Is there a "quantum energy template" invisible to living things


これまで私は量子論の不思議な実験結果などについてお伝えしてきました。本当に目に見える古典力学の世界では、信じがたい現象についていろいろお伝えしてきました。量子論の領域では見えないエネルギーの波動が関わっているということが分かっています。今回はさらに領域を生物に広げて、生きている生体の体にも実は見えない「エネルギーの鋳型(energy template)」「エネルギー体部分」があるのではないか?という話についてお伝えしていきます。(Engish) So far, we have reported on the results of mysterious experiments in quantum theory. We've told you a lot about incredible phenomena in the visible world of classical mechanics. In quantum theory, we know we are dealing with invisible energy waves. This time we will extend the field to living organisms and wonder if there are 'energy templates' and 'energy body parts' that are not visible even in living organisms.

Is there a "quantum energy template" invisible to living things? Quantum mechanics of living organisms studied in the former Soviet Union and Germany

//Summary - Level-C2//

Quantum theory suggests the existence of invisible energy templates in living organisms, as evidenced by studies such as Dr Burr's research on electromagnetic fields in salamanders and plants. These studies suggest that organisms grow according to an 'energy template'. The phantom leaf phenomenon observed by Kirlian photography further supports this idea. Quantum wave therapy, developed in the former Soviet Union and Germany, aims to manipulate these energy templates. Products such as 'New Scan' and 'Time Weber' are examples of vibration regulators based on this concept. Cymatics therapy, developed by Dr Manners and continued by Dr Matsushita, uses sound to manipulate these energy templates. As quantum technology advances, such treatments may become commonplace.


So far, we have reported on the results of mysterious experiments in quantum theory. We've told you a lot about incredible phenomena in the visible world of classical mechanics.

In quantum theory, we know we are dealing with invisible energy waves.

This time we will extend the field to living organisms and wonder if there are 'energy templates' and 'energy body parts' that are not visible even in living organisms.


Many people have done research into invisible energy.

One famous example is that Dr Burr, Harold Suxton of Yale University, has researched measuring electric and electromagnetic fields of living organisms.


For example, we will explain this salamander's surface transition in situ meter.

It turns out that there are radio waves around the salamander that have almost the same shape as the body of the adult salamander after it has grown.

In particular, I found that there is an electric field in the central axis of the salamander, which is the axis that passes through this body.


However, Dr Burr knew that there was an electric field similar to that of the salamander in the body of the salamander after it became an adult as the salamander grew.

However, they investigated when it had become like this.

Surprisingly, this salamander has the same shape when it is smaller.

Furthermore, when the egg of this salamander was laid, there was already an electric field of the same shape as this adult.

It turned out that the shape of the electric field had already been formed from the stage of the unfertilized egg.


Since we are measuring this surface power, we can understand that there is such an electric field according to the shape of the body of the salamander after it has become an adult.

However, from the time of the unfertilised egg, a shape similar to this adult salamander has already been completed.

Perhaps we can imagine that the body of this creature has an "energy template" before the actual reality, the visualised reality.


This Dr Burr also experimented with plants.

He did a similar experiment with the electric field around seedlings and found that at the seed stage, the shape of the plants after growth was shown, as it is with plants after development.

At the seed stage, the shape after growth was not the shape of the seed but the shape of the leaf after growth.

Dr Burr's experimental results suggest that developing organisms are prepared in advance and grow according to an 'energy template'.


There are other experiments with mysterious energy bodies.

For example, there is something called the phantom leaf phenomenon.

This involves photographing leaves using a particular photographic technique called Kirlian photography.

Then, like the shape of a leaf, just like a solar or lunar eclipse, it discharges outward along that shape, and you can take a photograph that emits light like an aura.

Kirlian photography makes use of a phenomenon known as corona discharge.

When a grounded object is placed in a high-frequency electromagnetic disturbance, a spark is created between the object and the electrodes in the device that generate the electromagnetic field.

This corona discharge is often used in Kirlian photography.


If you put a film or a photosensitive plate between this object and the electrodes, you can take a picture like this.

This is Kirlian photography.

The arc discharge generated around it is called a "Kirlian aura".

This discharge of an electrical current rather than a natural aura.

You can take a picture of it.

Strangely enough, this phantom leaf phenomenon can occur.

This is done by taking a Kirlian photograph after cutting off part of the leaf with scissors.


Of course, this is after it's been cut out, so they thought taking a Kirlian photograph of the cutout shape was possible.

But, although it should have been cut out, we can see the corona discharge in the original shape and in the Kirlian photograph, which is called the phantom leaf phenomenon. This is very strange.

It means that you can see an aura of electrical discharge even though it is cut out and has no shape, even though there should be no leaves.

