Saul (Handel) Full opera at GlyndebourneOpenHouse


サウル (ヘンデル) ->ダビデは巨人ゴリアテを倒しましたが、誰もが彼の勝利を喜んではいません。この若き戦士に嫉妬したサウル王は、彼に敵対し、暴力的で破壊的な狂気に陥り、彼の子供たちに忠誠と愛の選択を迫り、家族と国を引き裂くのである。ヘンデルが描いた「リア」のような王は、その心理的な複雑さにおいて驚くべきものであり、それ以来、このような精神的崩壊の音楽的肖像はほとんど見られなくなっている。歌手の潜在能力を引き出すスリリングな合唱、精緻なアリア、珍しい楽器を使った大胆なオーケストレーションと相まって、まさにシェイクスピア的な聖書のドラマを創り上げている。(English) Saul (Handel) ->David has defeated the giant Goliath, but not everyone rejoices in his victory. Jealous of the young warrior, King Saul turns against him, descending into violent, destructive madness that forces his children to choose between loyalty and love, tearing both a family and a nation apart. Handel's vision of a Lear-like king is astonishing in its psychological complexity, offering a musical portrait of mental collapse few have since matched. Combined with thrilling choruses that exploit the virtuosic potential of their singers, exquisite arias, and bold orchestration filled with unusual instruments, it creates a Biblical drama of truly Shakespearean scope.

Saul (Handel) Full opera at GlyndebourneOpenHouse

From Friday, 16 December, at 12.00 pm, you can watch Handel's Saul for free on YouTube. The opera will be available until 5.00 pm on Friday 6 January. 



Saul was the first king of Israel sent by God.

Then David, a young shepherd, appears as a brave man who takes excellent credit in war.

Already the people greet David like a hero.

Saul loved David like a son, but gradually he became jealous of David, who was supported and praised by both God and the people.


Later, Saul rebelled against God in a battle against the Amalekites and lost his trust.

In response, the prophet Samuel, under God's command, anoints David to be king.


Meanwhile, David's rapid advance did not stop.

Saul is highly jealous of David's great victory over the Philistines and plans to kill him.

However, thanks to the efforts of his son Jonathan and David's wife Mikal (Saul's daughter), David escapes.


Saul, anxious about the future, asks God for a favor, but the answer is that God has already "given up on Saul."

The Philistines drive the Israelite army back, and Saul and his son Jonathan are killed in battle. 

When David hears this from Mikal and his older sister Merab, he is deeply saddened by their deaths.

[What to listen to]

Act I. 

Hymn of Victory and Glory by the Nation of Israel, Chorus. 

-> Long chorus praising the greatness of God, interspersed with arias

Echoes of carillon Chorus of Israelites 

-> The people sing a song of welcome to David, but when Saul hears the lyrics, he becomes angry, claiming that he has been insulted.

David tries to soothe his anger by playing the lyre, but Saul's anger is not appeased. Saul throws his spear at David.

Act II. 

Mikal, David, duet. 

->Mikal receives permission from his father to officially marry David, and they sing of the joy of their love.

Act III. 

Chorus and priests 

->Merab, David, and Mikal sing a song of mourning for Saul and Jonathan, who died in battle


->The Israelites declare to God that David will surely take back the land that Saul lost.


[Handel's works are once again being presented to the world today]

Handel is a giant of Baroque music.

Along with another great writer of the same age, Bach, his music was not limited to one era but looked far beyond.


While Bach composed mainly church music, including religious music and organ pieces, Handel was a vigorous composer and activist of operas and oratorios, mainly for the theater. It was a life of stark contrasts.

For Handel, the title of opera composer, a symbol of secular culture, and oratorio composer, a symbol of church culture, could be represented simultaneously.


Instead, he made the most of the know-how and advantages he had developed in his operatic works in his oratorios.

With oratorios, for example, the general trend was that it was undesirable to reveal a character's emotions or portray their inner life, even in an area.


Handel's oratorios, however, clearly characterize the individual characters.

This is similar to how casting such appealing characters as Figaro, the Queen of the Night, and Papageno in Mozart's later operas makes the music and the stage more appealing.


[Applying operatic techniques to oratorios]

It is said that Handel's most excellent appeal lies in his operas and oratorios.

The year 1739, when "Saul" was composed, was a significant turning point for Handel.


Handel's operas received great acclaim in Italy and London.

However, in 1737, the Royal Academy of Music, to which he belonged, went bankrupt due to sloppy management.

It was no longer possible for him to continue composing operas.


However, Handel overcame such a pinch with a brilliant turn of events.

Finally, Handel came up with "Saul," a dramatic masterpiece unparalleled in oratorio history.


The great thing about "Saul" is not its biblical theme and a history lesson. 

Its most significant appeal is that it is a lively human drama that never bores you for a moment.


[The whole story is full of listening!]

Beethoven is said to have been a passionate admirer of Handel's works.

It may be because he liked intense and deep-pocketed music like "Saul."


"Saul" is an ambitious work in which Handel has poured all kinds of techniques and elements into it.

It would not be an exaggeration to call it the greatest masterpiece in the history of the oratorio.

Incredibly wonderful are the excellent choruses that color essential scenes in the play.


The overture is followed by a chorus praising the God of the Israelites, which lasts about 10 minutes with intervening arias and ensembles.

Skillful facial expressions and overwhelming exhilaration are drawn, and a magnificent climax is built.


A chorus lamenting how Saul loses himself and rushes down the path of destruction in the second act.

In the finale, the Israelites praise David and sing a chorus declaring a new start to God.

The chorus continues to be astonishingly satisfying to listen to, giving the story of "Saul" a sense of truth and persuasiveness.


Each area of Saul, Merab, David, Jonathan, etc., is fascinating.

Sinfonias and funeral marches inserted as interludes are also colorful.


Saul's arias in the title role are few.

However, it is full of accompañatos (melodic lines accompanied by orchestral music) that express passion and anger.

Saul's personality and thoughts are beautifully expressed.


David's harp and Carrion (imitation of a lyre) also prevent developments that could easily drown in the gloomy atmosphere and give the music a pleasant accent.

Handel's masterpiece found its way into the oratorio! Handel's "Saul"

Saul (Handel) Full opera at GlyndebourneOpenHouse

Saul_(Handel) - Wikipedia

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