Seiji Ozawa - Saito Kinen Festival Rehearsal 1992


セイジ・オザワ 松本フェスティバル(OMF)についてー1992年より長野県松本市で毎年夏に開催してきた『サイトウ・キネン・フェスティバル松本』(SKF)は、2015年より、総監督小澤征爾の名を冠した『セイジ・オザワ 松本フェスティバル』(OMF)へと生まれ変わりました。SKFと同様、母体であるサイトウ・キネン・オーケストラ(SKO)の優れた演奏はもちろんのこと、世界的指揮者、演奏家、出演者が小澤征爾総監督の強い要望を受けて、松本に集まります。(English) About the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival (OMF)  The Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto (SKF), held every summer since 1992 in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, has been reborn as the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival (OMF), named after its general director, Seiji Ozawa, since 2015. Saito Kinen Orchestra (SKO), as well as outstanding performances, world-class conductors, performers, and performers, will gather in Matsumoto at the strong request of General Director Seiji Ozawa.

The 30th Anniversary of the 2022 Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival is to be held from August 13 to September 9

 Conductor Seiji Ozawa serves as general director of the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival (OMF), which has been held in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture since 1992 (until 2014, the festival was known as the Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto). This year marks the 30th anniversary of the festival, which has been held by the Saito Kinen Orchestra (SKO) and other outstanding musicians from around the world.

 Since the festival was not held in 2008 and 2009 due to the Corona Disaster, it is the first time in three years that the festival is being held in the same year as its anniversary. The festival will be held from Saturday, August 13, to Friday, September 9. In addition, it was announced that an exceptional performance under the direction of Andris Nelsons would be held this fall.

 The program will include an orchestra concert (8/26, 8/28) and opera performances (8/21, 8/24, 8/27), with Charles Dutoit and Nodoka Okizawa taking the podium, respectively.

 Dutoit came to Japan last year when it was announced that all festival performances had been canceled and conducted a concert that drew a total of 120,000 viewers and was distributed free of charge worldwide. This year, he will return to Matsumoto to perform Toru Takemitsu's "Ceremonial" (sho: Mayumi Miyata), Debussy's "Images for Orchestra," and Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring.

 Takemitsu's "Ceremonial" was commissioned to him in 1992, the festival's first year. At that time, it was performed by the Saito Kinen Orchestra conducted by Seiji Ozawa and Mayumi Miyata on the sho (Japanese mouth organ), and this year will mark the anniversary year with Miyata again.

 The opera performance will be Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro. The production will be directed by Roland Perry, the genius behind "The Clever Fox" (2008), "The Child and the Magic" and "A Time in Spain" (2013), among others. The opera will be conducted by Okinawa, who has been remarkably active as a guest conductor with major orchestras in Japan in recent years and is not to be missed.

 And on November 25 and 26, the autumn OMF exceptional performance "Seiji Ozawa: Matsumoto Festival 30th Anniversary Special Concert" will feature Andris Nelsons, Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, who will perform Mahler's Symphony No. 9.

 The Boston Symphony Orchestra, which Ozawa served as Music Director from 1973 to 2002, is an orchestra with which he has close ties. The Mahler Symphony No. 9, which Ozawa performed in his last concert as music director in April 2002, will be performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and expectations are high for what kind of sound Nelsons will bring out of the SKO.

Seiji Ozawa / Saito Kinen Festival Rehearsal 1992


Young Performers: Seiji Ozawa  / Ozawa · Bernstein · New York Philharmonic

Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 "Eroica" Herbert von Karajan

Rhapsody in Blue Bernstein 1976

Yo-Yo Ma Bach Cello Suite No.1 in G Major

Brahms: Symphony No.1: Seiji Ozawa

Mahler revival Boston Symphony conducted by Ozawa

About the Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival (OMF)

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