"Mauritanian Blackened Record" Balancing Seriousness and Entertainment - Why Cumberbatch Volunteered to Appear


モーリタニア・ブラック・コーテッド・レコードの紹介:2021年イギリス・アメリカ映画。 アフリカのモーリタニア出身のモハメドゥ・スラヒさんは、ある日突然連れ去られた。 彼は9/11の首謀者の一人として拘留されたが、裁判を受けることはなく、キューバのグアンタナモ拘置所に移送された。 2005年、ナンシー・ホランダー弁護士は不法拘禁で米国を訴えた。 政府はスチュアート中佐を米軍の起訴状に任命し、ムハンマドに死刑を宣告した。 双方からの綿密な調査により、隠蔽された記録の背後にある真実が明らかになる。(English) Mauritanian Black Coated Record Introduction: 2021 British, American movie. Mohamedu Sulahi from Mauritania, Africa, was suddenly taken away one day. He was held as one of the masterminds of 9/11 but was never tried before being transferred to the Guantanamo detention centre in Cuba. In 2005, attorney Nancy Hollander sued the United States for wrongful detention. The government appointed Lieutenant Colonel Stuart an indictment to the U.S. military to sentence Mohammed to death. An in-depth investigation from both sides reveals the truth behind the blacked-out records.

"Mauritanian Blackened Record" Balancing Seriousness and Entertainment - Why Cumberbatch Volunteered to Appear


Benedict Cumberbatch, best known for his role in Marvel's Doctor Strange, fell in love with the story and was keen to acquire the film rights. The film "The Mauritanian Blacked Out Record" can move people's hearts.

Although serious in content, the film is a hopeful and forward-looking piece of entertainment that combines an excellent cast of familiar faces, the director's incredible sense of balance and the truthfulness of the real-life story on which it is based.


"Mauritanian" is the true story of Mohamedu Surahi, who was imprisoned for 14 years and two months after being falsely accused of involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, and those who fight for the truth. The Guantánamo detention centre, where Mohamedu was held, has been the scene of human rights abuses and torture without trial and remains an international concern. Mohamedu wrote a memoir from prison and published it with thousands of redactions due to censorship. This unusual book became a hot topic and a bestseller.


The cast is an impressive one. In addition to the Cumberbatch above, Zachary Levi will appear as a federal agent. Even American comic book fans will be happy to hear it's a dream collaboration between Marvel's Doctor Strange and DC's Shazam actors.

Cumberbatch plays Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Couch, obsessed with tracking down the main character, Mohammed, suspected of being involved in terrorism. Stewart was a family friend of the pilot of the plane that was hijacked on 9/11. Mohammed is said to have recruited the hijacker. The government wants him put to death. Stewart is angry at the loss of so many lives and friends.


On the other hand, Mohammed had nothing to do with terrorism and only happened to be in contact with the main criminal. His gentle smile and humble appearance made an impression on him, and he cooperated with the investigation. He is a devout Muslim, and even in prison, he never fails to spread his sajdah (mat) in prayer, close his eyes and think of his hometown. He also loves American culture and even shares American jokes with his guards to deepen their friendship. He does not seem to be involved in terrorism, and the audience is heartbroken by the appearance of Mohammed, who continues to be unjustly detained and tortured. This is played faithfully by Tahar Rahim in The Prophet (2009).


Veteran Jodie Foster plays Nancy Hollander, a lawyer who believes in his innocence. The Academy Award-winning actress, known for such classics as The Accused (1988) and The Silence of the Lambs (1991), won a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in this film. She was chosen it. She plays Nancy, an iron woman with strong convictions and a warm human side. The audience is also aware of how unusual this case is by how even this experienced lawyer struggles and is amazed by the "blacked-up record" uncovered.


The prosecutor Stewart, for example, is initially driven by an angry sense of justice but ultimately seeks the unadulterated truth. Backlund was stubborn and conservative but weakened in the face of the fact. The interrogator, who continues to torment Mohammedu, also gives us a glimpse of his exhausted face in the middle of the film because I feel the truth that torture is not the right thing to do. "I want to be fair to all parties. A true story is one without villains," says Foster. "It's a group of people who are all trying to do their best but are driven by fear."

And "Mauritanian" wraps an incredibly profound message in the epidermis of an entertainment film and drops it into the audience's heart. Mohammed, who has been deprived of most of his human rights, will be deeply touched by the one answer that comes out after suffering through the days of hell.


