What is Norse Mythology? Easy to understand the basics - No3


さぁいよいよ最終回です。Now it's time for the final installment.

北欧/ゲルマン神話において四方を司っているのはイミルの死体から誕生したドヴェルグ(=ドワーフ)です。「アウストリ(東)、ウエストリ(西)、ノルドリ(北)、スードリ(南)という四人の小人」です。神話的世界観では四方に立つ彼らが天球(天空)を支えていることになっています。(English) In Norse/Germanic mythology, the dwarves (= dwarves) born from Ymir's corpse rule over the four directions. The four dwarves, Austri (East), Vestri (West), Nordri (North), and Sudri (South). In the mythological view of the world, they are supposed to support the celestial sphere (heavenly sky).

What is Norse Mythology? Easy to understand the basics - No3


Battle of the Thunder God Thor and the Giants

In Norse mythology, Thor is the most powerful god of thunder.

Son of Odin, the god of thunder.

He wields a hammer called the Mjolnir and possesses overwhelming strength, slaying most enemies with a single blow.

He has fought many battles with giants for the sake of gods and humans.


Balder's Death and Loki's Captivity

Balder is the god of shining light.

The son of Odin and the goddess Frigg, the wisest and most beautiful of the gods, and loved by all.

He lost his life due to Loki's jealous plot.

Loki is a mischievous god who brings chaos.

Although they are pure giants, they have made a pact with Odin to become brothers-in-law and live in Asgard as gods.

He is good at magic and can transform into various forms at will.

After Balder's murder, he became more hostile to the gods.

The gods then capture Loki and imprison him underground.

He was tortured by dripping snake venom on his face.


final war Ragnarok

Ragnarok is the final day in Norse mythology.

This is also the final war between the gods and the giants.


omen of the end

According to Edda, the terrible winter begins first.

There is no summer, and three harsh winters continue, killing many creatures.

The sun and moon were swallowed up by Fenrir's sons Skoll and Hati, and the stars vanished from the heavens.


Arrival of Ragnarok

Heimdall senses the coming of the end and blows the Gjallarhorn.

As a result, Asgard's gods and warriors (Einherials) don their armor and go to war.

On this day, all seals will be broken.

The sealed Loki and Fenrir broke their restraints and were released.


Giants Invade Asgard

The giant serpent Jormungand creates a massive tsunami on the continent.

Loki leads Helheim's legion of the dead to invade.

The Surt, the giant of fire, marches with Muspelheim's army.

Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, Bifrost, crumbled under their march.

The gods and giants then clash in the fields of the Viegries.


The final battle between gods and giants

Odin faced off against the mighty Fenrir but was defeated and swallowed.

Odin's son, Vidar, steps on Fenrir's jaw and slashes him with his sword.

The thunder god Thor fights his nemesis Jormungand and defeats him by throwing Mjolnir three times.

However, he ate the poison and collapsed himself.

Tyr, the god of war, fought Garum, the watchdog of the underworld, and ended up in a trade-off.

Loki and Heimdall also traded.

The fertility god Frey fights against the giant of fire, Surt, but is defeated.

And Surt's flames will burn the whole world to the ground.


The end of the world and the new age

Due to this war, gods, and humans, all life will die out, and the world will be destroyed once.

But instead of a complete end, a new era begins.

The submerged land resurfaced, and a new sun was born.

In the forest of Hodmimir, the only remaining burnt forest, two humans survived.

In addition, Baldr is resurrected from the underworld, and Vidar, who survived Ragnarok, will become the gods of a new era.

With this, a new world began.



An easy-to-understand introduction to Norse mythology.

It is a northern Germanic mythology system with a unique worldview.

It is a story that summarizes the customs and spirit of the Germanic people,

I can tell that it was nurtured in the harsh natural environment of the north.

And the fascinating worldview and stories are influencing various cultures even today.

What is Norse Mythology? Easy to understand the basics


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