Japan Remains One of the Most Intelligent Countries in the World


フィンランドの会社が収集した新しいデータは、熾烈な競争にもかかわらず、日本が依然として世界で最も知的な国の一つであることを裏付けています。 このデータはまた、日本人が問題解決と意思決定に非常に優れていることを裏付けています。(English) New data collected by the Finnish company confirms that Japan is still one of the most intelligent countries in the world, despite intense competition. The data also ensures the Japanese are very good at solving problems and making decisions.

Japan Remains One of the Most Intelligent Countries in the World - Press ReleaseMay 16, 2022

//Summary - Level-C2//

New data from Finnish company Wiqtcom Inc. reaffirms Japan as one of the world's most intelligent countries, excelling in problem-solving, decision-making, and technological innovation. In addition, the country's education system is highly regarded, with high literacy rates and globally recognized universities. According to the Worldwide IQ Test, Japan has an average IQ of 112.69, second only to Taiwan's 116.07. However, Japan's results are more accurate due to a larger sample size. Therefore, the company encourages more individuals to take the test to validate these findings further.


New data collected by the Finnish company confirms that Japan is still one of the most intelligent countries in the world, despite intense competition. The data also ensures the Japanese are very good at solving problems and making decisions.

Japan's technological prowess is also well-known around the world. The country has many world-leading companies in various industries, including electronics, automobiles and pharmaceuticals. Japan is often regarded as a world leader in technological innovation.

Another key strength of Japan is its education system. The country has a very high literacy rate, and its students consistently rank among the best in maths and science. Japanese universities are also highly regarded, with many ranked among the best in the world.

These are just some of the many reasons why Japan is considered one of the most innovative and advanced countries in the world, and the IQ scores of its residents bear this out.

Previous research in 2019: The Intelligence of Nations

The Ulster Institute's trusted publication, The Intelligence of Nations, has regularly estimated the average IQ of different countries. The results of their latest research, published in 2019, are shown below.


# Country Average IQ

1. Japan 106.49

2. Taiwan 106.47

3. Singapore 105.89

4. Hong Kong (China) 105.37

5. China 104.10

6. South Korea 102.35

7. Belarus 101.60

8. Finland 101.20

According to The Intelligence of Nations, Japan was the most innovative country in 2019, with a slight lead over Taiwan and Singapore.


New data in 2022: Worldwide IQ test

IQ scores change as the population changes. Younger people take IQ tests, while older people may increase due to longer life expectancy. Starting in 2019, the Worldwide IQ Test will measure people's intelligence in more than 100 countries. Countries are ranked by the highest average IQ in the world based on their official IQ test results.

According to the latest figures, the most intelligent countries in the world are Taiwan, Japan, Serbia and Hungary. Residents of Taiwan have an astonishing average IQ score of 116.07, followed closely by citizens of Japan (112.69), Hungary (111.42) and South Korea (111.36).

However, the reliability of the score for Taiwan is weakened by the lower number of tests taken in the country. In addition, it appears that only the most brilliant people in the country have taken the test, which could easily distort the results.

Many more tests were taken in Japan, and the results represent the population. This means that the results for Japan are likely to be more accurate and convincing.


# Country Average IQ Standard Deviation

1. Taiwan 116.07 14.26

2. Japan 112.69 12.16

3. Hungary 111.42 15.03

4. South Korea 111.36 14.09

5. Iran 111.33 14.13

6. Hong Kong 111.01 12.74

7. Serbia 110.09 16.69

8. Italy 110.87 15.93

9. Vietnam 109.37 12.49

10. Finland 109.02 18.22

If more people had taken the test in Taiwan, the test data would probably have confirmed Japan's position as the world leader.


Japan vs the world (chart comparison)

The data in a graph clearly shows how the Japanese score compared with the rest of the world.

The average IQ score in Japan is much higher than in the world, and the standard deviation is more minor. Moreover, Japanese rarely, if ever, score poorly on the Worldwide IQ Test.


