Moomin - About the philosopher Snufkin's quote and the character of his sister Little My
ムーミン(スウェーデン語: Mumin、フィンランド語: Muumi、英語: Moomin)は、フィンランドの作家トーベ・ヤンソンの「ムーミン・シリーズ」と呼ばれる一連の小説と絵本、同時に主人公の名前でもある「ムーミントロール」の略称あるいは愛称。トロールは北欧の民間伝承に登場する、広い意味での妖精の一種である。今日は哲学者スナフキンの名言と、妹のリトルミィの性格について一緒に見ていきましょう。(English) Moomin (Swedish: Mumin, Finnish: Muumi, English: Moomin) is an abbreviation or nickname for "Moomintroll," the name of the series of novels and picture books called "The Moomin Series" by Finnish author Tove Jansson, as well as the main character. Trolls are a type of fairy in the broad sense of the word, appearing in Scandinavian folklore. Today we will enjoy the philosopher Snufkin's quote and the character of his sister Little My.
Tove Jansson
Finnish painter, novelist, fantasy writer, and author of children's literature.
Her best-known works are the "Moomin" series.
Country: Finland (Helsinki)
Born: August 9, 1914
Died: June 27, 2001 (86)
Go to Snufkin's Quotations
She was born on August 9, 1914, in Helsinki, Finland, as the eldest daughter.
Her father was a Swedish-Finnish sculptor, and her mother a Swedish painter.
Tove Jansson learned to draw naturally.
At 15, she began drawing illustrations for magazines, mainly political satires.
During her teens and twenties, she attended the Crafts College in Stockholm, the University of Arts in Helsinki, and the School of Fine Arts in Paris.
In 1945, at 31, she published her first novel, "The Little Troll and the Big Flood," with Moomintroll as the main character.
In 1953, she began serializing the comic version of Moomin in the British Evening News newspaper.
Published six days a week, it quickly became trendy and was distributed worldwide, where it became a favorite.
The serialization continued until 1975.
In 1966, at 52, Tove Jansson was awarded the International Andersen Prize for Writers.
On June 27, 2001, Tove Jansson passed away after 86 years.
Even as a young man, she was fond of drinking and smoking.
About Snufkin
Snufkin's name comes from the English name Snufkin, derived from snuff.
The original Swedish name was Snusummlik.
It also means "snuff-brother."
However, in the original story and the comics, Snufkin does not snuff tobacco but prefers pipe tobacco.
Snufkin is a traveler who loves freedom, solitude, and music.
He prefers to live lightly and not own anything.
He travels around the world with only his backpack.
Moomintroll and Snufkin are best friends.
Snufkin is the son of Madame Mimula and Yoxall, while little My is his half-sister.
Snufkin's freewheeling way of life has also aroused the nostalgia and longing of some adults who are tired of their daily lives.
The "Snufkin way of life" is also a synonym for the ideal or slow life.
Snufkin's Quotes (A)
I own everything that I see and everything that pleases me. I own the entire world.
It is not right that one should shed tears who plays with the tears of others or does not care for their sorrows.
You can't ever be really free if you admire somebody too much, I know.
The main thing in life is to know your own mind.
But that's how it is when you start wanting to have things.
I just look at them and carry them in my head when I leave.
Then, my hands are always free, because I don't have to take a suitcase.
Don't overreact.
Don't make too big a deal out of anything.
On a long trip, you don't need a big bag. Instead, it would help if you had a song you could sing along to.
Don't feel like you're so big because people are making a fuss about you.
There is no such thing as a quiet life.
You will never know no matter how much you think about this world.
But I think many things will become clear if you live long enough.
Today we must do something extraordinary, for it will be a glorious day.
We can't always be friendly and pleasant. The reason is simple. We don't have time.
Don't worry about what people think. Just live your life the way you want to.
No, I can't do that. I want to be alone. See you next spring.
I live here, and I live there.
Today I'm just here. Tomorrow I'll be somewhere else.
It's nice to live in a tent.
Are you guys on your way somewhere?
When you try something, there is always a risk.
When you are asleep, you are resting.
In the spring, to get back on your feet again.
We should walk according to our instincts.
I've never trusted magnets.
They only upset our natural sense of direction.
It does not matter to have the idea that, unlike people.
But, it should not be forcibly pressed against other people the idea.
Freedom is not always happiness.
It is what I see through my eyes that I only believe in.
No matter how seemingly silly they are.
I really do.
They'll go away eventually...
Or maybe I'm not going anywhere... Either way, it doesn't matter. I'm delighted as it is.
Continue to the next page.
Snufkin Quotes (B)
You feel nature, don't you...?
How wonderful to stand in front of solid wind and feel the rain coming towards us.
Living is not a peaceful thing.
Tomorrow and yesterday are far away.
The wife had a lot of relatives and knew a lot of people.
But it is possible to have a lot of acquaintances and not have any friends.
Even if your work is broken, you will never lose the excitement you felt when you created it.
More people in the world don't get their way.
