"Our wise choices will save the planet." - Jane Goodall, 88-year-old environmental activist
チンパンジーが道具を使うという画期的な発見で知られる著名な環境活動家ジェーン・グドールは、環境被害を軽減する上での個人の選択の重要性を強調している。 彼女は、環境への影響、動物虐待、児童奴隷制を考慮した意識的な意思決定を提唱しています。 生息地の破壊が増加したため、1986 年に研究から保護に移行したグドール氏は、環境活動において若者に力を与えるための「ルーツ アンド シューツ プログラム」を設立しました。 88 歳の彼女は森林再生活動に貢献し、100 か国で毎年 550 万本の木を植えています。(English) Renowned environmentalist Jane Goodall, known for her groundbreaking discovery that chimpanzees use tools, emphasizes the importance of individual choices in mitigating environmental damage. She advocates for conscious decision-making, considering environmental impact, animal cruelty, and child slavery. Goodall, who transitioned from research to conservation in 1986 due to increasing habitat destruction, founded the Roots and Shoots program to empower youth in environmental action. At 88, she contributes to reforestation efforts, planting 5.5 million trees annually across 100 countries.
"Our wise choices will save the planet." - Jane Goodall, 88-year-old environmental activist [Elderly innovator who changed the world].
Dr Jane Goodall, renowned animal behaviourist and environmentalist. Known for her world-famous discovery that "chimpanzees use tools", she continues to be active, lecturing around 300 times a year.
- 17 January 2023
At the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020, Jane Goodall said:
"Each of us has an impact on the planet every day. The size of that impact depends on the choices we make. How was it made, is it not damaging the environment, is there animal cruelty, is there child slavery because it is cheap?"
There are countless things to think about. By thinking like this and making wise choices, the collective efforts of people will move the world forward for the better.
Images of the changed forest accompany these words that she witnessed and the sad, voiceless voices of the animals. In 1960, 26-year-old Jane travelled from England to the jungles of Gombe, Tanzania, to conduct the world's first long-term behavioural study of great apes.
But it was at a conference she attended in 1986 when she became aware of the accelerating destruction of nature due to the development of farmland and the disappearance of animal after animal as their habitats were taken away that she took up the challenge to move from research to conservation. She took the helm as soon as possible.
"The greatest threat to the future is indifference."
Jane's famous quote is in the children's book I Am Jane Goodall:
The greatest threat to our future is apathy.
Despair, anger and indifference were what Jane felt when she spoke to young people around the world about the climate crisis. Past unsustainable resource use has led to pollution, habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity and even climate change.
Jane created the Roots and Shoots environmental education programme so that the younger generation could take the initiative in tackling environmental issues with hope while facing the daunting challenges of the adults.
The name is based on her wish: "May the roots of hope spread throughout the world and become shoots that break through the wall of difficulty".
Even now, at the age of 88, he continues to plant 5.5 million trees a year for reforestation in over 100 countries worldwide. Her innovative activities are leading to the realisation of a genuinely sustainable society.
"Your actions make a difference."
Changing things for future children, animals, and the environment is okay. It's not too late now. She tells us it is essential to think about "something close to me that I can do" and make small daily efforts.
"Human beings have an indomitable spirit and a heart that never gives up and challenges the impossible. If every person acts with that heart, there will be hope for our future."
Jane speaks powerfully today.
"Your actions make a difference. What kind of difference do you want to make?"
"Our wise choices will save the planet." - Jane Goodall, 88-year-old environmental activist [Elderly innovator who changed the world].
Jane Goodall: What separates apes and humans Jane Goodall TED2003
The speaker recounts their experiences in the Ecuadorian rainforest, where indigenous people fight to preserve their land and way of life from oil companies and deforestation. She also discusses their work studying chimpanzees in Tanzania, highlighting how technology has transformed field biology and our understanding of animal cognition and culture. The speaker emphasises the interconnectedness of all life and the damage humans have inflicted on the planet, mainly through deforestation and pollution. They express concern for future generations and advocate for the Roots and Shoots program, encouraging young people to engage in projects that benefit their communities, animals, and the environment. The speaker concludes by stressing the power of individual action in creating a sustainable future.
Learn from 86-year-old animal behaviourist Jane Goodall. [VOGUE woman selected by Jean Claire]
At age 86, she continued to appeal for harmony between animals and humans in 2008.
Equipped with little more than a notebook, binoculars, and her fascination with wildlife, Jane Goodall braved a realm of unknowns to give the world a remarkable window into humankind's closest living relatives. Through nearly 60 years of groundbreaking work, Dr Jane Goodall has shown us the urgent need to protect chimpanzees from extinction and redefined species conservation to include the needs of local people and the environment. Today she travels the world, speaking about the threats facing chimpanzees and environmental crises, urging us to take action on behalf of all living things and the planet we share.
Primatologist/Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute Jane Goodall
Roots & Shoots Global
Roots & Shoots groups take positive action through local and international projects that benefit the environment and improve the lives of people and animals.
Jane Goodall: The Hope
David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
Jane Goodall Releases Chimp
Jane Goodall: Retrospective