Itzhak Perlman: J.S. Bach - Partita in E major, BWV 1006


イツァーク・パールマンとの再会は驚きの連続です。彼は76歳でまだ現役でコンサートをされています。彼は3歳でヴァイオリンを習い始め、4歳でポリオに感染し小児麻痺になり、10歳でコンサートデビュー後、13歳でニューヨークに移住し、エドサリバンショーに出演しました。彼の演奏は煌めくような眩いばかりの光を放つ力があります。バッハの世界観がこんなにも美しく表現されている瞬間に立ち会いましょう。 It is fantastic to see Itzhak Perlman again. He is 76 years old and still active in concert. He began violin lessons at age 3, contracted polio at age four, suffered from pediatric paralysis, made his concert debut at age 10, and moved to New York City at age 13 to perform on the Ed Sullivan Show. His playing has the power to shimmer and dazzle. Witness the moment when Bach's worldview is expressed so beautifully.

A) Itzhak Perlman: J.S. Bach - Partita in E major, BWV 1006


Live recording from Saint John's Smith Square, London (1978)

Itzhak Perlman - violin

Johann Sebastian Bach - Partita in E major, BWV 1006

1:19 Prélude

4:50 Loure

8:07 Gavotte en rondeau

11:19 Menuet I

13:16 Menuet II

15:10 Bourrée

16:43 Gigue

It is the last of the set of three sonatas and three partitas that Bach completed in 1720 when he was employed in Cöthen.

Christopher Nupen about the performance:

"A memorable performance of the Bach partita shot live at a public concert in London which helped us learn that there is almost always a depth to live performance on film that is frequently missing from studio performances."

B) Itzhak Perlman: Virtuoso Violinist, I know I played every note - Documentary of 1978


This film contains, first of all, a portrait of the artist as a young man.

"Itzhak Perlman: Virtuoso Violinist (I know I played every note)."

It is a closely observed account of the formative years of Itzhak Perlman's life and career, an intimate look at a many-faceted artist who wears his success and astonishing virtuosity lightly.


His music, television appearances, spokesmanship for the disabled, and light-hearted ebullience have won him a particularly affectionate following.


Still, he carries his success with particular grace and style. He describes himself as basically a family man for whom the most important thing in his life is his relationship with his family.


This portrait film, which was shot over a period of three years, shows Itzhak Perlman at home in New York with his family,

on tour in Europe with Pinchas Zukerman, 

playing Sarasate's Zigeunerweisen With the Philharmonia Orchestra of London, conducted by Lawrence Foster,

in the recording studios with Vladimir Ashkenazy, recording Beethoven sonatas,

playing Scott Joplin in Wuppertal with Bruno Canino, solo Bach in London,

a Beethoven Trio with Vladimir Ashkenazy and Lynn Harrell in concert at the Royal Opera House,

Covent Garden and rehearsing, performing, 

and teaching at the Aspen Music School in Colorado, where, for a time, he regularly went with his entire family.


The film includes music performances by Bazzini, Sarasate, Beethoven, Scott Joplin, Wieniawski, Bach, and Vivaldi, 

with several performances shot live on stage in true concert conditions where this artist is at his best and most revealing.


The film also contains a sequence in which Itzhak Perlman remembers the making of The Trout film, which has become such an emblem of that affectionately remembered time.


That is followed by a sequence, made especially for this film, in which Itzhak Perlman remembers Jacqueline du Pré. 

It is a tribute to a fellow artist from someone who knew her intimately for many years, working with her, and has an enduring and deep seeing affection for her.


Finally, the film contains memorable performances of the Bach partitas BWV 1004 and BWV 1006, shot live at a public concert in London.

Itzhak Perlman: J.S. Bach - Partita in E major, BWV 1006


Itzhak Perlman: Virtuoso Violinist, I know I played every note - Documentary of 1978


El Arte del Violín (Kreisler, Elman, Heifetz, Francescatti, Milstein, Menuhin, Oistrakh, Stern)


Itzhak Perlman: J.S. Bach - Partita in D Minor, BWV 1004



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