Osamu Dazai "No Longer Human" Synopsis
あなたは太宰治の"人間失格 - No Longer Human"を知っていますか? この物語と切っても切り離せないのが「宗教のテーマ」です。なぜ『人間失格』が現在もベストセラーであり続けるのでしょうか?日本人がアイデンティティを模索した戦後。主人公はどうしてもキリスト教を信じることができませんでした。彼は、人に裏切られ、神に裏切られ、仏に裏切られた結果、人間ではなくなってしまった。あなたは人を信じることができますか?私たちは何かをつかむことができたのでしょうか。 Are you familiar with Osamu Dazai's "No Longer Human"? Inseparable from this story is the theme of religion. Why is "No Longer Human" still a bestseller today in Japan? After the postwar period, the Japanese people were searching for their identity. The main character could not for the life of him believe in Christianity. He has been betrayed by people, betrayed by God, betrayed by Buddha, and as a result, he is no longer human. Can you believe in people? Have we been able to grasp anything?
Osamu Dazai "No Longer Human" Synopsis
Osamu Dazai's "No Longer Human" and Soseki Natsume's "Kokoro" have consistently topped the list of Japan's best-selling books.
However, "No Longer Human" describes many problems that make our lives more complicated than necessary.
For example, have you ever struggled with the following themes?
Trust and betrayal
Loving others
Worrying about the atmosfear of the people around you
Getting hurt a heart by trivial things
Acting like a clown by stifling your true self.
Addictions (alcohol, relationships, drugs)
Distortion of family relationships
It is the monologue of Osamu Dazai.
Or it is your own story, not anyone else's.
It will be a unique book that you cannot separate from yourself.
Summary of "No Longer Human"
Author: Osamu Dazai
Publication date: 1948
Genre: Private Novel (new drama group)
Themes: distrust of humanity, self-destruction
The main character, "You-zou," is a sensitive character who, since childhood, has played the role of a clown at home and school.
As a reaction to the stifling of his true self, he indulges in drinking, smoking, and leftist ideology.
Furthermore, he leads a decadent life.
Constant problems with women have also marked his life.
First, he attempted suicide by drowning in water with a café waitress named "Tsuneko," but only he survived.
Next, he comes to live with the widow Shizuko.
But he feels that he is making others miserable, and unable to bear it, he runs away from home.
Finally, he marries the innocent Yoshiko, but she is raped, and he eventually loses faith in people.
Sick from alcohol and drugs, he is locked in a cage in a mental hospital.
He then admits that he has become a "No Longer Human" and a madman.
It concludes the synopsis of "No Longer Human."
How was it?
I am sure you may have found some of the themes that apply to you.
One month after finishing this work, Osamu Dazai committed suicide by drowning in a river with his mistress "Tomie Yamazaki."
Unlike You-zo, he really and truly died. In other words, "No Longer Human" can be called his last masterpiece.
No Longer Human
Osamu Dazai "No Longer Human" Synopsis