Manneken Pis


小便小僧 (オランダ語: Manneken Pis) は、小便をしている少年と噴水の像です。 似たようなものは世界各地に存在しますが、ブリュッセルの人物像が起源と考えられています。 その由来については諸説あります。 また、日本では複数の場所に配置されています。 今日もこの旅を楽しみましょう。(English) Pissing boy (Dutch: Manneken Pis) is a statue of a boy urinating and a fountain. Similar ones exist in many parts of the world, but the figure in Brussels is believed to be the origin. There are various theories as to its source. Also, in Japan, he has been placed in multiple places. Let us enjoy this journey today.

Manneken Pis


Pissing boy (Dutch: Manneken Pis) is a statue of a boy urinating and a fountain.

Similar ones exist in many parts of the world, but the statue in Brussels is believed to be the origin.


There are various theories as to its source.

One theory concerns Godfrey III, Duke of Brabant.

In 1142, Godfrey III's army placed the young ruler in a cradle and hung him from a tree to inspire the soldiers on the battlefield during the battle of Grimbergen.

From there, the lord urinated on the enemy troops and led his allies to victory.

One legend has it that a boy saved the city by urinating on the fuse of a bomb that rebel forces were about to blow up Brussels and putting it out.

The boy's name was Juliaanske, and the nickname "Julian Boy" is said to derive from him.


In Japan, he has been placed in various places.


The statue in Aramaki Rose Park in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture, is a replica presented by the Belgian city of Hasselt.


The one in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture, is not a Brussels replica and has a different origin. It also looks like a Japanese boy.

It stands on a rock overlooking a 200-m deep valley.

It is named after a story that travelers used to urinate from here to test their courage.

It is said that if he urinated here, it would turn to mist before reaching the bottom of the valley. The statue itself is not equipped for urinating.


The Manneken Pis is also located on a platform in JR Hamamatsucho Station in Tokyo.

It has his costume changed monthly by a volunteer organization.

Manneken Pis

Aramaki Rose Park

Iyakei Gorge (Hinoji Valley/Manneken Pis)

Handicraft Group Hydrangea JR Hamamatsucho Station Mannekozou Dress Up Official Webpage

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