Paul Klee - Flora on Sand


「芸術は見えないものを見えるようにする」と主張していたクレー。スイスのベルン生まれの画家は子供のころからヴァイオリンもプロ級だったそう。妻もピアニスト。一人息子も愛し育てた。35歳の時、チュニジア(北アフリカ)旅行 後、彼は鮮やかな色彩に目覚め、作風は一変した。第一次大戦の従軍、皮膚病、ナチによる弾圧、そして亡命。 2005年、故郷ベルンに約4000点の作品を収蔵したパウルクレーセンターもできた。クレーの墓石には「この世では、ついに私は理解されない。なぜならいまだ生を享けていないものたちのもとに、死者のもとに、私はいるのだから。なぜなら、私は普通より創造の魂に近いからです。しかし、私はそれほど近づいていないかもしれません。」というクレーの言葉が刻まれている。 Klee claimed that "art makes the invisible visible." He was a painter born in Bern, Switzerland. He also played the violin professionally and was an orchestra member at 11. His wife was also a pianist. He also loved and raised his only son. At age 35, he was awakened to vivid colors after a trip to Tunisia (North Africa), and his style changed completely. His life was marked by military service in World War I, skin diseases, Nazi oppression, and exile. In 2005, the Paul Klee Center was established in his hometown of Bern with approximately 4,000 works. On his gravestone are inscribed the following words. I was not understood in this world, for I am with the unborn or the dead. Because I am closer than normal to the soul of creation, I may not be that much closer.

Paul Klee's "Flora on Sand" (1927)

"Flora on Sand" is preserved in the Felix Klee Collection in Bern, Switzerland.

This painting is deeply indicative of Paul's interest in children's artwork.

His keen understanding of color theory recalls the aesthetic experiments he discussed.

It is very evident in the wonderfully natural expression.

In his lectures at the Bauhaus, he suggested that:

Klee took a thin metal plate, covered it with sand, and stroked the edges with a violin bow.

The vibrations were then expressed as rhythmic patterns in the sand.

For Klee, it was an analogy between the artist and their medium.

It is the artistic spirit expressed in the material world.

*Ref) "Analogy" is to infer different things based on similarity.

*Ref) "Metaphor," on the other hand, uses a different word as a metaphor.

Klee said, "That is, the impetus (or will to live, or impulse) to vibrate.

And its transposition into the arising of matter.

And finally its visible expression in a new order of matter."

"We (artists) are the bow, the will to express.

And the matter is the mediator. The figure in the sand is the ultimate formal product."

Klee's beliefs were essentially transcendentalist.

*Ref) Emerson's transcendentalist philosophy: "everything on this earth is majestic and leads to the universal essence (nature)."

He believed that human consciousness could be expanded through different symbols.

"FloraonSand" is an instance of his work representing his further step into abstraction.

*Ref) "Instance" is an actual object he created based on a design drawing.

Paul Klee's "Flora on Sand" (1927)

Paul Klee (Wikipedia)

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