Michelangelo's Pieta
あなたは奇跡に出会ったことはありますか?それはバチカン市国のサンピエトロ大聖堂に存在します。息をのむ瞬間を味わうことができます。Have you ever met a miracle? You can see it in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. You will experience breathtaking moments.
Michelangelo's Pieta
Michelangelo's Pieta
I'm here today to talk to you about Michelangelo's Pieta.
Michelangelo's Pieta, Sculpted in 1498, is known as one of the most fantastic artworks in the history of man.
Michelangelo was hired to sculpt the statue for a tomb in Saint Peter's.
He said that it should be the most beautiful marble work in Rome.
It was desired among the commissioners that the work be unmatchable and on-of-a-kind.
At this point, what Michelangelo delivered.
The Pieta surpassed even the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans, who set the standards of how art itself was judged.
The Pieta depicts merry mourning of the death of Jesus.
She's sitting down, holding him.
Her face shows the pain and Laman of losing her son.
The work is so rich in detail.
It's hard to believe that it was carved from a block of stone.
Take a look at this close-up of the sculpture.
Notice that you can see the veins and Christ's arm and even the creases in his knuckles and fingernails.
Look at the detail of the fabric around.
The following close-up shows Michelangelo's superior knowledge of the human anatomy.
Notice the attention given to the muscles and bones under the skin.
Note the stomach Ridge and hands.
You can even see that Jesus has exhaled for the last time.
See how the stomach looks empty of air.
All of these aspects are very accurate to the human anatomy.
What I find to be very interesting is the deliberateness of each stroke in the sculpture.
Take a look at this close-up of Mary's face.
Notice the horizontal line across her forehead.
I interpret this to be a halo indicating her divinity.
It appears to be a very deliberate mark.
Notice how big Mary is in comparison to Jesus.
Realistically Mary would most likely be smaller in stature than Jesus.
The fact that she is so massive, maybe over seven feet tall, and has realistic scales makes it possible for her to hold him like a child.
It seems to cry out, not my baby.
Michelangelo's Pieta is an artwork like no other and will continue to be one of history's most studied, inspiring, and beloved masterpieces.
Michelangelo's Pieta
Pietà (Michelangelo)
Pietà, Michelangelo - A Brief History.