Some people had suggested that this may be because the film was initially placed on the photosensitive film before it was cut, then cut on top of it, leaving that moisture behind and causing arcing.

Some say such an experimental error could have caused such a phantom phenomenon.


And just to be sure, Keith Bagh of California State University retested it.

They tried the same testing with an acrylic plate and a plastic plate in between where water and moisture could not penetrate.

Then they could reproduce the same phantom leaf phenomenon that feels like the aura of this ghost.

This is how we found out that there was no moisture left before cutting.


So this phantom leaf phenomenon is still a mystery.

Sometimes things like these ghostly auras are captured.

The part of the leaf that should have been cut may remain as an aura in the photograph.

This is neither a human body, a phantom leaf phenomenon, nor a Kirlian photograph, but I can give you an example.


For example, some people have been injured in the war and have had their limbs amputated.

The phantom pain phenomenon remains, where a person whose hand has been amputated feels pain in the fingertips, although the fingers should not exist.

The phantom pain phenomenon is also known as a brain illusion.

People who believe in such auras may feel pain because their energy body is left as an 'energy template', and they have problems there.


Some people think that they have this invisible energy body.

Quantum theory, which deals with invisible electric fields and waves, may provide clues.


So far, we have been talking about quantum properties.

Before we observe a quantum, it exists as a wave of energy, like a cloud.

When man observes it by any means, it converges in one place as a particle.

A phenomenon occurs where energy waves become materialised grains and immediately converge.

This is called quantum duality.

First, in quantum mechanics, it has already been experimentally proven that there are invisible energy waves with spatial propagation parallel to vague waves.

Whether you believe it or not, it is at the level that modern technology cannot exist unless you accept it.


Salamanders and plants are also a collection of quanta.

They are made up of groups of elementary particles.

There is such a thing as an invisible energy body.

What are emptiness and energy anyway?


For example, in this box are air, nitrogen and oxygen molecules. Will nothing be left if you suck them up and put them in an ultra-vacuum? This is not the case.

Sometimes matter comes out of nothing.

The universe is 4% known matter and 96% dark matter. It is said to be filled with energy.

According to the uncertainty of quantum theory, this is all matter.

If you took all the particles out of the box and left them in a vacuum, there would still be energy.

By fluctuating this energy, matter and antimatter are created from the point of nothing. Matter and antimatter can also merge, annihilate, disappear, and return to power.

This is what happens. Quantum fluctuations cause it. So the energy state of nothing, the creation of matter from the energy state, is happening right now.


For example, this atom creates and destroys electrons and positrons in quanta.

Because of this effect, the place where the nucleus attaches itself is slightly higher, which perfectly agrees with this calculated value.

In other words, destruction is happening right in front of our eyes.

It's a strange story, but this energy can create matter in front of you.

There is a close relationship between this invisible wave of energy and physical matter and particles.

Or rather, they are two sides of the same coin. Living organisms can also have this invisible energy body.


But in the spiritual world, Ether and Astral bodies are often used among the Ethebodiesbody.

This Etheric body, in particular, has been the subject of serious debate in the history of quantum theory.

In modern science, a reasonably strong faction says there is no such thing as an Etheric body.

However, other groups are probably working on the belief that there may be an Etheric body.


Is it possible to approach the body of physical organisms in any way by acting on the invisible energy body? Can't you adapt? Some think so. It's in every country. It is a field that has been experimented, researched and developed very seriously.

Assuming that this invisible energy body in the living body regulates the so-called quantum waves, is it possible to control the body in a state similar to this invisible energy body? There is a history of serious research into this.


For example, along with the development of this quantum theory, the Cold War, the former Soviet Union, Russia and Germany in particular, have been energetically researching and developing this wave regulator, quantum wave therapy.

As a country, can we develop weapons and the human body's ability in line with the development of quantum theory?

At that time, the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union was also quite active.

Behind the scenes, there is a story that we were vigorously promoting the development of supernatural powers to improve performance by adjusting the human body's energy.


Although it is already familiar, products such as "New Scan" and "Time Weber" exist.

Ordinary people can use products on the market as vibration regulators.

It seems pretty expensive. Since one unit costs several million dollars, it is used in salons and clinics rather than by the general public.

With the development of quantum theory, the research and development of this wave-adjusting machine for quantum wave therapy have been carried out.

These two countries, especially Russia and Germany, were said to be advanced in researching this wave regulator.


The research and development of this wave regulator has been going on in England for about 40 years, behind Russia and Germany.

Dr Manners, in particular, was the most advanced.

Before Dr Manners, in the 1930s, Dr Hans-Inany in Switzerland discovered the Cymatics phenomenon.

