New Cinema Paradiso
1988年のこのイタリアの映画は、中年を迎えた映画監督が、映画に魅せられた少年時代の出来事と青年時代の恋愛を回想する物語です。 少年トトの演技は素晴らしく、エンニオ・モリコーネの音楽も非常に美しい。 そしてあなたはラストシーンに感動せざるを得ないでしょう。 This Italian film from 1988 tells the story of a filmmaker approaching middle age who recalls the events of his boyhood and his adolescent love affair with cinema. The performance of the boy Toto is excellent, and the music by Ennio Morricone is lovely. And it would be best if the final scene moved you.
New Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo Cinema Paradiso)
One night, Salvatore, a filmmaker living in Rome, receives a call from his mother in his hometown, informing him of Alfredo's death.
In bed, Salvatore recalls the days of old.
Not long after the end of World War II, the young boy Salvatore was called Toto.
He lives with his mother and sister in a rural village in Sicily.
His father had disappeared after being taken away in the war.
At that time, the only entertainment facility in his rural village was a small cinema that doubled as a church in the center of the town.
The cinema was their only window to the outside world for the villagers.
On weekends, the old projector began to spin in the theater.
American movies showed the outside world, including romantic relationships between men and women, which were impossible in the conservative village.
The villagers were always surprised when they saw such movies.
On the night a new imported film was released, the villagers would gather at the movie theater and cheer at the screen.
They would also boo when they saw a love scene that had to be cut by the church's strict priest.
Toto was so fascinated by the film that he repeatedly entered the projection room.
Alfredo, the projectionist, scolded Toto each time but felt close to him.
Toto began to learn how to operate the projector by watching and imitating.
One night, the film ignites during projection, and the cinema burns to the ground.
Toto's desperate rescue efforts save Alfredo's life.
However, he lost his eyesight due to burns.
Soon after, the government recognized his father's death in the war.
Toto worked as a child projectionist at the newly rebuilt "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso."
As the years went by, Toto became a young man, acquired a movie camera, and began to shoot films on his own.
He fell in love for the first time with Elena, a beautiful girl he met at the train station, but Toto joined the army.
When he returned to his village after his discharge, he found another man sitting in the projection room, and Elena had lost touch with him.
When Toto was depressed, Alfredo told him, "You are young. Go out and find a way, don't stay in the village, and don't come back".
"Life is not like the movies you saw. It is much more difficult!"
True to his word, Toto left for Rome by train.
Thirty years have passed since then.
Toto Salvatore, now middle-aged, was a successful film director in Rome.
He returned to his home village, where his elderly mother was waiting for him, to attend Alfredo's funeral.
There he found that the "New Paradise Theater" had already closed.
Furthermore, he learned that the building would be destroyed soon.
Salvatore is given a memento left to him by Alfredo.
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso