Pan's Labyrinth


映画『パンズ・ラビリンス』独裁政権が牛耳るスペインは、どこもかしこも争いばかりで、苦痛が蔓延していた。戦争で父を失ったオフェリアは、母親の再婚相手の屋敷で世話になることになった。新しい生活に不安を覚えたオフェリアは屋敷を抜け出し、森に逃げ込む。そこで彼女は自分のことを魔法の国の王女の生まれ変わりだと言うパンという名の怪物と出会った。今日は彼女と一緒に冒険に旅立ってみましょう。(English) In the film Pan's Labyrinth, first scene, Spain is ruled by a dictatorship, and there is conflict and widespread suffering everywhere. Ofelia loses her father in the war and is taken care of in the house of her mother's second marriage. Anxious about her new life, Ofelia escapes from the home and flees into the forest. There she meets a monster named Pan, who claims to be the reincarnation of a princess from a magical land. Today, let us set off on an adventure with her.

Pan's Labyrinth


Once upon a time, in an underground world, there was a kingdom where there was no sickness or suffering.

In that kingdom, there was a beautiful princess.

The princess always dreamed of a gentle breeze, sunshine, and blue skies.


One day, the princess sneaked out of the castle and went to the human world.

But as soon as she was bathed in the bright sunshine, she forgot who she was and where she came from.

From that moment on, the princess of the underground kingdom began to feel cold and pain and suffer from illness, eventually dying.


The loss of the princess saddened the king, but he knew that her spirit would return one day.

And he waited for that day forever and ever.


The girl Ofelia lost her father, a tailor, in the civil war.

She and her pregnant mother are taken in by Captain Vidal, a remarried man and a member of the dictatorial army, and moved to a military fort in the forest.


The ruthless Vidal, who leads the war against the resistance, cares only about his unborn child.

The mother was also only interested in her husband's wishes.

Therefore, Ofelia is neglected by everyone and spends her days in solitude.


Life in the fort became heavy for her.

She was drawn into the world of fairies and fairy tales in books.


Ofelia's only companion was Mercedes, the fort's housekeeper.

However, her brother has thrown himself into the resistance movement, and Mercedes has helped him to do this under the watchful eye of Captain Vidal.


One night, a fairy appears to Ofelia and leads her to a labyrinth deep in the forest.

There, Pan, the keeper of the labyrinth, was waiting for her.

As soon as he sees her, he tells her, "You are the princess of the kingdom of the underworld."


Pan tells her that the labyrinth is the entrance to the kingdom of the underworld.

He then tells her that she must complete three trials to see if she is the princess.

Thus, Ofelia had to complete the three ordeals given to Pan.


While Ofelia was visiting her fantasy world, Captain Vidal carried out a relentless sweep.

It invades her fantasy and the natural world, casting a dark shadow over it.


Last scene.


Ofelia was able to meet her newborn brother.

But at a price, her mother died.

Pan appeared to the grieving Ofelia and said he would give her one last chance.


Bring your brother and come to the labyrinth. Ofelia decided to follow Pan's instructions.

Ofelia sneaks into Vidal's room and tries to take her brother out of the space under his watchful eye.


When Ofelia saw Vidal leave the room after receiving news that one of his men had been injured, she poisoned his drink.

She tries to take his brother out, but Vidal returns and finds her.


But then the guerrillas showed up to storm the compound.

Ofelia took advantage of Vidal's gap and escaped with her brother into a hole in the forest.

Ofelia tries to hand her brother over to Pan.


Ofelia refuses Pan's demands because Pan says her brother wants to cut his hand a little.

He needed to get pure blood for her becoming queen.

But then Vidal appears and takes her brother from her.

As he leaves, Vidal shoots Ofelia dead.


When Vidal returns from the forest with the child, an army of guerrillas is waiting for him.

When Vidal realized his fate, he entrusted his son to the guerrillas.

Bidal then fell to the guerrillas' bullets.


Ofelia's blood dripped into a hole in the forest after she fell to Vidal's bullets.

The door to the magical land was opened with the blood as a key.

Ofelia heard a voice calling her name and found herself in the palace.

Her father, the king, her mother, and Pan appeared before her and congratulated Ofelia on her choice to spill her blood instead of her brother's.

Pan's Labyrinth - Wikipedia

Spoilers for Pan's Labyrinth.

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