Nobody knows "Good morning."


「おはよう」は英語で「おはようございます」です。しかし、日本語では「朝早くここに来た」は「おはよう」です。「おはよう」を「おはよう」に、朝一番に会う言葉という意味で当てはめました。「おはよう」を「おはよう」として覚え、英語話者、無意識の考え、感情を無視しました。こんな身近なことにも理由があり、話し手や書き手の気持ちが込められています。 今日は「おはよう」の言葉から始めてみましょう。(English)  "Good morning" is "I wish you a good morning" in English. However, in Japanese, "You came here early in the morning" is "Ohayou." We applied the translation "Ohayo" to" Good morning" from the point of view of a word used when meeting first thing in the morning. We memorized "Ohayo" as" Good morning," ignoring English speakers, unconscious ideas, and feelings. There are reasons for such familiar things, and they reflect the sentiments of the speaker or writer. So let's start today with the words "Good morning."

Nobody knows "Good morning."

"Good morning" is considered to be the Japanese "Ohayo," but if you think about it, the literal translation is "Morning is good."

There is no "Early" equivalent to "Ohayou."

In fact, "I wish you a good morning" is the original form.

In the English world, the idea of greeting is a prayer.

Only good words are used because it is a prayer.

Even if the weather is terrible, it is" Good morning," not" Bad morning."

Incidentally, for the Japanese, greetings are factual descriptions.

In other words, when the weather is bad, Japanese people say, "It's terrible weather, isn't it?"

When the weather is bad, they say the fact that the weather is terrible.

" Ohayou" was also originally a factual description.

"Today, you are here early in the morning."

In other words, "You came here early in the morning" is "Ohayou."

So, the English "Good morning" and the Japanese "Ohayo" are fundamentally different in conception.

We applied the translation" Ohayo" to" Good morning" from the point of view of a word used when meeting first thing in the morning.

Thus, Japanese people have not learned "English ideas and accurate English" from the point of "Good morning."

They just memorized "Ohayo" as" Good morning," ignoring English speakers, unconscious ideas, and feelings.

Incidentally, another example of "We wish you a" being omitted is "We wish you a merry Christmas."

Even expressions we took for granted that we knew, when we capture confirmation, we see the actual picture and the image changes.

It is an example of how we feel differently when we use an expression.


In ancient times, "God be with ye" was a shortened form of "Godbwye."

"ye" is the old second-person pronoun "you," and "God be with ye" means "God be with thee" or "God bless you."

"Sayou Nara" is the word "Sayou Nara Ba," abbreviated from "Ba," which has become a greeting.

To put it into a modern expression, it is like saying, "Well, that's that then" when parting, and "Sayou Nara ba" means "If that's the way it is."

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