Mischa Maisky (cellist)
ミシャ・マイスキー(チェロ)彼は 1948 年 1 月 10 日(2023年現在75歳)にラトビアのリガで生まれ、イスラエルから米国に移住したチェロ奏者です。8歳でチェロを始め、17歳でソ連デビューを果たすなど早くから才能を発揮。翌年チャイコフスキーコンクールで優勝、ロストロポーヴィチに認められ、ロストロポーヴィチに師事する。しかしその年、彼は身に覚えのない罪で告発され、2年近く強制労働を強いられた。 彼は最終的に 1972 年に国を離れ、米国に渡り、翌年カサドコンクールで優勝し、国際的なキャリアを再開しました。 実に繊細で耽美的な抒情を内包した演奏は多くの聴衆を魅了した。彼はまた、ドイツ・グラモフォンと正式な契約を結び、いくつかのレコードをプロデュースしました。 シューベルトやブラームスの曲をチェロで演奏したアルバム『言葉のない歌』からは、彼の溢れんばかりの才能と歌唱が感じられ、深い感動を覚えます。(English) Mischa Maisky (cello) Born in Riga, Latvia, on January 10, 1948, 75 years old as of 2023, he is a cellist who moved to the United States from Israel. He started playing the cello at the age of 8 and showed his talent early on, making his debut in the Soviet Union at the age of 17. The following year, he won the Tchaikovsky Competition, was recognized by Rostropovich, and began to study under him.
That year, however, he was accused of something he didn't know and spent nearly two years in forced labour. He eventually left the country in 1972 and went to the United States, where he won the Cassado Competition the following year and resumed his international career. His performances, which contain a genuinely delicate and aesthetically pleasing lyricism, captivated a large audience.He also signed a formal contract with Deutsche Grammophon and produced several records. From the "Songs Without Words" album, in which he played the songs of Schubert and Brahms on the cello, we can feel his overflowing talent and singing, and we are deeply moved.
Mischa Maisky (cellist)
Mischa Maisky (born 10 January 1948) is a Latvian (former Soviet Union) cellist. His name is Misha. His Latvian name is Miša Maiskis.
He is one of the most active cellists in the world today. Gidon Kremer, a Riga-born violinist, is one year senior to Maisky and regularly appears at Kremer's Rockenhaus Festival.
He is also active in chamber music, including collaborations with pianists such as Martha Argerich and his daughter Lily Maisky. His repertoire is wide-ranging; in addition to works written for the cello, he has attempted to perform songs by Schubert and R. Strauss on the cello.
He was born in Riga in 1948. He is of Jewish descent and started playing the cello at eight. After studying at the Riga Conservatory, he entered the Leningrad Conservatory Music School in 1962. From childhood, Maisky was fascinated by the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.
In 1965, at 17, he won the All-Soviet Music Competition. The same year, he made his concerto debut with the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra.
In 1966, he won the 6th prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition. At this time, Mstislav Rostropovich, who was on the competition's jury, recognized his talent and invited him to his home in Moscow for instruction.
1969 his sister defected to Israel, bringing the Maisky family under Soviet surveillance.
In 1970 Maisky was arrested and forced to spend 18 months in a labour camp outside Gorky. His teacher Rostropovich also hid Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his villa and had his performance activity suspended by the Soviet authorities. Maisky, who was ordered to serve in the military after being released from prison, consulted a Jewish doctor, who admitted him to a psychiatric hospital to avoid his military service.
In 1972, he was allowed to emigrate abroad and left the country in November for the United States.
In 1973 he emigrated to Israel. In the same year, he won the Casado Music Competition. He gives recitals at Carnegie Hall. After the recital, Maisky was invited to play at an anonymous old gentleman's house, where he was presented with a 1720 Montagnana cello. Maisky still uses the instrument today.
In 1974, he became the last disciple of Gregor Piatigorsky, keeping Rostropovich's words, "If you have the chance to meet Piatigorsky, do not miss it."
In 1975, at the Vence Festival in France, he met Martha Argerich, and since then, the two have performed and recorded numerous times as important musical partners.
Bach's unaccompanied cello suites recorded between 1984 and 1985 (old version) were released on the Deutsche Grammophon label, establishing worldwide fame.
Mischa Maisky - Wikipedia
Mischa Maisky (cellist)
Schubert: Du bist die Ruh -- Mischa Maisky, Gábor Takács-Nagy, Weinberger Chamber
Schubert: Arpeggione Sonata -- Mischa Maisky, Gábor Takács-Nagy, Weinberger
Mischa Maisky & Pavel Gililov: Brahms - Mondenschein from "songs... without words", Op. 85/2
Mondenschein by Johannes Brahms
Nightlies over unknown pathways,
Sick heart and tired limbs -
Then, sweet moon, like a silent blessing,
Your radiance streams down;
With your beams, sweet moon,
You dispel nocturnal terrors;
All my torments melt away
And my eyes brim over.
Mischa Maisky Interview
Mischa Maisky plays Bach Cello Suite No.1 in G (full)
Martha Argerich & Mischa Maisky LIVE aus der Synagoge Görlitz 13.10.2020