The company behind the new study

Wiqtcom Inc. is a Finnish organisation that has tested intelligence worldwide since 2019. The company believes in transparency and wants to share data and knowledge about intelligence and promote the development of intelligence and healthy lifestyles for individuals.

The community behind the company confirms that there is no doubt that the Japanese are one of the most intelligent if not the most intelligent, people in the world.


Japanese cars, motorcycles and electronics are more advanced than anywhere else. Toyota and Nissan are great cars, while Suzuki and Yamaha dominate the motorcycle industry and are renowned among motorcyclists for their high quality and durability. Many revolutionary innovations, such as Sony, have also come from Japan's world-leading electronics industry. It's a pleasure to use these brands in everyday life.

Knowing all this, the many tests that come out of Japan with consistently excellent results are convincing - but not surprising.


Worldwide IQ Test

The intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a measure of intelligence widely used in the psychological community for over a century. An IQ test measures cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, abstract reasoning and general knowledge.

Our IQ test is reliable, accurate and culturally neutral. Many IQ tests require the participant to be able to speak a particular language, understand complex mathematical problems or understand the meaning of an item in the context of a culture. This doesn't determine IQ but rather an individual's ability within a particular community.

The Worldwide IQ Test overcomes these issues, making it a relevant and reliable measurement tool for test takers worldwide.


Academic Collaboration

We must offer our tests for free use in schools, academies and universities worldwide. Your most valuable asset is intelligence; we can help you discover your IQ quickly.

A licence to use the Worldwide IQ Test is granted under certain conditions. As a teacher, lecturer or other academic authority, you can apply for a right to use the test by completing the form on our website.

Once we have verified your request, you can use the test and provide your students with the vital intelligence information they need to succeed.


Affiliate Programme

The affiliate marketing programme offered by Worldwide IQ Test allows affiliates to earn commissions by referring customers to the IQ Test website. There are many benefits to being an affiliate marketer, including making a passive income that doesn't require a physical storefront or inventory.

Using a unique referral ID'll earn a commission for every test sold and help build a more comprehensive picture of IQ in every country worldwide. So can you help us confirm Japan as the most intelligent country in the world, or will another country take the crown?


Final words

Every test counts - when you take our IQ test, your score will affect your nation's average score. You'll boost your country's ranking if you're of above-average intelligence. If enough people do this, you are sure to become number one.

We know that not everyone has taken our test yet, and we need more people in Taiwan and Japan to prove their IQ to determine which country is the most intelligent accurately.

The people of Japan have always been considered some of the smartest in the world. Now is the time to prove it!

Japan Remains One of the Most Intelligent Countries in the World - Press ReleaseMay 16, 2022


Countries by IQ - Average IQ by country in 2023


Add info No1)

Q1. Why could Japanese people get the IQ rank of No. 1 in 2023?

A. Here are some of the key reasons that have been identified for Japan's high IQ ranking in 2023:

1. Education System: Japan's education system is highly competitive and rigorous, which could contribute to higher IQ scores. The design emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving skills from an early age.

2. Cultural Factors: In Japanese culture, there is a strong emphasis on hard work, discipline, and perseverance, known as the "Ganbaru(I do my best)" spirit. This cultural aspect could contribute to the development of cognitive abilities.

3. Nutrition: Some studies suggest that a diet rich in fish, common in Japan, can contribute to brain development and, thus, higher IQ scores. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are known to benefit brain health.

4. Technological Advancement: Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. Exposure to and use of technology from an early age could stimulate brain development and cognitive abilities.

5. Healthcare: Japan's healthcare system is known for its efficiency and accessibility, which means that children are likely to receive regular check-ups and necessary care, contributing to their overall well-being and, potentially, their cognitive development.

6. Environmental Factors: Japan's clean, orderly, and safe environment could also contribute to better cognitive development in children.

These are potential contributing factors, and the exact reasons can vary. In addition, the relationship between these factors and IQ is complex and can be influenced by many other variables.