He realised that the Cymatics phenomenon is that sound has the power to create its unique form.

We have clarified that sound can be visualised by applying sound to powders and liquids.


This branch of physics is called Cymatics.

Dr Manners appears to have interacted with Dr Inany.

Under Dr Inany's influence, Dr Manners used the Cymatics phenomenon.

He learnt several things while investigating this Cymatics phenomenon.

Some sounds resemble the shape of the human stomach, sounds that make the shape of the stomach, and sounds that make the shape of the human bones and spinal cord.

He discovered that some sounds take the form of certain parts of such creatures.

Dr Manners preserved many sounds of the windpipe, organs and cells of the human body in a healthy state.

He then thought that if the human body listened to these sounds, in other words, to penetrate them, it would return to its original state.


For example, when we prepare two tuning forks, we do it in a science experiment in a Japanese junior high school.

This is called the resonance phenomenon.

Using this resonance phenomenon, for example, if you make the human body hear the sound of a stomach, the form of a healthy gut, the form of a healthy spinal cord, or the shape of a healthy cell, the resonance phenomenon will be generated.

They thought it would wake up and penetrate there.

They thought it would be turned into a healthy form.


Initially, a person called Max Planck laid the foundations of quantum theory. He is a Nobel Prize winner in physics.

He says that everything is vibration and its waves.

He also says that there is no matter in reality and that all things are made up of vibrations.

Based on this way of thinking, Dr Manners came up with the idea of Cymatics Therapy.

It has been researched and developed as a machine, as a Manners Sound.


Unfortunately, Dr Manners has passed away, but following Dr Manners' wishes, a Japanese person has developed this Cymatics therapy into something called E-ma-sound therapy and is researching and developing it.

Dr Matsushita graduated from the Department of Applied Science at Tokyo Denki University.

He went to England to study and spent decades studying Cymatics, ergonomics and so on.

He became a researcher at the Ministry of Health and Welfare in the UK and has researched AI for 340 years.


In other words, I worked as a researcher under the British government.

It seems that Dr Matsushita had the opportunity to meet this Dr Manners during his activities.

He supported Dr Manners because Dr Matsushita's daughter seems to have a congenital joint deformity.


In short, this doctor's Cymatics therapy has improved her.

The Cymatics therapy improved her condition, which he had been told would never be cured after being passed around various hospitals.

He was so impressed that Dr Manners endorsed it.

Since then, this Cymatics therapy has been researched and developed not as a teacher-student relationship but as a partner.

Dr Manners has now passed away, but Dr Matsushita brought it back to Japan, and it seems that the name Cymatics Therapy could not be used in Japan.


That's why it is being researched and developed under E-ma-sound therapy.

E-ma-sound therapy is like quantum wave therapy that uses a particular device to adjust the human body using sound, light and waves.

The Japanese government is also accelerating its investment in this quantum technology from 2020.

For example, the Cabinet Office's Quantum Technology Innovation Strategy Council discussed budget allocations.

We will also invest in this quantum life science.


Prime Minister Kishida also said at the Conference for the Realisation of New Capitalism that the budget would be steadily invested in developing this quantum technology.

It is very famous for quantum computers and quantum cryptography. Quantum life science seems to be getting more and more investment.

This quantum wave therapy is now a somewhat mysterious technology and is not well known to the general public.


However, perhaps in the future, this quantum mechanics will penetrate the general public. It may become a therapy that is taken for granted.

For example, in the past, there was no question of whether or not to believe in this invisible energy because there was no technology to measure it. There may have been times when sound therapy was not readily accepted.

But now, this quantum theory story has started to be used generally.

Without it, we have entered an era where research and development of various products would have been possible.

Perhaps in a few years, this quantum wave therapy will be used as a salon in various cities, and multiple clinics will start to use it, but it may become a technology that is used as a matter of course.

Is there a "quantum energy template" invisible to living things? Quantum mechanics of living organisms studied in the former Soviet Union and Germany

Theory of Dr Harold Saxton Barr

When you change how you look at things, the things you look at change. -Max Planck

E-ma-sound therapy

What are the etheric and astral bodies? Clearly explain the meaning

The etheric body, also known as the astral body, is the lowest level of a person's spiritual energy particles and is the energy layer closest to the physical body.

The etheric body is closely related to the physical body, balancing the functions we use for survival and activity, and it also absorbs the cosmic energy known as chi (prana). In other words, it is related to the life force.

The energy of the astral body surrounds the etheric body and controls the expression of emotions such as moods, sensations, desires and fears. When the celestial body, associated with the human consciousness and mind, is not average, we suffer from mental illness.

And when we die, our astral body and etheric body disappear.

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