Mozart: Die Zauberflöte 1995 EN/DE/IT sub - Muti


『魔笛(Die Zauberflöte)』は、ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/1756年-1791年)が作曲した生涯最後のオペラです。ストーリーは魔法の笛に導かれた王子タミーノが、数々の試練を乗り越えて夜の女王の娘パミーナと結ばれるというロマンスと、夜の世界を支配する女王が昼の世界を支配するザラストロに倒されるという話の、二重構造となっています。(English) Die Zauberflöte is the last opera composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). The story has a romance in which Prince Tamino, guided by a magic flute, overcomes numerous trials and marries Pamina, the daughter of the Queen of the Night. Also, there is a story in which the Queen who rules the world of the night is overthrown by Sarastro, who leads the world of the day, so it has a dual structure.

"The Magic Flute" Synopsis and Commentary (Mozart)

Opera data


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1791)


September 30, 1791 Vienna, Theater Auf der Wieden


Johann Emanuel Schikaneder (German)


Christoph Martin Wieland's "Lulu or the Magic Flute" from the collection of fairy tales "Ginnistan."

[Playing time]

Act 1 80 minutes

Act 2: 70 minutes Total: about 2 hours and 30 minutes


[Time and place]

ancient Egypt


Tamino (T): Prince

Pamina (S): Daughter of the Queen of the Night

Papageno (Br): A person who makes a living by catching birds.

Papagena (S): Papageno's lover

Queen of the Night (S): Queen aiming to conquer the world

Sarastro (Bs): High Priest

[Act 1]

The time is ancient. The stage is a fictional world in Egypt. Prince Tamino is attacked by a snake on a rocky mountain and falls unconscious, but three maidens under the control of the "Queen of the Night" help him. However, Papageno, who happens to hunt birds, lies that he helped Tamino. Queen's maids locked Papageno's mouth.

Prince Tamino falls in love at first sight when her maids show him a picture of the Queen's daughter Pamina. The Queen has promised to give her daughter to the Prince if he saves her from being captured by the villain Sarastro. The Prince receives a "magic flute" from her maids and decides to go to Sarastro's temple. On the other hand, Papageno, who had his mouth open, also chooses to follow the Prince and receives the "magic bell".

Prince Tamino and his companion Papageno are separated in the temple of Sarastro. Papageno finds Pamina first. Then, guided by the power of the magic flute and the magic bell, Tamino and Pamina finally face each other before Sarastro. They think that they are destined for each other.

Sarastro was not a villain but a great priest who protected Pamina from falling victim to the evil ambitions of the Queen of the Night to conquer the world.

[Act 2]

Sarastro puts Tamino to the test to win Pamina. Papageno is also set to the test to win her heart. First, the difficulty of "silence". Unaware of the circumstances, Pamina is deeply saddened by Tamino's silence, but he endures it admirably. With the help of the Magic Flute, Tamino and Pamina survive the following tests, Fire and Water.

Papageno, on the other hand, hates to endure and fails the test. Finally, however, he borrows the Magic Bell's power and eventually meets a young girl, "Papagena", who becomes his lover.

Now the Queen of the Night can't keep quiet. So, together to infiltrate the Temple of Sarastro with her maids. But she is struck by lightning and falls into the night.

Sarastro blesses Tamino and Pamina for overcoming their trials and praises Oresis and Isis, the sons of the sun god.

Explanation (point)

[1] Mozart's last opera

The Magic Flute was Mozart's last opera. Schikaneder, president of the theatre Auf der Wieden, who commissioned the composition, played Papageno himself, and the Premiere took place on 30 September 1791, conducted by Mozart himself. Unfortunately, Mozart died on 5 December. But, right up to the end, he said, "I want to hear the Magic Flute again". Mozart must have loved the opera. "The Magic Flute was a huge success and was performed 100 times in just over a year. The opera is still much loved by audiences today.

[2] The world of fairytales

The story is a fairytale world, and parts of the story don't make sense. This is because Mozart and Schikaneder, who wrote the libretto, were followers of a religion called "Freemasonry", a secret society famous at the time. However, it is a series of amusing episodes set in the peaceful world of fairy tales. You can relax and enjoy your time with this opera, even if you usually feel uncomfortable and stiff about watching opera.

[3] Parade of famous arias

A melody everyone knows, a song like an opera indeed. The Magic Flute's main attraction is that you hear the best of Mozart's music. For example, the Queen of the Night aria features a soprano called a coloratura, who walks the highest notes like a tightrope walker. The lead tenor who sings Tamino's aria, "What a beautiful picture", needs a lyrical and gentle voice. Also, Papageno and Papagena's duet "Pa Pa Pa" is an enjoyable song, so I recommend that you listen to it once.

Mozart: Die Zauberflöte 1995 EN/DE/IT sub - Muti; Groves, Rost, Loukianetz, Keenlyside, Hölle (full)

Mozart, The Magic Flute, La Scala, Milan, 1995

[AI high-definition version] W. A. Mozart: The Magic Flute (Levine, 1991)

Commentary on the highlights of David McViger's version of "The Magic Flute" presented by the Royal Opera House in England

"The Magic Flute" Synopsis and Commentary (Mozart)

Mozart: Die Zauberflöte

Gods and myths of ancient Egypt


Symbolizes rebirth and life after death.

King of the underworld. He carries a "white crown", a sceptre and a shell pole, a djed pillar and a staff on his head.


God of agriculture, goddess of fertility, Great sorceress, keeper of the throne


the sun god, the creator of the heavens and the earth, the head of a falcon, the sun with a sun disk, a was staff, ankh, etc. on its head. The sun rises in the east in the morning, sets in the west in the evening, and repeats death and rebirth in one day. Immortal existence.

(Osiris myth) Isis was married to her brother Osiris, but Osiris was killed by her brother Seth. After picking up her husband's dismembered body by Seth, he resurrected her and conceived her son Horus. Still, Osiris could not remain alive on earth and descended to the underworld to become king of the dead—Rice field. After the death of her husband, Isis protected her son Horus until he grew up, after which she did everything in her power to help him regain the earthly throne that Seth had usurped.

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