Ichinosuke's "Competing with their stubbornness."


今日は一之輔師匠の落語を楽しみましょう。あらすじ→仕事に悩む主人公は、期限を決めずに親しい叔父からお金を借りた。感謝しながら、1カ月以内に返済しようとしたが、失敗した。助けを求めて、近所の人たちから資金を集めた下駄屋の店主に借りた。しかし、叔父は返済を拒まれ、困ったことになる。そこで、下駄屋の奥さんが「嘘をつく」という解決策を提案するのだが、それが更にややこしいことになり、人間の頑固さ、意地っ張りさが浮き彫りになる。みんな仲良しだけど、大変なことになった。しかし、男には男の意地がある。さて、結末はいかに?(English) Let's enjoy the Rakugo performance by master Ichinosuke today. (Synopsis) The protagonist, struggling with work, borrowed money from his kind uncle without a deadline. Grateful, he tried to repay within a month but failed. Seeking help, he borrowed from a geta shop owner who gathered funds from neighbours. However, the uncle refused repayment, causing conflict. Finally, the geta shop owner's wife suggested a solution involving deception, but more complications arose, highlighting stubbornness and obstinacy in human nature. Everyone is friendly, but things got tough. However, a man has a man's will. Well, how is the ending?

Ichinosuke's "Competing with their stubbornness."

On Saturday, 25th March, Rakugo Master Ichinosuke Shunputei held a Rakugo storytelling in Yokohama.



This is a new Rakugo story from the Meiji and Taisho eras written by Kitaro Oka(1872-1943), a writer, director and critic of the theatre world from the late Meiji period to the pre-war Showa period. It is a well-made work because the author writes it with much primary education. It was one of the remarkable achievements of Kosan Yanagiya V.

After Master Kosan grew old, I couldn't listen to the exciting and tasteful "Competing with their stubbornness". I asked several performers, but I was not satisfied, and I was in a state of resignation, thinking that this story could not live in the modern future.


Let's briefly introduce the story.

His work was not going well recently, and he borrowed money from an uncle he had known since childhood. He lent him the money without interest or security. He didn't tell him when he had to pay him back. Finally, his uncle told him: 'If you can afford it and have money to play with, you can pay me back then'.


The main character was very grateful. He didn't tell his uncle but promised to pay him back in a month. However, the situation has not changed, and it is not profitable. Tomorrow is the deadline, but he won't get his money back.

Nevertheless, he wanted to pay back. The main character offered a loan to the owner of a geta(Japanese shoes) shop close to him. He was initially reluctant to lend him money, but when the geta shop owner heard about the situation, he decided to trust him. He liked his thoughtfulness. He didn't have that amount in his wallet, so he asked his neighbours to collect the money.


But his uncle did not take the money. Instead, he said he didn't have to borrow and pay it back, and he was angry and said, "Go home!"

He had no choice but to return it to the geta shop. But the geta shop owner was angry too. "Oh, don't make me laugh!"


Everyone is friendly, but things got tough. A man has a man's will. The wife of the geta shop came out and told him how to solve the problem, saying that lying was also expedient. Since the Meiji era, it can be said that men are fussy about things and women are real. This seemed to solve the problem, but another incident occurred, and the petty drama of stubbornness and obstinacy continued.


Even if a man is forever a boy, this stubborn rivalry doesn't fit into today's world. So is the old and famous new Rakugo story "Competing with their stubbornness" out of date?

Master Ichinosuke Shunputei's brilliant "Competing with their stubbornness" caused laughter. Then, "Competing with their stubbornness" was revived.


Master Ichinosuke didn't act in the form of a "stubbornness contest", which is often thought to be out of fashion these days. Instead, he served with this "stubbornness" as an "unavoidable feeling". Even a man who is unlucky at work has at least some strength. "I'm begging you, so please accept my feelings!"


As a result, the main character's thoughts resonate with modern listeners. It doesn't matter whether it's old or new, but if that person's thoughts spread to the audience, they will be conveyed to modern listeners.

Until middle age, Master Kosan used to perform this story with an old-fashioned exchange of breath. But more than half a century later, imitating Master Kosan is no longer enough.

Tonight, Ichinosuke Shunputei has revived his masterpiece, "Competing with their stubbornness".

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What is the difference between stubbornness and obstinate?

"stubbornness " and "obstinate" are often used interchangeably, as both describe a person determined to stick to their opinions, decisions, or actions despite opposition or resistance. However, there are subtle differences in their connotations and usage.

Stubbornness :

Refers to someone unyielding, inflexible, or resistant to change.

It can have a slightly more neutral or positive connotation in some contexts, as it may suggest perseverance or tenacity.

It is often associated with a person's unwillingness to listen to others or entertain other ideas, but the focus is more on the persistence of their beliefs or actions.


Refers to a person who is unreasonably and excessively rigid or uncompromising.

It has a more negative connotation than stubborn, implying an irrational or unreasonable refusal to change or adapt.

It is often associated with a person's refusal to accept or acknowledge new information or valid arguments, emphasising their stubbornness as counterproductive or harmful.

While both terms describe a person's resistance to change or opposition, "obstinate" generally carries a stronger negative connotation, suggesting a more unreasonable and counterproductive level of stubbornness.

Ichinosuke's "Competing with their stubbornness."


Shunpûtei Ichinosuke - Wikipedia


Ichinosuke Shunputei, ten consecutive days of Rakugo, live streaming Act 2 Eighth Night.


Kosan Yanagiya 5th "Competing with their stubbornness"


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