The end credits show the actual "after" images of Mohammed and other characters in the play. As is usually the case with real-life films, it is humbling to see Mohamedu's gentle smile, full of compassion. "I tried to bring humanity to a character who had been dehumanised," says the director. This film is about the darkness of America, politics, religion and military law while ultimately preaching humanity. The significance of being widely distributed as a mainstream work is significant.


At the Guantánamo detention centre, around 780 suspected terrorists were held and subjected to illegal interrogation, torture and prolonged detention. One of them, Mohamed Sulahi, was unlawfully detained for 14 years and two months before he was finally released in 2016. Even after his release, however, he was subjected to a range of restrictions on his liberty, and his application to enter the country was denied under pressure from the United States. The Obama and Biden administrations announced that the camp would be closed, but this has yet to happen.

After his release, Mohammed had PTSD and still suffers from panic attacks. But he now feels a mission to share his experiences and make the world a better place, says Mohammed. To see him still fighting is moving. That's why they wanted to make this film.

"Mauritanian Blackened Record" Balancing Seriousness and Entertainment - Why Cumberbatch Volunteered to Appear


The Mauritanian 


"Mauritanian Black-lacquered Record" Spoiler Synopsis Conclusion and Impressions


The Mauritanian - Official Trailer [HD] Rent or Own on Digital HD, Blu-ray & DVD Today


Directed by Kevin Macdonald and based on the NY Times best-selling memoir "Guantánamo

Diary" by Mohamedou Ould Slahi is the inspiring story of Slahi's fight for freedom after being detained and imprisoned without charge by the US Government for years. Alone and afraid, Slahi (Tahar Rahim) finds allies in defence attorney Nancy Hollander (Jodie Foster) and her associate Teri Duncan (Shailene Woodley), who battle the US government in a fight for justice that tests their commitment to the law and their client at every turn. Their controversial advocacy and evidence uncovered by a formidable military prosecutor, Lt. Colonel Stuart Couch (Benedict Cumberbatch), uncover shocking truths and ultimately prove that the human spirit cannot be locked up.

Jodie Foster Takes on Guantánamo in The Mauritanian


Jodie Foster on The Mauritanian: "It's an opportunity to revisit dark parts of our history."

The actress discusses her Golden Globe-nominated role as a lawyer defending a man held in Guantánamo for 14 years


Nancy Hollander - ¡COLORES! NMPBS


Nancy Hollander's Speech at the Berlinale Opening 2021 - The Mauritanian


Nancy Hollander: 9/11 - The Event that Changed Our World


Keynote speech by Nancy Hollander at the Norwegian conference "Public Calling", hosted by KORO - Public Art Norway and the Fritt Ord Foundation, at the National Theatre, Oslo, 1 & 2 November 2016.

About the conference:

Public Calling examines the increasingly unsettled and contentious status of public space and freedom of speech in a world defined by the responses to 9/11 and July 22, 2011, in Norway and the growing list of comparable events elsewhere.

The National Theatre was inaugurated in 1899 with Henrik Ibsen's, An Enemy of the People, in which a truth-telling whistleblower is increasingly isolated and disempowered by the establishment and his community. Taking this cue, all participants in the conference come together on the main stage–surrounded by vacant seats where silent onlookers would otherwise be–to perform the sharpened antagonisms that dominate contemporary sets for space and speech.

About the speaker:

Nancy Hollander (US) is a criminal defence lawyer whose practice is devoted primarily to representing individuals and organisations accused of crimes, including those involving national security issues. Hollander also served as a consultant to the defence in a high-profile terrorism case in Ireland and has assisted counsel in other international matters. She currently represents two prisoners at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and is the lead appellate counsel for Chelsea Manning in the military appellate courts. Hollander has written extensively on criminal law topics and taught in numerous trial practice programs, including the National Criminal Defense College and Gerry Spence's Trial College.

2022/01/20 jaar Guantánamo Bay met Mohamedou Ould Slahi


THE MAURITANIAN (2021) | Cast & Filmmaker Interview


The Mauritanian - Cast & Filmmaker

Directed by Kevin Macdonald and starring Tahar Rahim, Jodie Foster, Benedict Cumberbatch, Shailene Woodley, Stevel Marc, Zachary Levi...

Mohamedou Ould Salahi fights for freedom after being detained and imprisoned without charge by the US Government for years.

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