

聖書を代表するエピソードである"ダビデとゴリアテ"のお話です。ダビデとゴリアテとは、旧約聖書の"サムエル記・上"に書かれているエピソードです。(あらすじ)"ダビデとゴリアテ "は、聖書の物語で、若い羊飼いのダビデが巨大な戦士ゴリアテを倒し、イスラエルがペリシテ人に勝利することを確実にする物語です。ダビデは経験も浅く、鎧も持っていなかったにもかかわらず、信仰心と決断力でゴリアテを石一個で倒したのです。この物語から、「ジャイアントキリング」という言葉が生まれ、「負け犬が強敵に勝つ」ことを指すようになりました。ダビデはその後、多くの戦いを乗り越え、イスラエルの王となる。(English) This is the story of "David and Goliath", a representative episode of the Bible. David and Goliath is an episode from the Old Testament book of Samuel. (Synopsis) "David and Goliath is a biblical story in which the young shepherd David defeats the giant warrior Goliath to secure Israel's victory over the Philistines. Despite his inexperience and lack of armour, David's faith and determination allow him to kill Goliath with a single stone. The story inspired the term "giant-killing", which refers to the surprising victory of an underdog over a stronger opponent. David goes on to become King of Israel, overcoming many battles.



Synopsis of "David and Goliath"

Goliath's taunt

8 Goliath stood up and called out to the battle lines of Israel, saying, "Why have you come out in battle lines? I am a Philistine, and you are Saul's servants. Choose one of you."

9 "If he fights and kills me, we will be your servants; but if I win and kill him, you must be our servants and serve us." (1 Samuel 17:8,9)

This is the story of when the land of Israel was at war with its archenemy, the Philistines.

Among the Philistines was a giant called Goliath.

Goliath was almost 3 metres tall and looked like this.

Bronze helmet

57 kg of armour

Bronze shin guards

Bronze spear with 7 kilograms of iron

A ridiculous monster to be armed with.

Such a formidable enemy stood in the way of the Israeli army.


Goliath stood on his dignity and shouted at the Israeli army.

Please choose one of you to fight me!

If he wins and kills me, we Philistines will be slaves to the Israeli army.

But if I win, you Israeli army will be our slaves!

If you dare to fight me, come out!

When the Israeli army heard this, they were terrified.


The appearance of David

32 David said to Saul: "Let no one is discouraged on his account. Let your servant go and fight the Philistines." (1 Samuel 17:32)

Now, as Goliath's provocation continued, David came to this battlefield.

He went to bring food to his brothers in the Israeli army.

And while David was talking to his brothers, Goliath was provoking the Israelites as usual.

When David heard this, he broke down and said,

How rude!!

Who is this Philistine to challenge the army of the living God!?

Then he said to King Saul, who was following him

Don't worry about him any more.

I will defeat this Philistine!!


But of course, King Saul objected.

Don't be silly! He's a soldier, trained since he was a boy!

But David said:

I have killed lions and bears as a shepherd.

So this Philistine will now suffer the same fate as those beasts.

Because God will save me, just as he saved the lions and the bears!


Seeing David's strong determination, Saul finally gave in and said

May God be with you.

Saul then tried to make David wear armour, helmets and other equipment.

But David was unfamiliar with them, so he took them all off.

He met Goliath with only a staff and a sling containing five stones.


David against Goliath

49 David put his hand into his bag, took out a stone, threw it with the sling, and struck the Philistine on the forehead so that the stone sank into his forehead and fell face down.

50 So David overcame the Philistines with slings and stones, struck and killed them. (1 Samuel 17:49, 50)

When Goliath saw young David, he mocked him.

Hey, I have a stick. Am I a dog or something??

And he said again that he would curse David in the name of God.

Come on! I will feed the birds and the beasts with your flesh!

Then David replied that he would not be defeated.

I will fight you in the name of the God of Israel.

God will hand you over to me today.

You will be the food of the birds and the beasts!!

So began the battle between David and Goliath.

Two men are running towards each other.


Then David took a stone from his bag and put it in the sling.

Then he threw the stone at Goliath.

What do you think happened?

The stone hit Goliath on the forehead, and he fell face down.

Then David took Goliath's sword and cut off Goliath's head.

It was a quick ending, and it betrayed the expectations of those around me.

When the Philistines saw that Goliath had been killed, they fled.

So David defeated Goliath by the power of God!


After David

The story of David and Goliath is over, but some people may wonder what happened to David after that.

A summary of what happened after David is as follows:

After defeating Goliath, David is made commander of the army.

But King Saul becomes jealous of David and tries to kill him.

So David flees from King Saul and begins a life of exile.

Finally, after Saul's death, David became king of Israel.

Looking at it that way, I thought it would be all right after defeating Goliath, but it wasn't.

After all, the king I was serving began to aim for my life.

It's never been so hard.


You can see David's struggles before he became king of Israel.

"Saul commanded his son Jonathan and all his servants to kill David".

(1 Samuel 19:1)

Keaton: Well, even after he becomes king, David has a lot of problems.

But from the lowest status of a shepherd and the youngest son, undoubtedly, the success story of rising to be king is one of the factors behind David's popularity!


The "killing of the giant" comes from the story of David and Goliath!?

Do you know the term "Giant Killing"?

It is mainly used in sports and refers to the unexpected defeat of a superior opponent.

It is said to have been inspired by how David defeated Goliath!

This is because David, who is inferior, defeated the giant Goliath, who has overwhelming power.

In Japanese, you could say something like "totally unexpected result".


Painting of "David and Goliath"

Finally, let's look at some images depicting David and Goliath!

"David with Goliath's head" by Valentin de Boulogne

A scene after David has defeated Goliath and cut off his head.

"David with the Head of Goliath" by Guido Cagnacci

This is also the scene where David has Goliath's neck.


Summary: David and Goliath is a representative episode from the Bible!

A boy called David knocks down the giant Goliath with a stone throw.

The story of David and Goliath is easy to understand and exciting!

[Explanation] What is the battle between David and Goliath? I tried to summarize the synopsis  


Goliath -Wikipedia


Goliath - Amazon Prime drama 


Goliath(TV_series) - Wikipedia


Billy Bob Thornton and 'Goliath' cast on bringing the show to an end 


The protagonist, Billy McBride, was once an elite lawyer who founded a giant law firm but has fallen on hard times. Separated from his family and living in a dingy motel room, he fights as a lawyer for his downtrodden friends and fellow man against a Goliath-like opponent.

David (Michelangelo)


10 Facts about Michelangelo's Statue of David in Florence, Italy


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