What is Norse Mythology? Easy to understand the basics - No.1
北欧神話とは、スカンディナビア半島、アイスランド、デンマーク、ドイツなどに広がっていた、北方ゲルマン人たちに伝わる神話体系です。世界の創造から滅亡までを物語る、神々と英雄の伝説です。中世以降、ヨーロッパ諸国は次々とキリスト教化されていきました。これに対して、アイスランドやスカンディナビア半島のゲルマン人たちは、10世紀頃までキリスト教化されず、古くからの信仰を残していました。そして北欧神話は様々な歌や詩、散文の形で後世に残されました。「なんとしても生き延びる」厳しい時代を生き抜いた逞しい人々の思いが込められている神話の物語です。(English) Norse mythology is the mythological system of the northern Germanic peoples that spread across the Scandinavian peninsula, Iceland, Denmark, and Germany. They are legends of gods and heroes that tell the story of the world from its creation to its destruction. After the Middle Ages, European countries became Christianized one after another. In contrast, the Germanic peoples of Iceland and the Scandinavian peninsula were not Christianized until around the 10th century and retained their ancient beliefs. Norse mythology was preserved for posterity in the form of various songs, poems, and prose. "Survive at all costs." This mythological tale is filled with the thoughts of the resilient people who survived the harsh times.
What is Norse Mythology? Easy to understand the basics
What exactly is Norse mythology?
After the Bible and Greek mythology, it is the cultural and spiritual foundation of the Western world.
It is the very origin of fantasy.
Even today, it continues to be used as a motif in many cultures.
Norse mythology is explained here in an easy-to-understand manner.
You can understand everything from the basics to the synopsis and historical background.
Please feel its charm and fun.
What is Norse Mythology?
Northern Germanic Mythology
The Nordic world, where ancient beliefs remained
A unique view of the world and the universe
world tree Yggdrasil
The nine worlds of Norse mythology
Brave Gods and Eschatology: Tales of Norse Mythology
the beginning of the world
Murder of Ymir and Creation
creation of man and the world
The war between the Aesir and the Vanir
Odin's Journey
Battle of the Thunder God Thor and the Giants
Balder's Death and Loki's Captivity
final war Ragnarok
What is Norse Mythology?
Norse mythology is a system of myths handed down by the Germanic peoples that spread across Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, Germany, etc.
A legend of gods and heroes tells the world's story from its creation to its destruction.
And Norse mythology has been preserved in the form of various songs, poems, and prose.
Features of Norse mythology
A myth of the Germanic tribes of the north
Have a unique view of the world and the universe
Rough and Brave Gods and Eschatological Thoughts
Northern Germanic Mythology
First of all, the Germanic people are essential in understanding Norse mythology.
In ancient times they lived in a northern region called Germania, which remained independent of the Roman Empire.
It is also mentioned in Caesar's Gallic Wars.
The collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the invasion of the Vikings greatly influenced the subsequent formation of the Western European world.
The Nordic world, where ancient beliefs remained
After the Middle Ages, many European countries were converted to Christianity.
In contrast, the Germanic peoples of Iceland and Scandinavia were not converted to Christianity until around the 10th century and retained their ancient beliefs.
Norse mythology is a collection of the customs and spirits of the northern Germanic peoples.
Vikings are the general term for the northern Germanic people who invaded Europe around the 9th to 12th centuries. Possessing excellent navigation skills, he looted in various places and was also active in commercial activities. And when they colonized different areas, Norman dynasties were established.
A unique view of the world and the universe
Norse mythology has a unique world and cosmology.
First, it consists of nine worlds connected by the world tree Yggdrasil.
With Asgard, where the gods live, at the top, there are Midgard, where humans live, and Niflheim, a world of frigid ice.
world tree Yggdrasil
In Norse mythology, the world is thought to be one big tree.
Nine worlds exist around this enormous tree, which embodies the world itself.
And this huge tree is the world tree Yggdrasil.
According to Edda, Yggdrasil is a giant ash tree.
Each of the three roots leads to three springs: the spring of Urz, the spring of Hvergelmir, and the spring of Mimir.
The Edda is the primary source of Norse mythology. Compiled in 13th-century Iceland, this document compiles the legends handed down by the Northern Germanic peoples in the form of poetry. There are two types: the Old Edda (Poetry Edda) and the Snorri Edda. They were written in Old Norse.