Les Miserables
ジョン・オーウェン=ジョーンズは、この番組の歴史の中で最も長く、人気があり、伝説的なジャン・バルジャンの一人であるが、それには十分な理由がある。彼の歌声は、その強さと力強さにおいて比類がなく、おそらくこの役を歌った中で最高の歌声である。そして、彼の演技と身体的なパフォーマンスも比類がない。彼は、バルジャンの旅のあらゆる側面を見せることに、私がこれまで見た誰よりも力を注いでいます。だから、最近発見された、2010年の25周年記念ツアーでロンドンのバービカン・センターで行われた彼のパフォーマンスの素晴らしい品質のビデオを共有できることに興奮している。ジャベール役のアール・カーペンターも出演しています。どうぞお楽しみに。(English)John Owen-Jones is one of the most long-running, popular, and legendary Jean Valjeans in the show's history, and for a good reason. His voice is unmatched in its strength and power and is likely the best voice ever to sing the part. And his acting and physical performance are unmatched. He puts more effort into showing us all the aspects of Valjean's journey than anyone I've seen. That's why I'm thrilled to be sharing this recently discovered and excellent quality video of his performance in the 2010 25th Anniversary Tour at the Barbican Centre in London. It also features the brilliant Earl Carpenter as Javert. Enjoy!
"Les Miserables"
In 1815, after the French Revolution and the restoration of the monarchy, Jean Valjean was sentenced to 20 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread for his starving sister's child, and after 19 years, he was released on parole.
However, Valjean's identity card branded him a "dangerous man," and he could not get a job.
Starving and beaten, Valjean collapsed in front of a church, where a priest approached him. Valjean was welcomed as a guest and given a warm meal and a bed.
However, during the night, Valjean steals the church's silverware and escapes.
Valjean is arrested, but the priest tells the policeman that the dishes were given to him. He also gave the silver candlestick to Valjean.
Valjean is ashamed and decides to be born again.
He tore up his ID card and stopped the monthly appearances (stamping his ID card with a confirming seal) that accompanied his parole.
In 1823, Valjean became a respected mayor and a friend of the poor. Javert, the newly appointed chief of police, comes to Valjean to greet him on his arrival.
Javert, a new chief of police, sees the face of Valjean and becomes suspicious of his past.
Meanwhile, Fantine, a poor girl who works in Valjean's workshop, has been abandoned by a man and leaves her young daughter Cosette with an innkeeper and his wife.
When a letter from the innkeeper asking her to send money is taken away by her female colleagues, a commotion ensues.
Valjean orders the factory manager to settle the matter quietly and leaves, but the women workers, fearing losing their jobs, demand that Fantine be fired.
Fearing that he would also lose his job, the factory foreman demanded that Fantine be fired, and she sold her hair and back teeth to become a prostitute.
In the brothel, a man teases Fontaine, and Fontaine pushes him away. Javert's police officers pass by, and the man claims that Fontaine attacked him.
Javert tries to arrest Fontaine, but Valjean defends her and carries her to the hospital.
After this incident, Javert tells him that he has accused Valjean of Paris.
However, another person is falsely accused, and Valjean avoids danger.
Meanwhile, in anguish that an innocent stranger is trying to take his place, Valjean goes to court and reveals the truth. But the court would have none of it.
Later, Valjean visits the hospital. Fontaine died while seeing a vision of Cosette.
Valjean promised Fontaine that he would protect Cosette and went to her, fleeing from Javert. Valjean visited an innkeeper and took in the young Cosette, who was treated as a servant.
In 1832, the favelas of Paris were filled with the discontent of the unemployed.
Valjean was giving alms in the favelas with Cosette, who had grown up to be a beautiful daughter. Then Javert appears.
In Paris, the flames of revolution are rising. Marius, a privileged young man, runs away from home and throws himself into the revolutionary movement, roosting in the favelas.
Eponine, the daughter of an innkeeper and his wife, who used to live in the same house as Cosette, is in love with Marius, but Marius is unaware of Eponine's feelings.
When Javert finds out about him, Valjean tells Cosette that he will leave the house immediately and depart for England.
Marius asks Eponine to find Cosette. Cosette leaves a letter to Marius at the gate, and Eponine takes the note.
The general, beloved by the people, die, and on the day of the funeral procession, the activists, mainly students, decide to revolutionize. Marius, who had been in love with Cosette, also chooses revolution.
Eponine, shot by a monarchy soldier and collapses, gives Marius Cosette's letter.
Meanwhile, Valjean, who receives Marius' letter to Cosette, tries not to let him die and enters the barricade posing as a volunteer soldier.
Meanwhile, inside the barricade, Javert is there. He had been passing off false information under the guise of a volunteer soldier, but his true identity was discovered, and he was taken into custody. Valjean let Javert go.
The barricade was smashed by cannon the following day, and all the revolutionary troops were killed except Valjean and Marius.
Valjean escaped from the sewers with the wounded Marius. On their way, they encountered Javert, but he missed them. Javert then lost the meaning of pursuing Valjean and chose his death.
Having broken his revolutionary dream, Marius returned to Valjean and married Cosette.
Valjean, who had been a father figure to Cosette, revealed his past to Marius, and he lived in seclusion in a monastery, fearing that the revelation of his past would cause Cosette pain.
On the wedding day, when the innkeeper and his wife revealed that Valjean was at the convent, Marius went to the convent with Cosette.
Under the watchful eye of his beloved Cosette and guided by a vision of Fantine, Valjean was taken to heaven.
John Owen-Jones in Les Misérables: London - September 25, 2010
Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert (AI 4K Upscale)
Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary
Les Misérables | Do You Hear the People Sing?
Les_Misérables - Wikipedia