Just as many try to be your friend by using sycophants.
I hate them.
What I'm looking for is not to be nosy.
The best way to be alone is to travel.
It's a nice tent, but people should avoid getting attached to things. Throw it away.
Even the little pancake-making tools.
We have no use for them.
Living things need to behave naturally.
I have been traveling alone ever since I can remember.
Maybe I will continue to do so.
It is natural for me.
When you grow up, you will understand.
In a way, adults can be more like children than children.
Isn't it part of your job to take a break once in a while?
There is only one person I hate-that park ranger.
I'm going to rip out all the "do not, do not, do not" signs!
The keyhole that opens both the door of destiny and the front door is small.
When you try to cry, you can not cry, can you?
- END -
About Little My
Little My is a Mimula girl who is very small but brave and independent.
She wears her orange hair in an onion-shaped bun, a characteristic of Mimula girls.
Her trademark is a red one-piece dress.
She is sometimes depicted in a blue and white polka dot or black striped dress.
She was born around the summer solstice as the child of Mama Mimula, who had many children.
For some reason, she did not grow up.
Compared to her older sister Mimula-nee and her half-sibling Snufkin, she is very petite.
She has lived in the Moomin Village since the novel "Summer Festival in the Moomin Valley."
In the novel "Moominpappa goes to the sea," she is adopted by the Moomin family.
In the comics, the setting was different.
In "Let's Build a House," Little My visits the Moomin home for the first time with Mama Mimula and her many siblings.
Little My, she says, is only happy or angry, never sad.
She has a rough tone but is positive and has no malice in her heart.
And she is always honest and has a kind side.
She is sharp and insightful to overly sentimental people, clearly pointing out what she sees.
It brings them back to reality in a flash.
She loves to probe into people's secrets.
However, she is not so mean as to reveal the secrets she has probed to others without meaning to.
She likes thrills.
And she decides what to do with herself and pushes forward.
When Little My wakes up from hibernation in the novel "Winter in the Moomin Valley," she is not upset.
She tried skiing and skating and enjoyed her first winter very much.
New Moomin 51 I hate you, Snufkin 1972 Japanese version.
In episode 51 of New Moomin, titled "I Hate You, Snufkin," Moomin and his friends begin playing a word game. While they're playing, the word "guitar" is mentioned, and the group starts discussing Snufkin's guitar. Snorkmaiden remarks, "The guitar must hold many good memories for Snufkin."
It causes Moomin to wonder what these memories are. So he goes to Snufkin's tent, calling for him. When Snufkin doesn't answer, Moomin enters his tent and picks up his guitar, gently holding it and lightly plucking the strings, calling it beautiful.
Snufkin enters and wordlessly takes the guitar from him. He is dead silent. I believe he's so distant because the cold wind and falling leaves are so heavily focused on in this episode; it's well-known that Snufkin is leaving soon, and both he and Moomin know it.
He begins taking branches from his woodpile. Moomin prompts him, asking, "Hey, why do you have a guitar? Everyone was talking about how many memories that guitar must hold."
He asks him to tell him about those memories. Moomin is jealous; he likely wonders what friends and memories Snufkin makes while away. He feels sad that he can't be a part of those memories - that he can't even know about those memories.
Moomin SNAPS. He picks up the guitar and smashes it, running out of the tent screaming, "Snufkin, I hate you!"
He ends up crying for a while, and the episode eventually progresses. I think he muses on how Snufkin used to comfort him with a hot drink... but then the scene cuts to a picture of Snufkin with the sound of a guitar breaking, likely implying that Moomin feels sore for damaging their relationship.
Moomin retreats to a secret place and makes friends with a rabbit, which he starts playing with regularly. Eventually, Little My, Sniff, and Snorkmaiden find him at his secret spot. Moomin is angered by this and feels his space has been intruded upon. At this moment, he suddenly understands how Snufkin felt when he saw Moomin holding his guitar, prompting him for information on his personal life.
Moomin finds Snufkin and apologizes, telling him that he wanted to know more about him and his secrets but that he shouldn't have pried. Snufkin replies that he's himself and enjoys playing the guitar, so Moomin asks him to play.
While Snufkin is playing, Moomin quietly questions when he's leaving for the south. When Snufkin doesn't hear him, Moomin only says, "It's nothing." It implies that he's learned to give Snufkin his space and that he understands Snufkin must leave. Moomin knows that he must have his private life. That he must have his travels.
It doesn't mean that Moomin won't be sad when he leaves, but he still appreciates Snufkin's need for solitude.
P.S. - Before Moomin and the others begin their word game, he sneaks up on Snufkin while playing the guitar, covering his eyes with his hands. Before he can even hear or see Moomin, Snufkin instantly says, "That's Moomin, right?"
Moomin asks how he knew it was him, to which Snufkin only laughs and says, "I knew it was you because you're my friend."
Tove Jansson Quotes
About little-my
New Moomin 14 The House of Sorry oo 1972 Japanese
50 Snufkin Quotes
Moomin - Wikipedia