LillaBjörn Crochet - Ep. 77 - Fruity Knitting


現在チェコ共和国を拠点としている Tatsianaさんは、かぎ針編みを何よりも大切にしています。彼女はジャーナリズムを学び、オペラ歌唱を学び、雑誌を編集し、合唱団で歌っていたそうです。 しかし、彼女の色の組み合わせとデザインは本当にユニークで素晴らしい。今日は美しいクラシック音楽の歌声と共に彼女のアートワークを見てみましょう。(English) Currently based in the Czech Republic, Tatsiana Kupryianchyk has pushed crochet beyond anything.  She studied journalism, how to sing opera, edited magazines, and sang in choirs. But her color combinations and designs are truly unique. Then, let's look at her artwork with the beautiful classical music song today.

LillaBjörn Crochet - Ep. 77 - Fruity Knitting


Tatsiana Kupryianchyk of LillaBjörn Crochet is our guest interviewee in this jam-packed Episode 77, full of goodies for you and many contrasting themes.

Currently based in the Czech Republic, Tatsiana Kupryianchyk has pushed crochet beyond anything.

I've seen yoke sweaters with imitation Brioche from stunning intricate mandalas using lots of overlay crochet to color work.

She creates fantastic modern designs for both home decor and wears. You will love seeing her work!


In stark contrast to that interview, we go to Pennsylvania in the States to talk with Marie Minnich, who features in our 'Meet the Shepherdess' segment.

Wool and sheep lovers will savor this segment.

The Italian designer Stella Egidi presents her elegant sweater design, Barocco, in New Releases.

We take you on a quick escape to the German countryside near the famous spa town of Baden.


Tatsiana Kupryianchyk - LillaBjörn Crochet

Top-down, seamless, and stranded yolk sweaters are now hugely popular amongst knitting patterns.

Tatsiana has created sweater designs that use all these construction techniques but in crochet.

She has overcome some of the typical challenges crochet has, created very drapey knit-like fabrics for the body of the sweaters, and achieved wonderful color work yolk designs with overlay crochet.

Tatsiana also has blanket crochet designs that include cables and mosaic color work.


You will love looking at her beautiful designs.

There are many projects, from little baskets, drapey elegant shawls, cushions, handbags, toys, and floor rugs to the gorgeous sweater designs she shows us during the interview.

LillaBjörn Crochet - Ep. 77 - Fruity Knitting


Finding Tatsiana Kupryianchyk:

Song to the moon (Aria de la luna) Rusalka

"Rusalka" Synopsis and Commentary (Dvorak)

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