Q2. What does it mean to have a "high IQ"?

Do you think Japanese people are happy?

Or does it mean that you can study things like problem-solving skills and high literacy rates?

A2-> Having a "high IQ" generally means that a person has scored well above the average on an intelligence quotient (IQ) test. IQ tests measure a person's cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills, abstract reasoning, and general knowledge. A high IQ score is often associated with a more remarkable ability to understand complex concepts, solve problems, and learn quickly.

However, it's important to note that a high IQ doesn't necessarily equate to happiness, success, or fulfilment in life. Happiness is a complex state influenced by many factors, including relationships, health, personal satisfaction, etc. So while a high IQ can provide certain advantages, it doesn't guarantee happiness.

Similarly, a high IQ doesn't necessarily mean a person has high literacy rates or problem-solving skills. While these skills are often associated with a high IQ, they also depend on other factors such as education, environment, and personal effort. A person can have a high IQ but may not have developed strong literacy or problem-solving skills if they haven't had the opportunity or motivation to do so.

As for the happiness of Japanese people, it isn't easy to generalize as happiness is a deeply personal and subjective experience. While Japan has a high standard of living, a robust education system, and advanced technology, these factors do not necessarily equate to happiness for everyone. Cultural, societal, and personal factors all affect an individual's happiness.

Q3. Japan has a high standard of living, a well-developed educational system, and advanced technology, but what do Japanese people need to feel happy themselves?

For example, religion, creed, historical understanding, prospects, technological innovation, etc. What do you think we should aim for to achieve happiness?


Happiness is a deeply personal and subjective experience that varies significantly from person to person. Many factors influence it, including personal values, relationships, health, fulfilment, and more. However, several common factors often contribute to happiness and well-being. Here are a few potential areas that Japanese people, like people anywhere, might focus on to increase their happiness:

1. Work-Life Balance: Japan is known for its strong work ethic, which can sometimes lead to a lack of work-life balance. Ensuring adequate time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones can significantly contribute to happiness.

2. Mental Health: Mental health is crucial for overall well-being. Encouraging open conversations about mental health, reducing stigma, and ensuring access to mental health resources can help individuals manage stress and improve their happiness.

3. Community Connection: Building solid relationships and feeling connected to a community can provide a sense of belonging and contribute to happiness. This could involve spending time with family and friends, participating in local events, or volunteering.

4. Personal Fulfillment: Pursuing personal interests and passions, setting and achieving personal goals, and continual learning and growth can lead to fulfilment and happiness.

5. Health and Wellness: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are fundamental for physical health, which can impact happiness.

6. Spirituality or Religion: For some, spirituality or religion can provide a sense of purpose, community, and comfort, contributing to happiness.

7. Appreciation of Nature: Japan has a rich tradition of appreciating nature, as seen in practices like Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing). Spending time in nature can have therapeutic effects and contribute to well-being.

8. Technological Innovation: As a technologically advanced country, Japan can leverage technology to improve the quality of life, increase convenience, and provide new opportunities for enjoyment and fulfilment.

9. Historical and Cultural Understanding: A deep understanding and appreciation of one's history and culture can provide a sense of identity and continuity, contributing to happiness.

10. Future Prospects: Optimism about the future, including job security, financial stability, and opportunities for growth and advancement, can also contribute to happiness.

It's important to remember that what brings happiness varies significantly between individuals. Therefore, a society that supports diverse paths to joy and allows individuals to pursue their definition of a fulfilling life will likely have happier citizens.

Add info No2)

What is the Italian education system? We will explain the differences from Japan, academic ability, and study abroad [World Education Series 2]


What is the reason for the low academic achievement in Italy?

[Reason 1] Parents' excessive interference and pampering

[Reason 2] Class progress is slow

[Reason 3] Classes that emphasize thinking and putting it into words

Only 4% of Italians aged 25-64 have a university degree

In Italy, where there are many family businesses, there is still a custom of taking over one's parents' occupations, so some choose not to go to university.


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