Kyoto's Gion Festival in three years


863年から始まる祇園祭は、疫神や死者の怨霊などを鎮めるために行われました。今年3年ぶりにこの祭りは開催されました。日本では、またCOVID-19の状況は悪くなりつつあります。無病息災を祈念したこの祭りを行う賛否はあるようです。しかしながら、私たちは大昔から同じ状況にあったと知ることができます。私たちは賢くなった気がすることがありますが、もっと謙虚になる必要があるかもしれません。さぁ一緒に祇園祭りに参加してみましょう。(English) Starting in 863, the Gion Festival was held to appease plague gods, or spirits that held grudges against death. This year this festival was held for the first time in three years. In Japan, the COVID-19 situation is getting worse again. There seem to be pros and cons of opening this festival to pray for good health. However, we realized we have been in the same situation since ancient times. We sometimes feel like we are getting smarter, but maybe we need to be more humble. Let's join the Gion Festival together.

First Yamahoko procession of Kyoto's Gion Festival in three years

On March 17, 2022, the first Yamahoko parade of the pre-festival(SAKI-MATSURI) was held in Kyoto City for the first time in three years during the Kyoto Gion Festival.

Under the bright sunshine, 23 floats decorated with gorgeous ornaments(Kesou-hin) moved gracefully along Miyakooji Street, attracting crowds along the way.


Due to the outbreak of the plague, the Imperial Court held the first GORYO-E (Ghostly Gathering) in Shinsenn-en (Garden of the Divine Spring) in 863.

GORYO-E is a festival to appease the spirits of plague gods and the dead.

The plague was believed to be the curse of those who died, leaving behind their grudges.

However, epidemics continued to spread.

A spirited meeting was held to pray for good health.

The Gion Festival is said to have originated from this 869-year event.

It has such a long history that in 2019, the festival will celebrate its 1150th anniversary.


=haunting of the gods, Buddha, and other spirits

=To be afflicted by a god, a Buddha, or a vengeful spirit (Onryo).

First Yamahoko procession of Kyoto's Gion Festival in three years

Gion-festival - Wikipedia

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