Salzburg Festival 2002 TURANDOT


1926年、ミラノ・スカラ座にてオペラ『トゥーランドット』は幕を開けました。初日当夜、プッチーニによる作曲部分が終わったところ(リューの自刃の場面)でトスカニーニは突然指揮を止めました。そして彼は聴衆に「マエストロはここまでで筆を絶ちました」と述べて舞台を去りました。2夜目になって、初めてトスカニーニによるカット処理後、オペラは演奏されたのでした。(English) The opera Turandot opened at La Scala in Milan in 1926. On the night of the opening night, at the end of Puccini's part of the composition (the scene of Liù's suicide), Toscanini suddenly stopped conducting. He told the audience that the Maestro had finished his writing and left the stage. After Toscanini's cutting, for the first time, the opera was performed to the end on the second night.

Salzburg Festival 2002 TURANDOT Turandot (Japanese subtitles)


Act 1.


In front of the city gates of Beijing, an official reads out Turandot's orders.

Those who court the beautiful princess must solve three riddles she poses.

If they fail to answer them, they will be executed.


The estranged Dattan king Timur, prince Calaf, and slave Rieu met at the gate.

At that moment, the Prince of Persia, defeated in the ordeal, was just about to be beheaded.


When Calaf saw Turandot, who had appeared to witness the sentence, he was fascinated by her beauty.

And without heeding the firm wishes of Liu, who loves him, Calaf makes a request to Turandot for her hand in marriage.

Act 2.


The three ministers, Ping, Pang, and Pong, discussed the solution to Turandot's riddle.

They are saddened by the numerous defeats they have suffered in recent years.

They hope that peace will soon come to the country.


The scene changes, and people gather in the Emperor's Square.

Emperor Ultim laments the cruelty of Turandot.

He then asks Calaf to withdraw his marriage proposal.


Calaf refused to do so.

He is determined to challenge Turandot's three questions.


Turandot appeared.

She begins to tell why she refuses the men.

" Once, the beautiful Princess Lo Lin was tricked by an exotic man and died in despair. I will take her place and take revenge on all the men in the world."


Soon the three questions are posed.

Calaf solves them all.

And Turandot is defeated.

First riddle: "What is born every night and disappears at dawn?" Khalaf answered: 'It is hope.'

Second riddle: 'What is red and hot like fire, but is not fire?' 'It is blood,' Kalaf returns with two correct answers.

The final riddle: 'What is cold as ice but burns all around it?' Khalaf was troubled but answered this correctly as well. 'Turandot!'


She is astonished.

Calaf says, ' If you know my name by tomorrow morning, I may die.'

Act 3.


The people of Peking are searching for Calaf's name on Turandot's orders.

She says, ' If you do not find my name, I will die you all.'

The ministers asked Calaf to tell them his name.


So the people captured two people, Timur and Liu.

Liu defended King Timur, saying, "Only I know his name."

She tells Turandot about the "preciousness of love."


She commits suicide withholding the secret.

Turandot is very upset.

Eventually, alone with her, Calaf gives Turandot a passionate kiss.


The princess's previously icy heart begins to melt like a dam.

Calaf reveals his name himself.

She cries out to her father, the emperor, "His name is <Love>" and accepts the prince's heart.

Salzburg Festival 2002 TURANDOT Turandot (Japanese subtitles)

TURANDOT Puccini - Grand Théâtre de Genève - 2022/07/23

Puccini, Turandot, 'Even the icy heart of the princess', Maria Callas.

[Street Piano] The song made famous by figure skating rang out in an office block! [Turandot]

Turandot - Wikipedia

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