Preface to Lanting Pavilion 1


蘭亭序(Rantei-jo)は、王羲之が書いた書道史上最も有名な書作品。353年(Eiwa, 永和9年)、王羲之は名士や一族を会稽山(Mt. kaikei)の麓の蘭亭(現在は浙江省紹興市)に招き、42名で宴を開いた。その時に作られた蘭亭集の序文として、王が書いたもの(草稿)が「蘭亭序」である。王は書いたときに酔っており、後に何度も清書しようと試みた。しかし、草稿以上の出来栄えにならなかったと言い伝えられている。いわゆる「率意, Sotu-i」(展示用の書のように練習や下書きせず、心のままに筆を動かし書いたもの)の書である。28行324字。(English) Rantei-jo (蘭亭序) is the most famous calligraphic work in the history of calligraphy, written by Wang Xizhi. In 353 (Eiwa 9), Wang Xizhi invited distinguished persons and family members to Lanting at the foot of Mt. Kaikei (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province), where he held a banquet for 42 people. The Preface to Lanting Pavilion is a draft of what Wang wrote as a preface to the Lanting Pavilion Collection made at that time. Wang was intoxicated when he wrote it and later made several attempts to clean it up. However, legend has it that he could no better complete the work than the draft. It is known as a 'Sotu-i' (calligraphy that is not practiced or drafted as is the case with exhibition calligraphy, but written freely with the brush as one's mind dictates). Twenty-eight lines, 324 characters.

Preface to Lanting Pavilion 1, calligraphy(蘭亭序)


Eiwa 9 歲 在(In Eiwa 9 it existed.)

In the 9th year of the Eiwa Era (353), in the year of the 癸丑 (Kityu, 癸丑), at the beginning of spring, he held a poetry reading at the Lanting (Rantei, 蘭亭) in the foothills of Mount Huaihe (Kaikei-Sanin, 會稽山陰).


Kaikei-gun (會稽郡) is a county that once existed in China.

It was established between the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

It was established in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in eastern Yangzhou and developed as a political and cultural (Six Dynasties Culture) center during the Six Dynasties.

Its territory has changed over time, but the current area around Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China, is its center.


The first poem was written at the Lanting Poetry Pavilion on Mt Kaikei(會稽) in early March.

The purpose was to purify the mind.


I write from a copy of all the Rantei (Lanting) preface that Wang Xizhi (Ougishi, Wang Xizhi), an expert in calligraphy, wrote. please refer to it by all means.


Look away from distractions and recreate the same mindless situation as when writing.

The program has been edited so that you can concentrate on the brush strokes and do the image training (right-brain activation program) as often as you like, just as if you were writing it yourself.

We sincerely hope that you will improve your writing.

Preface to Lanting Pavilion 1, calligraphy(蘭亭序)

蘭亭序 - Wikipedia

Study Wang Xizhi's Lanting Preface.

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