Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ


イギリスのエリザベス女王は、2022 年 9 月 8 日に滞在していたスコットランドのバルモラル城で、家族に囲まれて亡くなりました。 彼女は 96 歳でした。国葬は 9月 19 日にロンドンのウェストミンスター寺院で執り行われます。英国は、その国葬が終わるまで、国中で喪に服します。 国葬の日は休日となります。比類のない素晴らしい女王のご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。今日は、在位70周年、初の長編ドキュメンタリー映画の解説を楽しみましょう。(English) Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom died on 8 September 2022 at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, where she was staying, surrounded by her family; she was 96. The state funeral will take place on 19 September at Westminster Abbey in London. The UK is in state mourning throughout the country until after the state funeral. The day of the state funeral will be a holiday. We pray for the repose of the soul of the extraordinary queen. Today, we enjoy a commentary on the first feature-length documentary film on the 70th anniversary of her reign.

The movie "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Smile" was released on Friday, June 17, 2022


Here is Queen Elizabeth as no one has seen her before.

Queen Elizabeth II is the most famous woman in the world, the British monarch.


On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of her reign, the first feature-length documentary film is released.

See the Queen at her most charming and humorous!


In September last year, director Roger Michel died suddenly.

When the new coronavirus deprived him of the opportunity to shoot his next film, the Queen was first on his list of ideas.

But it couldn't be a déjà vu, clichéd royal documentary.


"Queen Elizabeth is like the Mona Lisa. An overwhelming presence that everyone knows.

She is far more famous than the Beatles and is the 'fairytale hero living in a castle.

But despite her presence, her reality is veiled, and we could never really get to know her permanently."


In this film, however, she plays games on the deck of a ship and jumps for joy when her favorite horse is about to finish first in a horse race.

The film offers the chance to experience the charm of the cute and charming "real face" of Her Majesty the Queen, which no one has ever seen before.


Superstars, historical politicians, and celebrities such as The Beatles, Elton John, Daniel Craig, and Marilyn Monroe will grace the stage with rare footage and songs.


The world will celebrate the Queen at her first platinum jubilee as the British monarch, which will take place over four days from June 2, 2022, across the UK.


The film is like a time machine, moving back and forth through the decades with archive footage from the 1930s to the 2020s.

The music speaks as if we were dropping the needle on a record.

We see a portrait of a woman called Elizabeth, every expression and symbolism she displays.


What a unique social history that one woman has experienced so much intensity in just one life.

Her Majesty the Queen's journey from childhood to adulthood, receiving hundreds of bouquets and shaking hands with thousands of people.

In 1952, at the young age of 25, she ascended the throne as Queen Elizabeth II.

The extraordinary life and journey are poetically and sometimes populist, with a deep love and awe of the Queen.

The most stylish film ever made is here.

Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom, where and how the funeral was held. 


James Bond and Queen London 2012 Performance 


Marmalade sandwich, Your Majesty? 


[Main video] The opening 2 minutes and 10 seconds has been lifted! The movie "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Smile" was released on Friday, June 17, 2022 


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