Kyogen-style opera "The Marriage of Figaro."


モーツァルト傑作オペラ「フィガロの結婚」を、日本の古典芸能の能、狂言、文楽が演じ、演奏はスイスから管楽八重奏クラングアート・アンサンブル。時代を超えて東西の伝統文化が、今ここに現れました。(English) Mozart's masterpiece opera "The Marriage of Figaro" will be performed by the Japanese classical performing arts of Noh, Kyogen, and Bunraku. The traditional cultures of the East and West, transcending the ages, have now appeared here.

The long-awaited Osaka and Tokyo performances of Kyogen-style opera The Marriage of Figaro: Wind Octet Version


Mozart's opera will be performed by masters of Noh, Kyogen and Bunraku, accompanied by European musicians. The Kyogen-style opera The Marriage of Figaro for Wind Orchestra Octet was performed at the Kanze Noh Theatre in Tokyo on Sunday, 12 March 2023, the first performance in Tokyo in five years.


In 2018, Noh and Bunraku were combined in this series, which has been performed mainly in Kyogen since 2002. With living national treasure Bunzo Otsuki as artistic director, the stage has been highly acclaimed as a meeting place for Western and Japanese performing arts.


However, due to the recent Corona disaster, the Swiss performing group Krang Art Ensemble, responsible for the wind ensemble, could not visit Japan.


Many have expressed a desire for a performance, asking: "Couldn't we use Japanese performers?" Some even suggested that the music could be used recorded.


However, all the performers waited for the right moment without compromise, based on the view that "Kyogen-style operas are only possible when Western and Eastern performing arts share the same time and space".


The performers, including the Krang Art Ensemble, who are visiting Japan for the first time in many years, are sure to be even more enthusiastic about the project.


The Count tries to get his hands on Susanna, a young maid. However, Figaro, the Countess, and others join forces to surprise the Count.

Set in the capital city of Kyoto, the Count is portrayed as Lieutenant General Ariwara no Hirahira. The Countess is shown in a different guise as the Northern Wife, Hashino Ue.


Bunraku puppets on the shamisen play the selfish lieutenant general, while female Noh masks and costumes are used to portray the melancholy wife of the Countess. While the virtuosos' masterful performances unfold, the Kyogen performers' movements, which combine everything with humorous laughter, highlight the performance.

The Kyogen-style opera, The Marriage of Figaro, Wind Octet Edition, combines Japanese and Western performing arts, inviting beauty and light-hearted laughter. I hope you will enjoy this unique world.

The long-awaited Osaka and Tokyo performances of Kyogen-style opera The Marriage of Figaro: Wind Octet Version

Kyogen-style opera "The Marriage of Figaro."

Kyogen-style opera "The Marriage of Figaro" Digest

Mozart's masterpiece opera "The Marriage of Figaro" will be performed by the Japanese classical performing arts of Noh, Kyogen, and Bunraku. The traditional cultures of the East and West, transcending the ages, have now appeared here.

The Marriage of Figaro - Glyndebourne


This is upper-class comedy. In this last scene, her husband asks for forgiveness, and her wife agrees.

Mercy, warmth, and true love are abundant. Mozart's music flows so beautifully there.

Even if there is jealousy and loneliness, in the end, it's just a comedy and a beautiful world.

I think Mozart is telling us how beautiful the world should be.

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