that the Kaitai Shinsho was published), there was literature that was so easy to understand.
I think the fact that Werther lost Lotte to Albert, an energetic young man who was the complete opposite of himself, was another reason why he could no longer recognize himself.
They are clearly shown how opposed they were in the scene discussing "whether or not to admit to suicide."
Werther understood that mental illness, like a virus, can corrupt the body and mind.
Albert, however, was of the mindset that "I don't know what kind of person commits suicide" from beginning to end.
Goethe's words spoken through Werther are a way of thinking that is still relevant today, and I was reminded of his words, "Mood is laziness."
"How can something that hurts ourselves and others not be a vice?"
"Isn't this grumpiness a relatively secret displeasure with our stupidity, that is, a dissatisfaction with ourselves?"
When asked by a young man, "Isn't it too much to say that grumpiness is a vice?
He then says that such a person is a tyrant and that "you can never make up for someone's precious moment ruined by a bad mood," he says enthusiastically.
This is a theme that I thought was already thought-provoking, even more than 200 years after the novel's publication.
”The Sorrows of Young Werther" is not just a novel about love.
It is a thought-provoking novel about the human way of life.
I think it is a masterpiece that transcends the limitations of its time and makes us think about the fragility of the human spirit.
I recommend you pick up a copy and read it whenever you are in the Mood to think things over.
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Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther" Synopsis: A masterpiece about the tragedy of a young man haunted by death.